Status: To be continued... when I write more chapters...


Serendipity - the occurrence or development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Crossing your fingers, tossing a coin into water, avoiding pavement cracks, they are all ways of making your own luck. However, luck is not made, but found. Those who earn it, those who make it, those who catch it with their tricks and actions and auras enjoy its bounties, expecting and reaping its joys. Those who stumble upon luck, who have it thrust upon them are often unprepared. They have not earned their keep nor achieved the fruits of a successful search. These men, these unique and special men, must learn the dance of providence.

When the mistress Serendipity blesses you with luck, how do you pay her back?

Three cases, three men. One woman, one power. Three trials, nine chances. Luck will only get them part of the way to the final end, to the happiness that serendipity grants to them.

Word Count: 233
Written for: a writing contest for travellingnorth.