Status: Active :]

This Table Has Taken A Turn For The Worst

It's Been A Hell Of A Day.

Once I got home, dinner was already ready and waiting for me. It seems I had actually spent a good portion of my day out; my dad was even home, which meant I was home much later than I thought. The funny thing about it though was my mom decided to call me to ask where I was as I was pulling into the driveway. I chuckled, and ignored the call because I figured I'd be inside my house in a matter of steps.
"Hi mom, dad. That smells really good." I took my seat at the table just as my mom was setting her own plate down. I immediately started eating, and my mom just stopped and stared at me, started laughing and shaking her head.
I looked from her to my dad, smiling, "What?"
"Nothing. I'm glad you're here in time to enjoy. I just didn't see you come in. But you coming in and immediately chowing down is quite normal." She started to cut into her steak when my dad looked up. Now he kept his own brown, now slightly graying, hair short, where I liked mine a bit longer. I figured I got my mothers waves, but that was kind of it. I had been told throughout my life that I looked just like my dad when he was younger. Same brown hair, same brown eyes, both tall and skinny. I guess it was true; I had seen many pictures from my parents' younger years.
"You were out all day…where were you?" He looked genuinely puzzled, which doesn't surprise me one bit. I haven't done much this summer, unfortunately. I was going to answer him, until I realized that speaking with a mouth full of potato isn't the best idea in the world.
"Well, I slept in a bit, and went to visit Andy. It was a longer visit than I had originally planned on, however." He nodded and continued to eat.
"How is Andy? Why hasn't he come over that much?" My mother inquired. Typical mom questions. I just went with them, however, "He's great, just looking for a job so he's been busy going around and stuff."
She nodded, "Ahh, ok. Tell him he's always welcome." The rest of dinner went like it did every night with idle chatter about our days, but not much of it came from me. I just sat and listened to my parents talk about their jobs, like every other person does.
After dinner, I cleared the table and offered to do dishes. After, my parents retreated back to the living room, whereas I told them I was just going to go shower. I do quite a bit of thinking in the shower-but then again, who doesn’t?
I pulled out a large green towel from the closet, and turned the water pretty hot. Once I stripped off my shirt, I noticed that I really didn't get any darker all summer.
"Alright, time to go out in the sun a bit more often." I mumbled to my reflection, grimacing at my pale stomach.
After my shower, my thoughts were as foggy as the bathroom mirror. My plans for tomorrow were nonexistent whereas my plans for Friday were unclear. I could always call one of the guys to see if anyone was available tomorrow, otherwise, it would drag on for ages. As for Friday…I already knew when I'd be dropping by for Mae, but what we were going to do after I pick her up was beyond me. Maybe something would give me an idea tomorrow. For now, I would try to keep things quiet. And I definitely would not tell my parents about Friday; too many questions I didn't feel like having to answer to.
With a sigh, I wrapped my towel around myself and padded across the carpet to my room get ready for bed. Once I was ready, I sat back on my bed and started to think once again. I finally officially cut everything off with Liz by giving her stuff back. It was about time. At this point in time, it felt like forever since I had last seen her, but that didn't bother me at all. As sweet of a girl as she was, she just wasn't right for me I guess. And I figured that her excuse for breaking up was just to cover the fact that she really didn't want to continue with me, at all, and that was probably the best way to end everything. It was sad when I thought about it; I don't know what I was doing wrong. Maybe she just realized I wasn't her type. Maybe she just wasn't happy. But that's the one thing that bothered me. What was I doing wrong? How could I prevent that from happening again?
I quickly got up and shook my head. I would end up giving myself a serious migraine one day. But along with shaking my head and rubbing my temples I proceeded to walk to the living room to finally say goodnight to my parents. They were sucked into a cop show-their guilty pleasure.
"Goodnight, love you guys."
"Bed, now? But it's still early! Really early. You haven't gone to bed by 9:30PM since you were little. Is anything wrong?" And here was my mom, jumping to conclusions.
"No, everything's fine. I'm probably just going to read before bed or something. I don't know yet. But I am a bit tired." They accepted that answer and I turned to go back to my room once more.
As soon as I was in my room, I collapsed onto my bed, still thinking of everything under the sun. My last year in school, my friends, both old and new, the rest of summer, and if my parents were planning on going away at all this summer. They had mentioned something about going away to visit relatives about a week again, but I'm not so sure if they can take off to go. But I didn't really want to go away at this point; I'd rather stay here and be with friends that I sort of neglected all summer. I needed to make it up to them. The bright side of all this thinking was that Liz didn't enter my thoughts once, but a certain other girl did.
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So this was just a bit offiller. Things will pick up after the next chapter :] Although that doesn't mean that the next chapter will be as pointless as this one.
It's pretty much just an honest to God filler that shows some insight on his home life :p
Which isn't much. But...sorry. I apologize for this chapter really o.o'
Updates will come slower; school starts in 6 days D:And I have a summer project I have yet to start :3
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