Heels Over Head in Hollywood

Chapter 20

When Miley’s birthday came around; or more specifically, her birthday party; we totally crashed it. How? Well, we were able to sneak in and when we did we sprayed her with silly string and threw water balloons at her. And man, did she throw a fit! Demi, Selena, Leigh, and I couldn’t stop laughing even hours after it happened, even though that was a kind of stupid way to get back at her. But it was one of those moments that was so stupid, that it was funny, so we felt that we succeeded at doing so.

Anyways, a lot of time has passed since then. It was now New Years Eve. Selena and I are currently in Las Vegas; since they wanted her and I to perform for this New Years Eve thing. Why they wanted me to perform and not Demi is beyond me, but I happily agreed to do it.

Since I didn’t have any of my own songs yet, I performed with Selena during Naturally and then I covered a Paramore and an All Time Low song. I had to get permission first, but once I got the okay, I performed them. Demi and Leigh were there; along with Joe, Nick, Kevin, and Kevin’s wife Danielle.

Currently I’m trying to make my way through the crowd with Selena to find them, since the ball was going to drop in two minutes. We weren’t making too much progress though.

“We’ll never make it to them in time,” I told Selena, while she sadly agreed. I sighed, pushing through more people. Somehow during the chaos I ended up tripping, either over my two feet or someone else’s. But nonetheless, I started flying forward. But as I shut my eyes waiting for impact with the ground, it never came. Someone caught me instead.

“Oh, thanks...” I said, trailing off as I looked up. I smiled when I saw that it was Joe who had caught me.

“No problem,” he said quietly, but just loud enough so I could hear him, “I’ll always catch you before you fall.”

As corny as that saying may have sounded, I couldn’t help but feel my heart beat faster in my chest.

“That’s probably one of the sweetest things anyone’s ever said to me,” I admitted, as I heard the crowd counting down in the background. ‘Five, four...’

“Then how about you give me something sweet in return,” he suggested, a slight smirk appearing on his face. ‘Three, two...’

“Okay. How about this?” I asked, and right after the crowd chanted ‘one’, I leaned up and placed my lips against his.

“Happy New Year!” Everyone shouted. I grinned once Joe and I pulled away from each other. I looked around to see everyone else either hugging or kissing. Demi and Selena were hugging; Kevin and Danielle were kissing. That only left... whoa! Nick and Leigh were kissing! I’d have to ask her about that later.

“So...” I trailed off, as I returned my gaze to Joe, “what’s your New Years resolution for this year?”

“Hm...” he said, pretending to think about it. I grinned and hit him playfully to get him to answer, “The most important thing to me?”

“Yeah,” I answered.

“Then my New Years resolution would have to be staying with you,” he finally answered. I could feel my eyes welling up.

“I take back what I said earlier,” I said. “That is the most sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

He smiled before wiping away the one tear that fell from my eye.

After that, I leaned up and kissed him again, more passionately this time.

Knowing very well that I was heels over head in love with this boy.

Now I'm heels over head,
I'm hangin' upside down,
Thinkin' how you left me for dead,
California bound,
And when you hit the coast,Maybe you'll finally see,
And then you'll turn it all around,
and you'll come back to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the last chapter, as promised! I have to tell you, I was going to post it last weekend, but I'm so glad that I didn't. Not that I didn't want to not post for you guys, I really did, but I would have never finished my book report I had to do if I did. So... I had to wait until this weekend to post it. Please don't be mad.
Like I said... this... is the last chapter. I'm... really sad now. :( But what did you think of it? Like, or hate? The song lyrics at the end go accordingly with the lyrics I put at the beginning... see what I did there? At the beginning, I put the beginning lyrics of the song, and then here at the end I put the end lyrics of the song. :) The song, once again, is Heels Over Head by Boys Like Girls. The specific lyrics don't exactly relate, but the whole song and feelings it's trying to illustrate in general does. :) So... I hope you understand how I did that. Just so this is clear, I wrote this last year, so this would be during New Years last year. Ha, it took me a year to post this on here; how sad is that? The thing that makes this happy, though, is that there is going to be a sequel. Some of you have given feedback saying you want one, so I'll post it. :) Those of you who haven't, though, please let me know if you want one, because your opinion still counts and I love each and every one of you readers! I really don't deserve any of you, for taking so long with this, so thank you to all of you who have commented, read, and subscribed! :D
Oh my gosh... and guess what? I just now realized... that you guys met one of the goals! 21 subscribers?! That's one over the wanted amount I wanted to have for this story; you are all seriously awesome! :D And we're so close to setting the other goal; just three of you commenting will get this story to 100 comments! Woo! So please, I just need three of you to take the time to do so, along with all of you other readers. Try to go above and beyond with the comments, since it's the last chapter and all. :D
Hm... this chapter isn't that long, but I believe it's longer than most of the others I've been posting lately. So I hope you enjoyed.
And instead of giving solo shout-outs... I'm just going to give a shout-out to all of you readers! Every single one of you. Since it's the last chapter and all, and then once we get into the sequel I'll give out specific shout-outs again. So thank you; all of you who stuck with me, it means a lot. ♥
Let me know if you want a sequel! :D