Status: Contemplating whether or not this story is worth continuing! Please let me know :]

The Wilde Life

July 4th, 2008

July 4th, 2008

Dear Diary,

We are reading Anne Frank’s diary in class and that is how she starts all her messages, so that is what I will do.

It’s almost midnight and I am supposed to be asleep. I think I will be in big trouble if my parents find me with the flashlight writing to you. So I will try to be quick.

Today there were lots of fireworks because today is the day America became independent. That is what my teacher told me, so that is what I am writing to you.

Let me tell you something about me. I don’t like loud noises. I do not like thunderstorms and I do not like fireworks. So, it made me pretty angry that they kept on setting off the darn things. It made me so angry that I threw my alarm clock on my mirror. But that broke the darn thing.

Let me tell you another thing. My dad does not like it when I break things. Actually, he does not like much of what I do. I feel sorry for him because he hates so many things. I do not think that is any way to live. I am very thankful that today he did not hit me because I did not scream. Instead, he yelled at me for a very long time and said that what I did was bad.

I guess it wasn’t very nice of me to break something that cost my parents money. I hear them talking about saving more and spending less sometimes when I listen to them. I do not think they know that I can hear through the walls. I don’t think I want them to, either.

Good night,
Samuel A. Wilde.
♠ ♠ ♠
Do let me know how you like the story :]