The Leap Year Massacre

Close Friends

Malachi threw open the door. Seeing no one in the living room he became worried.

"Elliot," he called into the kitchen. "Jordan?"

"In here," Jordan called back, his voice cracking under the pressure.

Jordan didn't know how to deal with this. He had a weak stomach, the fact that Abigail had already begun to puke in the corner wasn't helping. Jordan approached the situation with a closed mind. He knew that this was a prank, in fact he had been part of the planning and executing of it, he just didn't know that he'd be the one to have to clean it up.

Jordan practically based his own head it. What did he think was going to happen? He couldn't just leave it there over night. Everyone would lose then.

Abigail leaned over in the corner, dry heaving now. She didn't have anything left to throw up. The smell was worse than anything she'd ever experienced, but what was behind her, the visual would be burned into her mind until the end of time. She was scared and there was nothing she could do about it.

Malachi ran down the stairs and into the batsmen, the smell making him gag. He thought of all the possibilities and secretly hoped that it was a dead body. But he knew that the possibility of that happening was one in a million.

Malachi tripped over his own feet, the staircase becoming his enemy. As he reached the bottom and Elliot came into view, Malachi felt a rush of relief. It was an unexpected feeling, but he kind of liked it.

Elliot ran her fingers through her hair, her heart crying out the poor animal in front of her. That's why she didn't eat meat, to save helpless animals. First the bird, and now this. She was disgusted.

She looked over at Abigail, regretting it. As soon as she saw the vomit her eyes flickered to Jordan. He stood there in the dim light, his hair hanging in his face, small drops of sweat crawling down his neck. He was just as stressed as everyone else was, but he had managed to keep it together.

Malachi scrunched his nose as he approached the door. He was directly behind Elliot, her breath audible in the stale silence. At first he only saw her, and then, his eyes grazed over the scene before him.

Hanging from the roof was a mutilated pig. A thick layer of coagulated blood covered the walls and floor. Baby flies were everywhere, some maggots still crawling within the body. The stench of rotting flesh pervated the air.

Malachi coughed and Elliot jumped, turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck. She pressed her face against his chest.

Elliot's cheeks were hot with embarrassment, but she couldn't stand to look at it anymore. She didn't even want to come to this house in the first place, she had a bad feeling about it, and then this happens.

Malachi not knowing what to do, he wrapped on of his arms around her waist pressing his hand in the small of her back, brushing her hair behind her ear with the other. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, as he already did, he just wanted her to know that he was there for her.

Elliot smiled to herself. Malachi was sweet, not the most attractive guy in the world, but he definitely made up for that with his eccentric personality and love for everything. The warmth of Malachi's body and his easy breathing had calmed Elliot down.

Malachi cleared his throat letting go of Elliot.

"Jordan," he called.

Jordan looked into the doorway, squinting his eyes against the faint light of the room. "Over here."

Malachi carefully made his way around the mess to Jordan's side. Malachi got down to Jordan's level. "How are we going to deal with this. We have to stay in this house tonight, if we don't,"

Jordan grunted. "I know, don't bring it up."

"I don't think the girls are going to stay in here, not with that underneath them." Malachi scratched at his head, trying to get a grip on the situation.

"Again, I know." Jordan stood up. "The only way to deal with this is to remove it from the house." Jordan stuffed his hands in his pockets to avoid touching anything that he didn't have to.

Malachi laughed. "Do you have any clue as to what would happen if we did that. The body is already falling apart. Judging by the condition of the carcass and fresh flies I'm thinking this thing has been here for a week and half. By now, there's no real point in moving it. The decomp is almost complete." Malachi brushed his hair out of his face.

"Stop with all this disgusting bullshit, get it ht fuck out of here." Abigail was yelling from he corner. She didn't want to turn around for sake of throwing up again. "I will not sleep in this house knowing that that shit is down here."

Elliot went to Abigail's side, avoiding her vomit. "Come on, I'll get you out of here." Elliot looked over her shoulder as she grabbed onto Abigail and dragged her from the basement. She was worried about the boys, after what has happened earlier, leaving them together doesn't seem like a good idea.

Malachi looked around the room, disgusted with what he saw, but secretly intrigued.

He walked over to a table covered with tools used to slaughter the pig. He picked up a pick axe. "I wonder what this was for," he smiled to himself, all the possibilities flooding into his brain.

Jordan wanted to kill Malachi, he always seemed to be getting in the way, no one would miss him. He shook the thought from his head, he would never do that, he couldn't.

Elliot helped Abigail onto the couch, her mind straining to focus on the task at hand. Elliot, getting a little sick herself went to grab Abigail's bag. She dragged it over, her back nearly breaking in the process.

"Jesus Abby, what the fuck did you put in here?" Elliot fell onto the couch next to Abigail. Elliot sighed, angry that the boys had the easy job, at least their target was dead.

Elliot carefully opened Abigail bag, reaching around to find her a shirt while at the same time keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn't vomit again, and keeping her ears open for some kind of commotion down stairs.

"Okay," Jordan had come up with an idea, he didn't think that Malachi would be of much help because of his lack of strength, but it was better that doing it by himself. "Listen, I'm going to make this simple. Go find some kind of sheet, maybe two, and bring them down here. I'm going to find something to cut it down,"
Malachi laughed. "The key is on the wall," Malachi ran his fingers through his hair, acting as if this didn't affect him one bit, but really, he wanted to run to the car and never come back. He could throw the bird off as fake, but this, this pig, to cover it up would be like the military covering up the roswell crash. He didn't have a chance.

"Why do you have to be such a stuck up smart ass. No one gives a shit if your a tortured soul," Jordan didn't feel like starting a fight, but he wanted to put Malachi in his place.

Malachi was part of the lower social class, he shouldn't even have the privilege of being in his presence. Of course by all rights neither should Elliot, but Jordan didn't care about breaking the rules for her, he loved her.

Elliot looked into the bag, having a hard time finding clothes. Abigail had brought everything except clothes, and that's what she really needed right now. Elliot didn't notice at first when her hand brushed across the metal object, she just thought it was some other hair killer, but when she tried to dig deeper and she moved the other objects out of the way she saw a glint of chrome.

It didn't take her long to see the rest of the object. She kept quite, pulling it out and setting it underneath the couch cushion. Abigail was practically passed out, exhausted and probably dehydrated, she wouldn't notice.

She would keep this to herself, no one had to know that Abigail had a gun, no one except her and Abigail.