The Feeling That Words Can't Describe

The Rush I Get

Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I stared out at the thousands of people who had gathered to see me.
This is truly my entire life. Being on stage, performing.
I let everything out up here.
I sang my heart out.
This was where I was most vulnerable.
I put my heart on the line to get where I am now.
The sound of bass pumping in my ears as I sang the words that meant so much to me, the sound of the crowd yelling the same words back at me.
It made me feel on top of the world.
Nothing could bring me down from this kind of high.
It was like I was floating in the air, totally weightless.
Nothing could touch me.
The room was filled with the smell of sweat, and the temperature was slowly rising as bodies moved to the beat of the song.
It was a feeling that I had grown to love.
The heat of a concert, the sound of the crowd was total bliss to me.
I felt loved when I was on stage.
The love that poured from the lyrics I sang with all of my heart.
All of the love that poured from the people that I could proudly call my fans.
The love that we shared: the love of music.
That’s all I cared about.
“We could live life like we never touched the ground.”
That’s how I wanted to live my life.
I was born to be on this stage making a difference in people’s lives.
I can say that I save lives, because music saved my life.
The sweat was dripping from my forehead and I took a deep breath, then another.
A smile was slowly formed with my lips.
The vibrations from the amps slowly faded away.
Nothing else could ever make me feel this happy.
Nothing in the world could even come close to the feeling that I get from being on stage.
Words can’t describe it.
The deafening sound of people cheering flooded into my ears.
My life was here on this stage, and I planned to keep it that way.
I would keep doing what made me get the feeling of ecstasy all throughout my body.
I was born for this.
The love of my life was music, and I’m not ashamed to admit that.