Heels Over Head in Hollywood

Chapter 3

Soon enough, we were walking out of the studio. The meeting went by pretty quickly, the director discussing the character I was playing and the episode I was in. He also gave me the script, so I could learn my lines. Demi, being as talented as she is, could learn her lines in like a day, while it would take me a little longer since I was new at this.

"So, are we still going shopping?" Selena asked, while I flipped through my script with Demi looking over my shoulder.

"Un, yeah," I agreed, while I looked at Demi, "where do you want to go?"

"Oh, how about we go to the Hot Topic at the mall?" Demi suggested, "It's one of the biggest Hot Topics you'll ever see. And you love the store right?" She asked me.

"Oh yeah, sure, let's go there," I agreed, as we reached the car in the parking lot.


We drove for about ten minutes until we got there. By the looks of it, we had driven to a new town. That's how big this mall was. And that's only counting what I could see of it.

"Wow," I said as we entered, "this place is huge."

They just smiled as they lead the way to Hot Topic. I don't want to bore you with the details, but I ended up getting two band tees, and the newest Green Day cd.

After we left we decided to get Starbucks. We walked to where it was and I ordered a mocha frappe. After we paid, we started walking away. We barely walked five feet before I bumped into someone, spilling my drink all over them in the process, then hearing a gasp from Selena. I think.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," I said, frantically looking around for some napkins to wipe off the person's shirt. I grabbed a handful from the Starbucks counter, quickly walking over to the person again.

"It's alright," the person said, I finally figuring it out it was a guy by the deep voice. "It's a little hot, but no worries."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. The guy just got scorching hot coffee poured onto him, but he still managed to joke about it. That's when I decided to look up at him. I couldn't believe who it was.

"Kara, this is Joe Jonas," Demi said, smiling at how starstruck I was while Joe laughed. "Joe, this is Kara Clifford."

"Hi Kara," he said, "it's nice to meet you."

"You too," I said, "again I'm sorry for spilling my drink on you. I wasn't really paying attention." I smiled sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it," he said, looking at me. I couldn't help but feel butterflies go off in my stomach. Why was that happening?

"So Joe, why are you here?" Demi asked him, interrupting our staring. He finally looked away.

"Oh, I was just shopping with Jordin," he answered, "since we're touring and all. But I wanted to get Starbucks, so she just went into another store."

"Where are Kevin and Nick?" Selena asked, getting into the conversation.

"Kevin's with Danielle discussing wedding plans, and I'm not quite sure where Nick is. Probably with Miley," he answered, rolling his eyes towards the end. I guess he didn't like Miley either, but can you blame him?

"Joe!" A girl said, walking up to him. She saw all of us and smiled.

"Hey Jordin. You know Demi, Selena, and this is Kara," he said, smiling when he got to my name.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," she said, holding out her hand to me which I politely shook.

"Well, I'm going to go order my drink, you want anything?" Joe asked Jordin. When she shook her head he turned to me, "And I'll be buying you one, since I caused you to spill yours," He said smiling, then walked away before I could object.

Once he was over at the counter, Jordin asked me, "So, are you an actress?"

I smiled as I explained to her about the show. After I finished she smiled.

"That's cool," she said, "I wish I could guest star on it too. But I have to focus on the tour and all," she explained, while I nodded like I knew how it felt to be in a predicament like that.

Just then Joe walked back. He handed me my drink while I tried to pull out some money. He shook his head, thinking this was the only clarification he needed to give to get me to keep my money. Okay then, I thought as I put it back in my pocket.

"So, what else are you girls doing today? Besides shopping?" He asked, saying the last part sarcastically.

"Um, I don't know..." I answered, trailing off, while I looked over at Demi.

"Probably just hanging out at my house," Demi said, clarifying for Joe and I.

"Oh, you should come to our show tonight," Jordin suggested, "since you don't have anything else to do. It'll be fun."

"Okay," Selena agreed, before me or Demi could get a word in.

"Great," Jordin said, while I looked over at Joe to see what he thought of this. He simply just winked at me.

Alright then, I guess we have a concert to get ready for.
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Woo! Seven comments, six subscribers, ten readers?! You guys are amazing! :) This is only the third chapter as well, so I'm pretty ecstatic about that. :)
Clarification: the drink she got at Starbucks I kind of made up. Well, actually, I didn't. I've heard of a drink being called that before, but I'm not exactly sure if you can get it from Starbucks. So sorry if there isn't a drink called that there; I've never been there, believe it or not, since I'm not too big of a coffee fan, so I'm not sure. The Jordin in the chapter, in case you couldn't figure it out, was Jordin Sparks. And I realize that they're not touring together this year, but last, but once again that goes with when I wrote this so just go with it. And with the Kevin and Danielle wedding plans, once again, does with when I wrote the story. Okay, let me just point this out again, and say that a lot of the things in this story I mention event wise are probably going to be a little old. Because I wrote this last year.
Now that those things are out of the way... how did you like the chapter? Good, bad? I tried to make it funny, I don't know if it worked or not. Her spilling her coffee on Joe being one of the funny parts. :)
Shout-outs go to runawaywithme;; , one and only. , a year without rain , and x-believer-x for commenting. I'm kind of short on time, so if you want their links, just go to the comments and find them. :) I hope you liked the chapter! Comments would make my day and get you the next chapter! :D