Status: Feeling the Water :)

A Marauder's Tale


Chapter Twelve
Written By: Green Raspberries.

James let out a stream of laughter as he watched everyone dig into their lunch. Remus nudged him, sporting a dashing smile of his own. Peter looked rather nervous, flicking his tongue over his bottom lip like he could taste the detention they were going to get if they were caught.

Sirius was far to busy to revel in the magic of what was about to happen, he was busy watching Clarity staring at her glass of water rather longingly. He didn't know what to make of that look except he would give his right bullock to have her staring at him like that.

“In five, four, three, two, one!” James whispered, bouts of laughter following the countdown as many of the students in the Great Hall watched in horror as their skin turned the colors of their respected Houses. As if that wasn't enough, the girls shrieked in anger as their hair shivered in the follicle and then each strand fell from their heads with a dull, 'poof'. The opposite happened the boys, whose hair had grown so long that many of them were tripping over it.

Sirius attention had briefly strayed away from Clarity enough to receive praise from the Marauder's, never the less, after he was done bowing he looked towards the Doe Eyed Girl and saw that she was looking around the room boredly, her skin the same pale white and her blond hair trailing down her back as per usual.

It was then Clarity broke the stereotype the students of Hogwarts had put her in, because for the first time in a while she cracked a smile at Sirius and closed the lid over one of her abnormally large blue eyes.

“She just winked at me.” Sirius stated out loud, only believing himself if he could hear it.

Although, he could hardly hear himself think due to the chaos that was ensuing around him.

“JAMES POTTER!” Screamed a bald red faced girl that Sirius barely recognized as Lily Evan's, “You and your toss pop friends will pay for this one!”

James laughed boisterously and patted her bum as she stormed out of the Great Hall, her two unidentified Gryffindor friends following her lead.

Sirius and Remus doubled over laughing at the looks of Slytherin boys who were a slimy green color and had somehow managed to get their hair tangled into knots.

“When will you guys grow up?” Steamed Tonks, towering over Peter, her skin slowly changing from yellow to a creamy peach color, and her hair growing back to the blond bob she normally sported. She quickly followed out a bawling Molly Prewett.

“Damn,” Remus mused, “Next time we need to fool proof our pranks so even a Metamorphmagus can't get out of it. Rather impressive though, huh?”

No one answered his question because they were all looking to a boy who under normal circumstances would have had a dull grey complexion and greasy black hair, whose wand was pointed straight for Sirius Black.

“Think you're funny? Well, actions have consequences!” He said, a deadly low tone to his voice has his arm moved and a spell flew from his lips, “Sectumsempra.”

No one expected a small doe eyed girl to walk casually in front of Padfoot as he cringed away from the spell arms shielding his face. No one expected a small barely audible scream to be heard as her blond mane spilled across her face. No one but Severus Snape expected many large gashes to appear all over her body spilling her blood at an alarming pace all over the floor of the Great Hall.

Sirius had flung himself over to the girl who had saved him from the same fate, his robed and hands drenched in her blood as he tried in vain to heal her wounds.

James and Remus pulled him away from her small broken frame as Dumbledore and Slughorn knelt beside her and worked diligently with his wand.

Everyone else in the Great Hall, including the rather reluctant Sirius Black, was escorted to their House Commons where they were all reassured that Madame Pomfrey would be there shortly to cure them of the prank that had gone terribly awry.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will be at a cottage for the next few day so I will try and update when I can. No worries though, the next chapter is pretty long.

Guy, if you are reading this would you mind commenting. I just need a little incentive to keep writing this story. I know I have readers but most of you are silent.

Thanks, Whit.