Heels Over Head in Hollywood

Chapter 10

A week had passed since the Boys Like Girls concert, and today was the day I got to film for the episode of Sonny With A Chance that I was guest starring on. I get to play the role of Ava, this girl on Mackenzie Falls that Chad takes a liking to, and then Sonny gets jealous, even though she denies it. When I read the script it was pretty funny, actually. We would've filmed sooner, but we had to wait until my eye some-what healed. Thankfully, it did, right now it just had that yellowish-tint to it, you know like when the bruising starts healing? Anyways, they would make it look normal by covering it up with make-up.

I couldn’t say much else about the episode, because people had to wait until it aired. So I'll spare the details and say it only took about an hour to film, but keep in mind that sometimes we messed up, or should I say I messed up, and we had to start the whole scene over again. They said it was fine, but I was still embarrassed. I mean, wouldn't you be if you were the only one messing up?

But you'll never guess who was watching us, which I didn't even take notice to until we were completely done filming the episode. Selena, who I knew would show up, and the Jonas Brothers. But then again we've been seeing them a lot lately, so I wasn't too surprised. I wasn't too surprised either with the fact that I saw Joe laughing, most likely because I kept screwing up.

“Oh whatever. I thought I did a pretty good job,” I said to him, as soon as I walked over to them.

“Oh, c'mon, you messed up in like every scene,” he said, still laughing.

“It was my first time doing it,” I said, defending myself. I then muttered, “Screw you.” I didn't mean for him to hear it, but he did anyway.

“Wouldn't you like to,” he said, which made me look at him with wide eyes.

“Pervert,” I said, hearing Nick and Kevin laughing at what he said, then I added, “But to answer your question, no. And for the record, you'd be lucky if I did.” As soon as I said that, everyone listening to our conversation, which now included Demi and Selena, went "Ohhhhh!"

“I was kidding,” he said, which just caused me to scoff. “You actually did a pretty good job.”

“Thanks,” I said, giving him a 'really?' look. “Not sure if I should take that seriously, though, after what you just said.”

He just stuck out his tongue at me as Demi asked all three of them, “So, what are you guys doing here? Not that we mind, but we weren't expecting you.”

“Oh, we just stopped by to see what you guys are doing later,” Joe said, looking at me, “and if you weren't doing anything, see if you wanted to join us....” he trailed off, waiting for one of us to say something.

“Well, what are you guys doing?” Selena asked, looking at them questioningly along with Demi and I.

“Well.....” Joe trailed off.

“We're having a Road Dogs game at six,” Nick finished, giving Joe an odd look. “We wanted to know if you'd like to join. Miley has already agreed to joining.”

They were kidding, right? I was so not going to a baseball game with her there. I was about to object but Demi spoke before me.

“Yeah, sure. We'll be there,” Demi said, and when I was about to say something, she gave me a look. I guess I had no choice but to join.

Let's play ball.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for any mistakes. Gramatically-wise, like past or present tenses. I edited a few, but I may have missed some, so I apologized. I pretty sure I fixed all the spelling mistakes, but I'm not positive on that, so sorry if there's some of those as well.
So I put a little bit of stupid humor in there. Sorry if it's lame. I wrote this story like last year, though, so give me a little break. Kind of feel embarrassed that I actually wrote that part in there, now that I've reread it. But I've decided to keep it in there.
Once again, sorry for the Miley hate at the end for any of you Miley fans. But this is just a warning ahead of time, there will be more of it. So... yeah. Hopefully you don't mind it; just for the story.
Ugh... there was something else I wanted to say... oh yeah! The whole part at the beginning about the Sonny With A Chance episode... or what I did tell you about it... I made up. So it's not a real episode; just wanted to be clear on that. It's just for the story. :)
Okay... I believe I covered the chapter. So... what did you think of it? Good? Bad? What do you think will go down at the Road Dogs' game? I would love to hear your thoughts. :)
Oh... and we're about halfway through this story, by the way. It has a total of 20 chapters. Plus, there's a sequel to it. I'm not sure whether I'm going to post it or not yet, but I'll wait until we're just about over with the story to ask if you want me to post it. The sequel is more recently written, going by right now, and it's also a lot better. My writing has improved, or I would like to think it has, since last year. :)
Shout-outs go to runawaywithme;; , crazy beautiful; , a year without rain , snowball4life, and jane doe; for commenting! :) I appreciate all of you for taking the time to do so; I appreciate it.
Oh, and check out this story if you haven't. Pretty please, with sugar on top? Because the story is absolutely AMAZING, and the girl that's writing it, jane doe; , is thinking about deleting it, and I honestly don't want that to happen! If you have already, then leave her a comment, and convince her not to delete it. Thank you if you do; she will appreciate it. :D
And... I believe that's about it. Thanks again to all of you who commented. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! :D