Status: Contemplating whether or not this story is worth continuing! Please let me know :]

The Wilde Life

July 5th, 2008

July 5th, 2008
Dear Diary,

Today, no one has screamed. I am a little bit surprised. It still has not been a very good day, though.

I was sitting in class and suddenly, I got a little blue slip that said to go to the office. Everyone started making noises like I was in trouble, so I got kind of mad and said a few bad words. But my teacher didn’t say much and just told me to hurry on.

My counselor kept asking me weird questions. She kept asking if I was okay and she said she would be there for me if I was ever sad. Funny thing is, I have never felt sad in my entire life. I know that to some people that is not very long, but to me, my life has been very long, thank you very much. Back to what I was saying, I have only really felt angry. Sometimes I am happy, but that is only when I am writing in you or when I am playing sports. I really like basketball. I think Kobe Bryant is my favorite player. But sometimes I do not like him very much.

Anyways, she said that I have to come in once a week for a little while. I do not really want to, but I get candy afterwards, so maybe it’s okay.

I have to go now and take a shower. I do not want to, but my mom said she will give me pizza if I do. So bye.

Samuel A. Wilde.