Status: Active :]

This Table Has Taken A Turn For The Worst

In The Most Unexpected Places I See Changes.

Sure enough, as soon as I sat down, she came over, "You look familiar. Can I get you anything?" I saw a playful glint in her eye, and had to play along.
"I'm not so sure if I've ever seen you though." Okay, to her it was playing along, but to me it was a fact.
"Well, my name's Mae Goodman, and I am your waitress."
"Hello there Mae, I'm William Beckett, or Will, or Bill, pretty much any variation. Lots of people just call me Bill, so I guess you could just remember me as 'Bill' then." Oh look, she had me rambling!
She laughed, "Since we got past our introduction, can I get you anything?"
"Just a coffee." I couldn't stop smiling at her. Her good mood was definitely infectious.
"No problem, I'll be right back!" I'd ask her about school when she got back. She looked my age, so maybe she was going into my year as well. I was really confused, not by her but by myself. Honestly, I wanted to get to know her better, but I just didn't want to admit that to myself.
They weren't that busy right now, so I figured a little conversation wouldn't hurt when she came back out with my coffee, "Hey, um, what grade are you going into? You look really familiar…" She giggled and set down the coffee.
"Actually, I just moved here a few weeks ago, so I'd be quite surprised and confused if you saw me around school. But, I am going into my senior year." So she was in my grade! I smiled at her.
"Really? Me too."
"Oh cool! I'll be seeing you around then… I'm kind of seeing you anyway since I assume you'll be here often? I take it you like our coffee; I saw you buy that bag." She nodded towards the bag at my feet. I chuckled.
"Yes, I'll be stopping by every once in a while…so you're not from around here?"
Mae sighed, "No, so I don't really know anyone, or anything around here. Thankfully, I got a job right away."
"I could show you around someday." The words came out before I had time to think about what I was doing. I didn't know this girl at all, yet I offered to show her around town someday.
"Wow, well that's nice of you." He eyebrows shot up, "I would like to say that I have a break in a few minutes, but I don't. So just drop by someday, and I'll see if I can take off." She grinned, and I stared at her in slight disbelief for a second. Did she really just agree to hang out with a complete stranger? She was a friendly person though, so it made sense to want to make friend with random people.
"Alright, I'll do that. It seems like you make friends easily, so why haven't you made them yet?" She scrunched her nose.
"Like I said, I don't know the area too well so I don't know where to find people. Interesting people." I raised my eyebrows at the "interesting".
"So I'm interesting?" I smirked.
"Don’t flatter yourself," She joked, "but you're not so bad. You're a real nice guy." The combination of that statement and her smile made me feel butterflies in my stomach.
"You're a nice person yourself. But I should be letting you go, I doubt you're getting paid to socialize with customers." She made a face.
"Business is slow right now, but I guess I don't want to get into trouble. It was really nice getting to talk to you."
"Yeah, it was really nice. I'll be dropping by again someday."
"And I'll be waiting."
I smiled widely at her, and turned to walk away, "Have a good day."
"Hey, that's my line. You too." She waved goodbye before walking back to the counter. I waved back, thinking about the fact that I had a new friend in the works. And how much of a better mood she was able to put me in; I couldn't stop smiling.
Although I also couldn't help but think about how I pretty much had almost asked her out. Did I really do that? I was just doing it to be nice; she was new around town. Regardless of why I did it, I knew one other thing, and that was that Liz was one of the furthest things from my mind at this point. Summer is starting to look up already. In just two days, Mae was able to change my way of thinking about this summer. Maybe it could be better. I certainly thought that she could change things for the better. It was like the summer was starting all over again, and I would live it up this time. I couldn't wait to spend some time with her; hopefully this good feeling would last a few days.
♠ ♠ ♠
So that's chapter 5 for you! THEY TALKED. Granted, it wasn't about much but I was excited for it. So comments make me happy, because I need to know if you guys REALLY like it so far :/ I'm so scared, but I think once I finally get past this first meeting, things will get less awkward. I feel awkward, but I feel much better about the story from here on out. Honestly, I really like this chapter. But really, I need to know if you're all happy with Mr. Beckett and he's not too...yeeahhh. I promise, he'll be less confusing after this. :|