Heels Over Head in Hollywood

Chapter 1

I got your runaway smile in my piggybank baby

Gonna cash it right in for a new Mercedes

You were worth the hundred thousand miles

But you couldn’t stay awhile

I got your little brown shirt in my bottom draw baby....

I was listening to one of my favorite songs, Heels Over Head by Boys Like Girls, on my Ipod to pass the time. I was on a plane headed to Hollywood, California to start off my acting career. Now, I know what you’re thinking, a 16 year old girl going out to Hollywood all by herself? Well, right now on the plane I was by myself, but as soon as I got to Hollywood I would be living with my cousin Demi. And yes, Demi as in Demi Lovato. Actress, singer, you may have heard of her. Anyways, I really should give all my credit to her, since my first gig is guest staring on her show. And hopefully that would be the only time working for Disney, because one, I don’t really like the goody two shoes image they set and for another, I don’t want to become recycled. Still confused? Well, let's just say I don’t want my own show on Disney once I guest star on Demi’s.

Anyways, the song was ending just as we were landing, which is quite the coincidence, huh? Soon enough, I was exiting the plane, and walking through the airport looking for someone who looked familiar.

"Kara!" Someone shouted, as I looked to my right then to my left to see where it was coming from. I looked to my right again to finally see who was calling my name.

"Demi!" I shouted, running up to her as she did the same. As we were hugging we started laughing at our reactions.

"It’s so good to see you," She said with a huge smile, "And oh my gosh! When did you get your hair done? I love it!" She said, while looking at my hair.

"Oh, like last week," I answered, "Since I was coming here, I decided to change it up a little bit, for something different and bold."

"That’s so cool," She said, still smiling. How she can smile that long without pain, I don’t really know. But that just makes her Demi, which is what I love about her. "Oh, we should get going, I can’t wait to show you the house."

I couldn’t wait to see it either. To think, she’s been acting and singing for how long now and this is the first time I get to see it.

As we walked out of the airport, I asked, "So, what car are we taking?"

"Oh, I had the chauffeur drive the limo here. Selena’s waiting inside of it," She said. I’ve met Selena Gomez once before, when Demi came to visit me and my parents, and she brought Selena along. I got to talk to her for a bit, and we became really good friends.

When we got to the car, a guy I’m guessing was the chauffeur took my luggage from me to put in the back. Then he opened the door for us, Demi getting in first, with me following. When I got in, I saw Selena sitting on the left side seating, so I said, "Hey Selena."

"Hey Kara," She said back, then added, "I love your hair."

"Thanks," I said, smiling.

"So, we’re gonna head to the house so Kara can get unpacked and settled," Demi said, looking at me and then at Selena, "And the once she’s done, we can go shopping or something."

"Okay," Selena agreed as I nodded. So, I finally made it.

Welcome to Hollywood.
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New Story! You like? A little like the other cliche Jonas stories, but a little different, or at least I hope. :) The song at the beginning, like Kara says ;) , is Heels Over Head by Boys Like Girls. The song is kind of related to the story, and kind of not. So I give some credit to it. :)
The first shout-out in this story, besides the one for who it's written for on the summary page, is for runawaywithme;; , aka Lauren, because she helped me figure out how to get the banner to show and helped with the adjustments on the background and what not. :) She's a real lifesaver, and the main reason I decided to start posting this story.
I have the character's page up. Kara is played by Cassadee Pope, in case you weren't sure who the girl was. Their ages are adjusted for the story, including Demi's, Selena's, and the Jonas Brothers, because this was written last year and the events in it that I mentioned aren't exactly new, they're a little old. Because when I was writing this the events I mention were current then, not now.
Look at this! This is just the first chapter, and I already have a long author's note! I apologize.
One comment, subscriber, or even just one reader will get the next chapter up. I'm not going to post anymore or I'll take it down if no one's reading. Sorry. But I'm sure it won't be that hard to achieve one of those. :)