Status: Active

I'm Only Going to Break Your Heart

Movie Night Over Emily's House

After Jacob's father got done with the legends it was all I could think about was being in love with that special someone, a person who completes you. I felt a warm hand place its self on my shoulder as I turn to see that it was Paul who was looking at me with his warm brown chocolate eyes.

"Dawn, do you think I could talk to you, but away form everyone else, please?" Paul asked me.

"Um.. sure," I answer him, as he place a had out for to grab as he pull me to my feet.

We began walking down to the path that lead to the woods that were near by, walking a little farther into the woods we didn't stop until we reach a clearing. Once we stop I turn mt attention toward Paul waiting for him to speak what ever was on his mind, looking at him it seem as though he was trying to figure out how to say what ever it was that he wanted to tell me. Finally, Paul face me as he took a breath to speak, but what came from him, or at least I think it was him, was growl similar to a growl that animals make as a warning to intruders.

"Paul, are you OK?" I ask kind of unsure about what was going to happen next at this point.

I didn't receive an answer back instead I got another growl louder than the first, and from then one I was sure that it was coming from Paul. Within a blink of an eye Paul had me in his arms and we were at the edge of the woods were the bonfire was.

"Dawn, I need for you to run into the house and find Emily, and stay there until I come for you, got it?" Paul said, in such a serious tone that I knew he was meaning business when he said it.

I nodded my head as I turned on my heels to go inside the house I felt Paul wrap his arms around me before running back off into the woods, without giving a second thought about what he did I began to do as he told me and run toward the house. When I was inside it seem as the only people inside were Kim, and Emily, none of Paul's friends were inside the house. Now I was really confused because they were all here before Paul and I left and we were only gone for no longer than a few minutes, how could they have disappeared that fast? Instead of wonder about it I approach Emily, who was washing the dishes, "Emily, do you know where the guys went?" I asked her.

"Oh, they all had to go home for a few minutes to get something for movie night tonight, they'll be back shortly. How about you call your mom to see if you can join us for movie night? You can even borrow some of my clothes if need be," Emily, answered with a smile that told me everything was OK.

I gave her a smile back as I took out my cell to call my mom to ask her if it was OK that I stay over later at Emily's for tonight, and without a second thought my mom said it was fine as long as I was home safely by tomorrow morning. Hanging up the phone I thought I should waste some times waiting for the boys to get back, so I help wash dish with Emily, it wasn't until about an hour or so later that the guys all came back walking in with a couple of movies in their hands.

"So whose ready for movie night?" Sam asked as he set the movies on the counter and walking up to Emily to give her a kiss before turn his attention to me, "Dawn are you stay over tonight?"

"Yeah, if that's OK with you." I told him.

"Of course, the gang all normally crash here when we have movie night."

I gave him a smile as I walk over the couch as everyone else got a seat , while Seth put the movie in the DVD players, Paul took a seat next to me. I have to admit I was still a bit freaked out about the whole growling thing, but I guess it was my imagination because Paul seem fine now, the screen title appeared in the screen and it was then that I knew it was going to be a long night. Throughout the movie was nothing but scary people popping out of no where and people getting taken away by mutants looking creatures, and if the first The Hills Has Eyes wasn't enough they also had the second part to it to add to my nightmares. Thankfully Paul didn't seem to mind me hiding from the screen by burying my face in his shoulder when ever the scary part were playing, he just chuckle at me as he pulled me closer to him.

"Aw, come on that part wasn't even that scary," Paul said teasing me as I hide from the view of the TV from the horrible scene.

I look up at him as he was looking back, and being the mature person I am, stuck my tongue at him, "You may want to put that away, Dawn," He told, raising his eye brow at me.

"What are you going to do about it if I don't?" I told him, as I once again stuck my tongue out at him.

Before I could even put my tongue back in my mouth, Paul's fingers were holding my tongue, I tried to get my tongue free from his grip, but it only resulted in him smirking at my attempts of failure. "Now are you going to stick your tongue at me again?" he asked me keeping a smirk on my face.

I gave him a nod as he release my tongue from his grip receiving a glare from me as I turn my until back to the TV only to once again have my face hidden in Paul's chest. It seem like hours before the movie was over and at about that time I was already in a deep sleep using Paul as my personal pillow.
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Sorry it took forever to get this chapter out for you guys, I'm sorry. Please rate and comment to let me know what you think of the story so far, so that I know what you guys like and dislike about the story so far.