Heels Over Head in Hollywood

Chapter 9

“Okay, I know that I say this a lot, but that was awesome!” I exclaimed, smiling while everyone else laughed.

“Well, we should probably get going,” Joe said suddenly, which made all of us look at him oddly.

“Why?” Kevin asked him, and then we all turned to look at him because we were curious with what his answer would be.

“Oh, you know, the show tomorrow....” he trailed off, as if we were supposed to know what he was talking about. None of us did.

“We don’t have a show tomorrow,” Nick said, while Joe gave him a ‘go along with it’ look after he said it.

“Oh, I get it,” Martin said, which made all of us look at him quizzically. “He’s right. You should probably get going,” he said, and since he was standing right next to me, he whispered, “can I get your number?”

“Sure,” I whispered back, “but why are we whispering?”

He nodded his head toward Joe like I was supposed to know what that meant. When he saw I just looked confused, he mumbled to me, while he got my number from my phone and put his number in, “He wants to leave before he sees us do anything else. He is so jealous. Don’t look now but he’s staring daggers at us.”

I discreetly looked at Joe, and sure enough, his stare was burning holes into us. I couldn’t help but laugh, he was cute when he was jealous. I looked at Martin, who was trying to hold back a smile from seeing Joe, but not doing so well. Then an idea popped into my head.

“Why don’t we mess with him a little bit?” I suggested, smiling. Once he heard what I said, Martin smiled and nodded.

I gave him a friendly hug and kissed his cheek. It worked too, because when I turned back to look at Joe again, he had his fists clenched at his sides, and it looked like there was steam about ready to come out of his ears; you know, like what happened when someone got angry in cartoons. What I wasn’t expecting though, was for him to march over, looking about ready to punch Martin in the face. Luckily, I stepped in between them and stopped him before anything happened.

“Woah, Joe. Calm down,” I said, placing my hands on his chest to stop him from going any further. When he looked at me his expression softened a little.

“Kara, I-” he started, but I quickly cut him off, by placing my index finger to his lips.

“It’s fine,” I said. “Let’s just go, okay?” Once he nodded, I started ushering him towards the exit, along with everyone else who had seen the whole thing, which made me blush a little. Once everyone was out of the room, I gave a high five to all of the band members, including Martin.

Right before I left the room, I jokingly made a ‘call me’ sign to Martin with my hand. I could hear them laughing as I exited the room, soon after catching up with the others.
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Here's chapter 9! This one's about... so-so in length. Not long, kind of on the short side... but oh well. It's an update, at least. :)
So... what did you think of the chapter? Tried to make it a little funny, don't know if that worked or not. And you found out that Martin's not really interested in her. Well, I don't know if I made that clear in the chapter, but just to be clear, he's not. So no worries about that conflicting the Joe romance. Except for the pretend PDA at the end. Find that funny, or not?
Shout-outs go to crazy beautiful;, runawaywithme;;, a year without rain, x-believer-x, and snowball4life for commenting. Thanks to all of you for commenting; I appreciate it. :)
Hm... I believe that's about it. Let me know what you think of the chapter. :) What was good, what was bad... I always love hearing your thoughts. :) Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :D
P.S.- This is actually a semi-short author's note this time! I'm proud of myself! :P