Heels Over Head in Hollywood

Chapter 15

“So, did you kiss him?” Martin asked, as soon as I filled him in on what all that happened. Well, I hadn’t quite gotten to the ending part.

“No,” I said, “but he almost kissed me. I mean sort of, technically. He was so close, but then he pulled away at the last second, which I know he did on purpose. He’s such a tease.”

“Well, it did what he intended,” Martin said. “It left you wanting more.”

“Okay, wait. Why am I even talking to you about this?” I asked, laughing a little. “Because now you’re starting to sound like you’re gay.”

“I’m not gay!” He defended, “I was just trying to let you know his point of view on things. I mean, I should know what a guy’s thinking, since I am one.”

“Ha, right,” I said sarcastically, laughing, then added in a mumble. “You’re straight... for now.”

“I heard that,” he said, making me laugh even more.

We talked for a few more minutes before we said goodbye and then I hung up the phone.

Demi than walked into the room, plopping down on the bed. I looked at her, trying to figure out what she could want.

“Is there something I could do for you?” I asked her, after a moment’s silence. She looked at me blankly, then sighed.

“I have to head to the Camp Rock 2 set in about an hour. Want to come with?” She asked, as I looked at her quizzically.

“Isn’t that filmed in Canada?” I asked her. As soon as she nodded, I continued, “Demi, I know you’re no geography genius or anything, but we’re in California right now. It’d take more than an hour to get to Canada."

“Not by private jet,” she said, smirking, “we can get there by the snap of your fingers if we wanted to.”

“No way,” I said, not believing it.


“Okay, I’ll believe you the next time you say that,” I said, as we got out of the car. Demi was right, it didn’t take long to get here by private jet.

“I told you so,” she said, smiling.

“So, what now?” I asked.

“Well, I have to head down towards the lake for my scene with Joe,” she said.

“Oh, okay. Let’s go then,” I said. We walked down there and saw the director and filming crew standing near by, as well as some of the cast.

“Aw, Demi, you’re here,” the director said. “We can begin the scene now.”


As I watched Joe and Demi film, I couldn’t help but get a little jealous. I mean, c’mon, can you blame me? They were filming the romantic scene in the canoe. By themselves, well technically anyway, not counting the filming crew.

As soon as they finished, they started heading back to the dock. But as soon as they did, they both stood up at the same time, causing the canoe to rock a little. Demi managed to handle it, but Joe didn’t, which caused the canoe to tip over and dump both of them in the water. I burst into laughter.

“Oh my gosh, that was classic,” I said, as soon as I ran over to help Demi out of the water. I was still laughing.

“Yeah, well, you wouldn’t be laughing if that happened to you,” Demi said, smiling and looking behind me. I looked at her quizzically, but I soon found out what she was smiling about when I felt something lifting me up.

“Hey!” I shouted, trying to get free. The person that was holding me then lifted me so they were holding me bridal-style, so I could see who it was.


He smirked at me as he moved the couple of inches to the end of the dock.

“No, Joe....” I trailed off, looking down at the water. “Don’t you dare.”

“Oh, yes; I will take that dare. They don’t call me danger for nothing,” he said. I then felt him throw me, and a second later I smacked into the water, causing pain to ripple through me. Like almost what it felt like when you belly-flopped into the water.

I didn’t realize it, but it made me intake a breath, which caused me to swallow some of the water around me.

With the pain still going through me, I could feel myself drowning.

I could see a shadowy figure coming towards me, but I didn’t get to see what it was.

Because a moment after that, everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hm... so, here's the update! It went as planned; being posted on the weekend. Hm... so this is the fifteenth chapter, so that means there are only five chapters left! Or, excluding this one, four, depending on how you think about it. There are 20 chapters total, in other words. There is a sequel, I already have a few chapters of it written already, but I will only post it if you want me to. You don't have to tell me now, we'll worry about those details when I get to... chapter 19? Maybe? Idk. Or even at the end of 20 I'll ask you. So keep that in mind; because if I don't have any people for the sequel, I won't post it.
Anyways, so... what did you think of the update? I tried to add the humor at the beginning, but then there was drama at the end with the whole blacking out thing. Which now that I think about it, is also a cliffhanger. So, sorry. If I can, I'll try to update sooner, but as of right now, the next update will be posted sometime next weekend. I hate to leave you guys hanging like that, but it's school that's keeping me busy, so it's like what can you do? :/
Shout-outs to snowball4life , jasey rae;; , crazy beautiful; , and x-believer-x for commenting! :) I appreciate you guys; it means a lot. :) I hate to be greedy but can I get five comments after this update. I felt as if I lost someone with this... :( And because it's a cliffhanger? :) It would make my day. :)
Hm... I believe that's it. Please let me know what you thought of the chapter! :D I hope you enjoyed it! :D