Status: newnewnew(:

Party Girl

Like the ashes of cigarettes


Jaiden has been killing me with all this girly stuff. I was so worn out from learning about, which heels are the right one to buy, how to sit properly in a chair, and how to act and look sexy. Who would of thought there were tricks and secrets to it. No wonder I never fit in with the popular girls at school. I offered Jaiden once to see if she wanted to go shoot some hoops or kick a couple soccer balls around and she looked at me like I just asked her to help me murder someone. “We don’t have time for that,” she told me, “your interview to get into Gamma Phi Delta. Our house mother, Ms. Diane is strict so it has to be perfect.”

And so we’ve been busy ever since John had brought me my car. That’s why tonight, I was thankful it was Friday, and my friends were sneaking me off campus. It was just what I needed. On top of everything Jaiden was making me do, I had my school work too. It’s all just killing me and I’m considering so much to back out.

“So you want to come to a party tonight? I can get you introduced to a few people that are on top.” Jaiden smiled when she walked into our room and I was sitting at my desk.

“No that’s okay. I actually have some plans to hang with my boys tonight.” I smiled at the thought. Not only did I miss John and Garrett, I also missed my other three boys, Jared, Pat, and Kennedy.

“Perfect! You can show off your new look to them! Your boyfriend will love it.” She said in a sing song voice.

“We’ll we’re just chilling, so there is no need for me to dress up.”

“You can look sexy in relaxing clothes. Let me pick something out for you.” She said and made her way over to my closet and dresser. I watched as she pulled out a light blue tank top and a pair of short shorts that have some holes in them. “And you can wear those cute wedge heels with them.” She pointed out.

“Okay Jaiden.” I said ignoring her.

“Quick try them on so I can see how it looks.” She directed and forcefully shoved me in the bathroom before I could protest. I slipped the clothes on half heartedly and looked in the mirror. I was not wearing this for a night with the guys. I figure I can just change out of it when she leaves. “You ready yet?” I stepped out. “That looks great! Now,” she began but then there was an abrupt knock on the door. I grew impatient, I had to meet the guys in like an hour.

“Hey baby,” Trevor walked through the door. He was Jaiden’s boyfriend. “Oh, hey there Jessica.” He said smiling and did a discreet look over. Jaiden didn’t see it, but I did. “Are you coming too?”

“No, I’m going to hang with my boys tonight.”

“Alright, well we got to go hon.” Trevor said and Jaiden slipped on her heels. “You better come with us next time.” He smiled and I just nodded. They quickly left and I ditched the outfit. I slipped on a comfy pair of skinny jeans, a white Where the Wild Things Are t-shirt and a pair of converse. After brushing my hair and putting on some make up, I was ready to go.

After fifteen minutes, I showed up at John’s door, excited to chill out. Before I could even knock, the door was swung open. “Jess!”

“Jared!!” I exclaimed and hugged him. “How’s my favorite ginger?”

“Just great now that you’re here.”

“Aw, you’re too sweet.” I smiled and the proceeded inside.

I saw Garrett sitting on the couch and ran up and sat on his lap. “Hey bestie, miss me any?” I smiled.

“Of course.” He smiled and gave me a sideways hug.

Everyone was here. All the boys and a lot of our female friends too. Some of them are dating my boys, but most of us are all buddies. John was the only one that wasn’t down here yet. “So what’re we doing tonight? Watching some flicks, play some Nerf tag, or kill each other in video games?”

“Actually, we’re going to see a movie and out to eat.” Kennedy informed me.

I looked at Garrett. “Gar bear, I thought we were spending a night in?”

“Nope. We wanted to celebrate time with our college girl out and about and not stuck at home.”

“Oh since when do I ever complain about being home?” I smirked.

“True but still,” he began, but then the door bell rang.

“Got it!” I heard John call and descend down the stairs. What the hell? He didn’t even come down when I was here. I felt Garrett tense up underneath me and I shot him a weird look. The I heard John’s voice again. “You guys remember Tori.”

“Hey everybody,” she smiled and glanced around the room and her eyes stopped on me.
“Jess? It’s been so long!” She exclaimed. “Are you sitting on my date?” She said jokingly.

“Date?” I almost choked and looked at Garrett. I could never ever never see Garrett with a superficial, stuck up, rude girl like Tori.

“Yeah, John thought it’d be nice for me to have a date for tonight’s outing.” He gave me a look and I could practically read his mind. This was not his idea.

“Well that’s nice.” I said bluntly. I didn’t really like Tori. We used to be close but she started so many rumors about me and talked about me behind my back and I didn’t settle with that. Plus, she used to date John. And as of right now, I don’t really appreciate John looking at her the way he is. For some reason, looking at Tori, reminded me a lot of Jaiden, with the pretty clothes and high class attitude.

“You thirsty or something Tori?” John offered.

“Yeah actually I could use a drink.” She told him and they vanished into the kitchen.

“Why in the hell would John call her here!?” I said out loud in a whisper yell. Everyone around me just shrugged, just as confused as me. Everyone here knew her rep. This was ridiculous.

“I don’t know, but Jess I don’t want to hang with her.” Garrett whined to me.

“Don’t worry Gar bear. If John keeps acting the way he is now, I’m going to have to make you my date instead.” I smirked and we laughed. Everyone was finally ready to go so we filed out the door.

“So, what lame-o movie are we going to see?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I hope something with zombies in it.” Garrett stated.

“Oh, your obsession is so unhealthy.” We all hitched rides in two, which meant Garrett and I went our separate ways and he was stuck in a car with Tori. When John and I were settled in, I turned toward him. “John, what in the hell were you thinking inviting Tori and making her try and date Garrett!”

“Why not?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because she’s your ex. And because, she’s like a whore. And come on, it’s Tori! She’s not good enough for my Garrett.”

“Oh, well come on. Give her a break, she’s changed.” John said as he drove.

“How would you know, have you hung around her?”

“, I’m just guessing. Let’s try and make this night fun okay.” He said.

“Sure,” I said, regretting this night already.

“Hey, come on.” He said turning toward me while we were at a red light. “Don’t make me beg.”

“But begging is so fun.” I teased.

“Mhmm,” he smirked and grabbed my chin in his fingers and leaned in to kiss me. It was nice, but a loud horn interrupted us when the light turned green.
♠ ♠ ♠
i love garrett.
i swear he makes me so happy<3
john does too. haha(: