Status: Feeling the Water :)

A Marauder's Tale

Meeting James

Chapter Three
Written By: Green Raspberries.

“I've asked you hear for a reason, City.” Spoke her mother, after the two had finished eating. They were about to serve dessert, and this was the best time to break the news. “You know that your 'At Home' Witchcraft and Wizardry tutors haven't been showing up.”

Clarity knew where this was going, she was going to have to get a job now. School wasn't an option now that every tutor had fled the country. She wished now more then ever that sippy cups weren't so damn effective. Clarity had attempted to be a lady and unscrew the cup when her mother wasn't looking, but there was barely such a time.

Aurora looked pleased when the plate of Apple Crumble was placed in front of Clarity.

“I suppose it's now or never.” She whispered, watching her daughter regard her closely, “Your going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

Clarity nearly choked on her steaming piece of Apple Crumble as she looked at her mother.

Clarity panicked. Her hand trembled and she attempted to Will herself. She found that her emotions were too out of control to transform. Getting out of there was more important then being lady like Clarity reasoned with herself as she ripped the top off of the sippy cup and poured the water over her head.

She took off running down the steps to the vast pond that surrounded the Manor.

Later that night when Clarity was sure that her mother had gone to bed she Willed herself back to her human form and crept back up to her room.

It wasn't the thought of going to Hogwarts specifically that made her angry, it was the fact that she would have to make all new friends, which was hard enough as it was. Clarity was quiet, she often had her nose in a book and only spoke unless she was defending something she believed in or she was spoken too.

She had made a friend or two in her travels, only one friends with whom, she had felt secure enough to share her secret. However, his reaction was the opposite she was hoping for and they hadn't spoken since. Having a major secret to keep such as this was something she was burdened with, something she felt she would never be comfortable with, let alone be comfortable with telling anyone with how charmingly that had gone over previously.

Clarity felt however, that being childish was not the way to act, whether she felt comfortable with it or not, she was going to Hogwarts. There was a bright side, though, Clarity had heard that Hogwarts came equipped with a large lake, filled with merpeople, and exotic wild life. That was something to look forward too.

A week had gone by since the news of her departure to Hogwarts and Clarity was now clutching her wand, a bag of Wizarding galleons in her pocket, and her mom waving to her as she apparated on the spot.

The familiar feeling of being sucked through a juice box with a straw overcame her and when it stopped and she landed in the middle of Diagon Alley she doubled over and gasped in the air around her. She never quiet understood how people could apparate with such professionalism.

People dodged her still form, muttering apologies as they clipped her shoulder. She forgave them and looked hurriedly at her list from Hogwarts, the sooner she got this done, the sooner she could go home and curl up with Hogwarts: A History and some Green Tea.

A set of plain work robes was the first item on the list and easy enough to acquire. Clarity weaved and bobbed through the masses of people with grace as she headed off to 'Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.'

The shop door dinged as she stepped through the threshold.

“Hello!” A cheery voice called from the back of the store. Clarity heard a set of footsteps get louder as the lady approached. “Howarts?”

“Er, yes. Thank you.” Replied Clarity, watching as the woman ushered her onto a stood where she stood awkwardly as the tape measure extended itself to measure her.

“Such a small girl.” The woman tutted, “What year?”

Clarity supposed the woman was trying to be polite by making small talk and as much as Clarity didn't want to talk to this lady, she was brought up properly and smiled in all her fake glory.

“Sixth. I'm terribly excited.” She replied, jumping slightly as the tape measure tightened around her chest.

“I would think that the excitement of school wears off after a full six years of it.” The lady commented, using her wand to sew the hems of the robes.

“Actually, I've been home schooled for the past five.” Clarity paused, “All of my tutors are, erm, currently indisposed at the moment.”

“Well most educators that aren't employed at Hogwarts have left. Travelled abroad I expect, with everything that's going on with,” She lowered her voice, “He Who Must Not Be Named.”

Clarity nodded, having guessed that much for herself, the woman was now slipping the robes off of her and levitating them with her wand. With a quick muttered spell, the robes were suddenly duplicated so she now had three sets of the the same ones.

“We have hats over here.” The woman said, “Also, Cloaks with silver and black fastenings over there. Take you pick while I ring these through.”

Clarity wandered over to the section in which she pointed. She mulled over her choice of pointed hat that look somewhat like a costume piece that a muggle would find in a common department store.

“How terribly stereotypical.” She muttered darkly, picking one up that was small and black with silver trim.

“You're telling me, mate.” Said a boy, about her age, rummaging through the same row of hats. “Muggles have it easy! They get to look bloody normal!”

Clarity just looked at the boy, saying things like that too loudly was bounded to get the boy in trouble.

“You are?” He asked, examining a hat before scoffing and throwing it back.

“Clarity Cohen.” She respond lightly. Watching the boy finally choose a hat. They both walked to wear the winter cloaks were.

“I'm James Potter. Sixth year, Gryffindor.” Clarity noticed that the boy said that with pride, he was almost glowing. “I heard you telling Madam Malkin that you were new this year.”

Clarity merely nodded, grabbing a cloak with silver fastenings to match her hat and hurried to the counter where Madam Malkin rang her up. Clarity threw some galleons at her and all but ran out of the shop. She heard the boy call after her,

“See you at school!”