Heels Over Head in Hollywood

Chapter 18

....causing Joe and I to go tumbling out. Him, unfortunately, landing on me. I let out an ‘oomph’ as I looked up to see who had opened the door. Miley.

“Ew,” was all she said, looking at me.

“This coming from a girl who's played tonsil hockey with so many guys, that she isn't sure which one she contracted the herpes from,” I stated back, before adding, “oh, and I know it wasn't Nick. In fact, I'm a little worried that he's caught it from you.”

By now Joe had rolled off of me, laying on the floor laughing. I smiled up at Miley as she glared back at me.

“At least I can act,” was her lame comeback, while I gave her a weird look. She then turned and started walking away.

“Oh yeah, well at least I can sing,” I called after her. She stopped and turned back around.

“Well my songs are on the radio,” she snapped.

“Psh, that's only because you’re Ryan Seacrest’s BFF," I responded. “Do you want to keep going with this? Alright, how about your song Hoedown Throwdown? I know how you came up with that title. Because every time you're thrown down, everyone exclaims, ‘Ho down!’”

She ran out of things to say, because all she did was glare at me. She then turned around and stomped her way down the stairs.

I turned to look at Joe, who was still laughing hysterically on the floor. I went over to him and sat down on his stomach, since he was laying on his back. I grabbed his wrists and pinned him down on the floor, making him immediately stop laughing. I looked into his eyes.

“Now that that's over with, can I ask what urged you to kiss me?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow while keeping my face close to his, “Feeling spontaneous?”

He gulped, seeing how serious I was. I smirked, knowing I was making him nervous.

“Well... I...” He trailed off, trying to find the words, “I'm sorry-”

“Who said I minded?” I asked, smiling before kissing his confused lips. After a minute he smiled into the kiss, starting to kiss back.

“Woah, woah!” Someone suddenly exclaimed, causing me to pull away from Joe. I looked up to see Demi standing there, covering her eyes. I laughed as I stood up, Joe doing so as well.

“You can uncover your eyes now,” I said, waiting for her to do so. After a minute, she warily removed her hands.

“I come up here to ask why Miley came downstairs in an angry-rage, and I find you two kissing,” she said, looking back and forth at Joe and I. “Care to explain?”

“All I have to say is that I had no intention of this happening,” I answered. “I came up here, looking for a hiding place, when Joe just so happened to choose the exact same place-”

“Everyone else took the great ones!” Joe exclaimed, using the same exact excuse as the first time when I had asked him why.

“Okay, you know what, never mind,” Demi said, trying to hold back her smile, “if it's between you two, then I'm not quite sure I even want to know.”

“Hey!” Joe and I exclaimed at the same time, causing Demi to laugh.

“See,” she said, “you two are perfect together. You're like one and the same.” After she said that, her smile turned into a frown.

“What happened between you and Selena, Demi?” I asked her, knowing she thought of her when she said that, since that was the song her and Selena sang together.

“Nothing,” she said, dismissing it, “we just grew apart, that's all.” She said that before she turned around and walked back down the stairs. I looked at Joe.

“You know what this means, don't you?” I asked him.

“Yeah. We need to figure out a way to make them best friends again,” he said, saying exactly what I was thinking.

Because Demi and I both knew she missed having Selena around.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SO sorry. You do not realize how sorry I am for taking so long with this, I truly am. :( Between school, reading other updates on here, and responding to comments... there just, isn't enough time. And I'll forwarn you and say that this is going to be the last update for a while. A while, meaning... a month. :( I'm participating in this thing called NaNoWriMo, where I write a 50,000 word novel in one month. That month being November. Anyone can join that, which is why I put the link! You guys should join it too, because get this: if you reach 50,000 by the last day of November, you get your novel actually PRINTED like a real book. It's pretty awesome. I have to do it for a class, which is why I'm doing it, but you guys can just do it... to write. I mean, I'm assuming most of you readers write your own stories on here as well, so why not write a real book? It's good practice for if you want to become a writer in the future. :) But anyways, the sad part is that I'll probably hardly ever be able to get on here, and when I do... it'll be to check updates and comments. I put updating last because... idk. I guess because it doesn't pile up like updates and comments do. :/ So... yeah. I really do apologize guys. I might update my new story tomorrow, but other than that (if I even get to post it), this is the last update for a whole month. I'm so sorry. I hope you understand. :( I feel so bad. The good thing about it is though that means a heck of a lot of updating in November, because I see writing the novel going two ways: either a) writing it will motivate me to actually get my stories done on here, or b) it will tire me out and I won't be able to write for a long time. Fingers-crossed it's a), and that's what I'm predicting it will be.
Shout-outs go to snowball4life, runawaywithme;;, jasey rae;;, crazy beautiful;, Alexa_Mae1, and choirgirlx3 for commenting! Thanks to all of you for doing so and being paitent with me. If I am reading any of you guys' stories and you have updated, I will read and comment the update or updates soon, hopefully. Also, if you have left a comment on my profile, I'll respond to that as soon as I can as well. Just wanted to let you know what's up and such. :)
Short story that I just posted: Little White Church. If you have some free time, I would appreciate any feedback on that. :)
Okay, so... I believe that's it. Sorry that the update was rather short. I'll try and update again soon, but since it's looking pretty busy with my novel, that probably won't be likely. I'm sorry. Hope you at least enjoyed this new update! Any questions just leave them in a comment or message. :)
Oh, and sorry for any Miley fans, again. Kara just... disses her up in this chapter. But that goes with her character, so I had to put it. Sorry if you like Miley.