Heels Over Head in Hollywood

Chapter 11

When we got to the game, a number of people were there. I say a number of people because fans, too many to count, were here. I guess they tell the fans about the games, but if not, I don’t really want to know how the fans found out about it.

Anyway, the teams were decided girls vs. boys, since it divided evenly that way. They added Jordin to our team, so it was five against five. Our team was Demi, Selena, Miley(ugh!), Jordin, and I, while one the ‘Road Dogs’ it was Joe, Nick, Kevin, Kevin Sr., and Frankie. Denise decided to sit this one out. Want to know what our team was called? Flower Power! I’m not kidding. I did not come up with it; none of us did for that matter. In fact, Joe actually did.

“Oh, real funny Joe,” I said sarcastically to him, as he laughed. “You might want to come up with a more clever name next time, we already know that’s the kind of perfume you use.”

He stuck his tongue out at me while everyone else laughed.


We were one run away from winning, all I needed to do was make a home run. I stepped up to the plate, and hit my bat on the ground; you know, like how people did when they warmed up. And you’ll never guess who was pitching.

“You’ll never hit this,” Joe said, smirking. I just narrowed my eyes at him.

“Hey batter batter, hey batter batter, swing!” Someone said from behind me, distracting me; in the process causing me to swing and miss the ball.

“Strike one!” Big Rob said. He was the one who was going to call the shots; and made sure everything stayed fair between the two teams. I looked at the umpire, the person who had distracted me, and it turned out being Nick, who was smiling.

“Hey!” I shouted at him, “You can’t do that!”

“Yeah!” The rest of my team agreed, as Nick shrugged. I groaned and turned back around, missing yet another ball.

“Alright, you wanna play it like that?” I asked Joe; now angry. “Let’s play. Make me strike out again.”

He threw the ball a third time, and at exactly the right moment, I hit it, sending it to the outfield, near Kevin.

“Run!” My team yelled, so I dropped the bat and took off to first base, then to second, then third. The ball and I were headed for home now. I had to get down and slide, my foot touching home at almost the exact same time the ball did. We looked at Big Rob, to see what his decision would be.

“Safe!” He shouted, making me stand so that could jump up and down in victory.

“Yes!” I exclaimed, high-fiving Big Rob, and then running over to the rest of Flower Power, who were also celebrating.

“Oh, whatever,” Joe said, once he made it over to us, “Big Rob just likes you better.”

“Oh, whatever,” I said, mimicking him, earning laughs from everyone else. “We won!”

He smiled at my excitement.

Flower Power officially rules!
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's chapter 11! I meant to get it posted earlier, but obviously that didn't happen. So I'm posting it now. It's quite late, and I'm tired. :/
Anyways, so what did you think of the chapter? I enjoyed writing it; because it was all fun and them kidding around at the game. Haha, and how did you like the name Joe picked out for the girl's team? :) I kind of liked that part. But hey, they still won, good or bad name. :)
Sorry if there are any mistakes. I fixed as many as I could, but right now I'm beat, so I probably ended up missing something or another. :/
Next update I plan on being either Wednesday or Thursday. Not sure yet. I'm thinking most likely Thursday, because I'm going to be gone on a little adventure pretty much the whole weekend, so I want to give you an update right before I leave. That little adventure being a Jonas Brothers/Camp Rock cast concert in Hershey. Woo, I'm so excited!! :D Anyways, so... yeah, the concert doesn't last the whole weekend, obviously, but I might also be going to Hershey Park as well. So, yeah, I'll either be back later Sunday or Monday... not too sure yet. So the next update after the next one, will be posted somewhere around there. Sorry if I don't keep to that. I might have internet access, but I won't be able to update. :(
Anyways, just wanted to inform. I'll probably inform you again in the next chapter of this, just as a reminder.
Shout-outs go to a year without rain, snowball4life, runawaywithme;;, jane doe;, crazy beautiful;, and burning.desires;; for commenting. Wow, you guys, you've got this story to three pages of comments. I thank you all very much for commenting. :) I appreciate it. :D
Do me a favor and check out burning.desires;; 's story, You Mean The World To Me. The story is seriously really good, and she would appreciate more feedback on it; more commenters and subscribers. :D Thanks. :)
Okay, I'm pretty sure that's about it. I hope you enjoyed the update! Please let me know what you think! Thanks to all of you readers! 11 Subscribers... amazing. :D Hope you enjoyed the update! :D