Heels Over Head in Hollywood

Chapter 17

For the next couple of weeks, Joe and I hung out together. I wouldn’t exactly call us boyfriend and girlfriend... because... I mean, we haven’t even had our first official kiss yet. Or even a date. But I guess you could say things were going smoothly.

Anyways, Demi decided that we should have a slumber party at the house. So that’s what we were currently preparing for. We were making popcorn right now.

“Such as old-fashioned idea,” I commented to Demi, “a slumber party! I love it! Is Selena coming?”

“No,” Demi said, as if I should have suspected that answer. But I was honestly shocked.

“What?” I questioned, giving her a look, “Why?”

“Her and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms at the moment,” she said casually, while I was still shocked by all of this.

“And when did this happen?” I asked, “Where was I when all of this occurred?”

“I don’t know,” she said, shrugging, and then she mumbled something that I almost didn’t think she said at all.

“What was that? Tell me I did not just hear you correctly,” I said, raising my eyebrows.

“I said Miley’s coming, though,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Not to this slumber party,” I said, still not wanting to believe it. But to my dismay, she nodded.

“Yes, she is,” Demi said, pointing a finger at me before she said, “be nice.”

“I make no promises,” I said, taking a piece of popcorn and tossing it into my mouth, crunching it loudly just to annoy her. She was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it,” I said, skipping to the door. When I opened the door, I made a face.

“Oh great,” I said, then called out to Demi, “the virus is here!” I then slammed the door in Miley’s face.

I then heard people laughing, so I opened the door back up. Behind Miley stood Joe, Nick and Kevin. I smiled at them and opened the door wider, to let them in. Sadly, Miley managed to get in as well.

“Woah,” I said to Joe, as soon as I looked at him. “Love the hair, and your dinosaur pajamas.”

“Thanks,” he said, smiling at me. I grinned back, “I like your pajamas too.”

Mine were covered with different instruments. Guitars, pianos, drums... all of my favorites.

I then lead the way into the living room, where we would be staying.

This was going to be a long night.


“Okay, what should we do now?” Nick asked, after we finished playing Truth or Dare. We already played Twenty Questions, pigged out on junk food, and watched two movies.

“Play Hide and Seek!” Joe called out, which made me laugh.

“Isn’t that a kiddy game?” Miley asked obnoxiously. I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I agree with Joe,” I said, giving Miley a look before looking at everyone else. They laughed and agreed.

“Okay, who’s seeking?” Kevin asked. We all called out not it. Miley was the last one.

I smirked as she rolled her eyes, then covered them with her hands. We all stood up, then took off as she began counting.

I made my way up the stairs, to go hide in the secret crawlspace that I had found in the house not too long after I got here. I opened the door when all of a sudden I felt someone grab me from behind, them going into the crawlspace first and then placing me on their lap before shutting the door. Luckily there was a light, so I flipped the switch to see Joe.

“Why am I not surprised?” I questioned, “Of course you would steal my hiding place.”

“Well everyone else got the good ones,” he defended.

“It’s cramped enough with one person in here, but two?” I complained, shifting on his lap, trying to get comfortable. After a minute or so he grabbed my hips.

“Would you please stop moving?” He asked, whispering.

“Sorry,” I whispered back. I then flipped off the switch, so they wouldn’t know we were in here.

All of a sudden, Joe lifted his hand and turned my head towards his.

“What-” I began to say, but he cut me off by placing his lips on mine.

This may sound typical, but I instantly felt sparks. So I started to kiss back.

But then the worst thing that could’ve happened at that moment, did.

Someone started to open the door...
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SO sorry for taking so long with this. Really, I am. It's just that, school's been kind of hectic for me lately, and I've had to do all of these projects and... it's just kind of hard to update when trying to get all of the assignments done. And then I finally had some free time last weekend, but when I went to Quizilla to get the prewritten chapter to post here.... something happened. Quizilla had a big red x next to the link of the site, which is never good. And then when I clicked on it just to see what was wrong, it said that Quizilla has like one computer threat on the site. :o So, I immediately clicked back, since I didn't want anything to happen to the computer. Can you believe it? I've been on that site longer than I've been on here, and it's just now saying about how it's a threat to be on it? WTF? So, that's why this took an extra week to get out. And now... I can't go on there anymore, because I'm afraid it'll give my computer a virus, which is the last thing I need right now. Gosh, this is so stressful. I went on there like super quick, and managed to copy and paste this into a word document before too long. And then today I managed to post an update to readers on there... gosh, I hope everyone understands, and I hope you guys understand why this took so long. But I'm sure glad that Mibba isn't like that site, otherwise I wouldn't be able to post at all. :/
Anyways, that's just my long explanation of why I haven't updated. And it makes me so mad... and makes me feel so guilty because I think this means I can't get on Quizilla anymore... :(
Here's the update, though. I hope you liked it. I don't know if it was worth the wait or not... :/ Sorry for the Miley dissing, but it happened before, and I'm pretty sure I warned you that it would happen again. Sorry for any Miley fans; I'm kind of a fan of hers too, but the girl I'm writing it for didn't like her, so... yeah. Kind of had to make her character like her. But anyways... aw, Demi and Selena are fighting. I tried to make that relate to real life.... seeing as it seems that Demi and Selena haven't been together lately... It will get better though again between those two, I promise. In the story anyway. Haha, and who else loves Joe in this chapter? He probably doesn't act as childish now, but I loved making it like he's a kid at heart. Since he seems like that in real life. :) Sorry about the cliffhanger; I'm hoping that I won't keep you waiting as long considering I left you like that.
Shout-outs to jasey rae;;, snowball4life, crazy beautiful;, x-believer-x, runawaywithme;;, and MusicalChick123 for commenting! Thanks you guys; I appreciate your paitence and feedback! :)
Goals for this story: Get 100 comments by the end, and 20 subscribers. That's kind of aiming high, but oh well. This story currently has 77 comments, and 14 subscribers. I'm trying to think positive. lol. It would really help though if you spread word of this story to your friends or other people you talk to on here. If you do, tell me, and I'll give you an extra special shout-out. Sound cool? :)
Story to check out if you haven't already. :)
And shout-out to cookiepirate09's stories! Check 'em all out; they're all amazing. :)
Haha, wow, I just spent like half an hour typing this out. I really need to condense these things, but it's been a while, so I had a lot to say.
Something that would make my day, month, or even year: a story dedicated to me. A one-shot, a short story with a couple of chapters, or even a full story; any of those, especially where I would get a dedication, would seriously... make me happy. Probably won't ever happen though. :/
Hope you enjoyed the update! I'll try and have the next chapter out as soon as possible! :D Comments and feedback are appreciated. :D