Status: active.

A Second Reality.

Chapter 9

“Purple or yellow?” Emelia asked holding up two bandanas to her neck. I glanced away from the latest issue of Seventeen Magazine to ponder her question.

“The yellow matches your belt better.” I answered returning to the article about Zac Efron staring in the movie Hairspray. Emelia turned back around towards the vanity and examined the two choices.

“Hmm...” she pondered switching the bandanas in front of the mirror. “Purple it is!” She answered throwing the yellow one behind her.

“Of course.” I softly commented flipping the page.

It has been a months since I first met the Jonas boys. After spending a few weeks practicing in Michigan the Jonas Brothers were ready for their Marvelous Party Tour (or their Prom tour you could call it), which took place all across the US. The gigs mainly consisted of amusement parks, state fairs, reasonable sized theaters, and a few clubs here and there. Kevin, Nick, and Joe invited me to come along with them for a few weeks; at first my farther refused to let me go. He said that he didn’t want me running around the country with three teenage boys. It wasn’t until after Mr. and Mrs. Jonas talked to him that he actually allowed me to go. So here Emelia and I were, sitting backstage at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. Emelia was getting ready for the show this evening and I was “helping” her.

“There how do I look?” Emelia asked tying on the purple bandana as she pivoted around. She then put her hands on her hips and posed.

Closing the magazine I looked up at her outfit. “Very nice… but I still like the yellow bandana better,” I joked. Emelia didn’t even answer; she just turned around and started to apply eyeliner. “So have you heard anything about Camp Rock, it’s been almost a week now right?” I asked.

NO! I’m freaking out! I want to know if I got the role or not!” She shouted as she circled her eye with the pencil.

“I really hope you did! I mean the next stage of auditions is coming up soon.” I smiled at her hoping the insurance would calm her down. “Did Joe hear anything?” I asked as Emelia circled the other eye.

“I’m not sure… but I heard something about the Camp Rock people thinking about putting Nick and Kevin in the movie.”

What? Did they even audition?”


“That’s strange.” I commented leaning back on the deep red couch. Emelia nodded as she swiftly applied eye shadow. “Speaking of Nick…” I added, “has he been acting weird to you?”

“What do you mean?” Emelia asked placing the brush onto the table.

“I don’t know. He just seems to be like something’s up.”

Before answering Emelia ran her hands through her hair shaking it up. After a few seconds she paused in the mirror then brushed it straight and neat again. “I know him and Olivia are being really weird lately. Like there is something up with them.”

I opened my mouth to ask what she was talking about, however, before I could speak the door to the dressing room swung open. “Hey what’s up ladies?” Joe asked rushing into the room. He plopped himself down onto the cushion next to me. Attempting to be cool Joe threw his feet upon the coffee table and spread his arms across the back of the sofa.

“Not much, what’s up with you Joseph?” I asked jokingly.

He squinted his eyes while softly gazing at me. “Don’t mock me Miss Oster.” He raised his bushy dark eyebrows as a soft smile appeared upon his face.

“Yeah, yeah, Mr. Jonas.” I continued to mock.

“Well….It’s my turn with Emelia. You two had enough ‘girl time’” I rolled my eyes standing up from the couch. I figured since I had the last two hours all to myself with Emelia, it seemed only fair that it was Joe’s turn.

“But Joe! I’m not ready yet!” Emelia shouted right as I reached the door. She applied the finishing touches as I moved out of the room.

“You two have fun.” I joked walking into the empty hallway. I quietly closed the door behind me staring into the bare space. Great, now what am I going to do?

I stood there for a few seconds before deciding to look for Kevin or Nick... or just someone. As I walked down the hallway towards the stage I heard a mumbling coming from one of the rooms. As I came closer to the door I could make out the sound of two people yelling. Suddenly a crash came from the other side. I stopped in my place when Olivia’s voice ripped through the wall.

“Don’t act like you don’t do it!” She yelled. I quickly leaned against the brick wall so I could hear the conversation more clear. I know this was wrong but I couldn’t help myself.

“Olivia. I don’t know what you are talking about.” Nick calmly replied to her.

“Oh don’t say that. I see the way you look at her and how she looks at you!” My heart pounded in my chest, and my ears began to ring. Olivia knew.

“Hey listen, you are the girl I want not—“

“Nick save it!” Olivia interrupted. Her shouting was followed by sound of footsteps coming towards the door.

I quickly took a few steps in the opposite direction hoping not to get caught. But I was too late. The door swung open as a furious Olivia rushed out. When I caught her eye she directly froze in her place.

“Oh great.” She quickly remarked turning rapidly away in the opposite direction of where I stood. A few moments later, Nick slowly emerged from the room. His eyes looking worried as he watched Olivia disappear into the distance.

“What was that about?” I asked, as he remained staring down the hallway. For a few seconds it seemed like he didn’t even realize I was there.

“Just Olivia going crazy.” He answered his gaze locked upon the direction towards which his girlfriend disappeared.

“I noticed. What is she upset about?” I asked even though I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to know the answer to this question.

Nick finally broke from his stare then looked at me. “She just thinks I like this girl.” He calmly remarked.

My heart stopped, I could feel my blood freeze within my vanes. Quickly it began to beat again, pounding faster and faster inside my chest. My mind and my mouth felt like they weren’t connected. Without any warning, I blurted out, “Well do you?”

For a quick second I wanted him to say yes. I wanted him to tell me he felt the same way. But Nick said nothing. He seemed speechless as if he himself didn’t know the answer to the question. Nick’s eyes slowly moved to the hallway that once was occupied by Olivia. He placed his left hand behind his head shaking his dark brown curls.

“Well… Uh…” He began.

With out any warning a scream followed by a shriek came from behind us. We both instantly turned around in shock. What we saw didn’t surprise either one of us. Emelia came running down the hallway towards a girl with light brown flowing hair. The two girls immediately collided into each other, hugging and exchanging feelings of missing one another. I turned back to Nick to see a smile emerge upon his face. Slowly it became goofier and goofier. I looked back at Emelia and the other girl. Her back was towards us and I couldn’t make out her face. All I could see was her long flowing hair swaying back and forth as she conversed with her friend. I glanced one more time back at Nick. It seemed like he was in another world as he stared at the brunette. It became clear that maybe he wasn’t talking about me. That maybe there was another girl. I looked back around just as Emelia and the girl pulled away. Finally I could make out her features.

It was Miley Cyrus.

“Yeah…” Nick finally answered my question. “Maybe I do.”
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Super short....but hopefully that's ok. It's been an extremely long time.