Want Me

Sidney Crosby was fortunate. He had the entire world within his grasp. His accomplishments, on paper, were those of a well seasoned veteran. Two World Junior medals; one gold, one silver, two Messier awards, a Hart, a Pearson, an Art Ross, the Rocket, the Stanley Cup and Olympic Gold. Sidney was an incredibly gifted hockey player, to say the least. At the young age of twenty two, Sidney had accomplished more than most could even imagine in a twenty year career let alone in their first five seasons. To those on the outside looking in, Sidney Crosby had it all. Little did they know that there was one thing that he had never been able to have.

Jessa Leigh had grown up with Sidney. Their mothers were good friends so from the time they were babies they had been inseparable; there were even naked baby bathtub pictures of them somewhere. Jessa and Sidney did everything together. As they grew up they found it increasingly harder to be friends, as a lot of boys and girls do. The feelings that Jessa had for Sidney did not turn into something more as Sidney’s had and it put strain on the friendship. As their once easy going friendship turned into one that involved a whole lot of effort, Jessa began to resent Sidney for taking her best friend away from her.

As Sidney’s career took off, he shipped out of the province to perfect his game. Shattuck St. Mary’s, Rimouski Oceanic, and then the Pittsburgh Penguins. Jessa went on with her dreams of becoming a teacher and moved to Ontario to attend school. Every summer, when hockey season ended and the school year came to a close, Sidney and Jessa always returned to Cole Harbour…and each other.


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based on Cheap Trick's 'I Want You To Want Me'
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