Status: Active

Medusa's Eye

01. The Post-It Note

1:00 P.M.- September 13th, 2002- Huntington Beach, California

Maximus Sanders sat comfortably in his black leather chair as he tapped his fingers on his oak desk. Every so often, he would glance up at his Rolex 24-carat diamond watch to check the time. To him, today was an important day. Maximus smirked greedily to himself as he stared at the yellow Post-It placed on his desk. Today would be the day he would make his debut to the darker side of the Mafia world. It was a world known only by the most dignified mafia leaders. But Maximus licked his lips as he stared at the name on the yellow Post-It.


Maximus traced the name with his thumb, mouthing the name. Medusa was one of the greatest mysteries in the mafia world. She was part of the “Pandora box” in the mafia world. Controlled by a significant man named Zeus, Medusa was an elite assassins who was rumored as beautiful and stunning, freezing men the moment she lay eyes on them. Maximus chuckled to himself as he wondered about the woman. Was she young? Was she as beautiful as rumored? Was she really an elite assassin? But Maximus’s thoughts were interrupted as he heard the light clomps of leather boots.

A female dressed in a black fur coat, which reached to her knees, slipped in through the back door of Maximus Sanders’s office building. Her brunette curls cascaded down her shoulder, bouncing up and down lightly with every step she took with her three inch heel, brown leather boots. Her right eye was dark gray while her left eye was covered with a black patch, the ones pirates wear. Her skin was pale, but not too white. Her lips were coated with clear lip-gloss. Her hands were covered with black leather gloves. Under the black fur coat, she wore a black tank-top, which exposed some of her C-cup cleavage, and a black mini skirt, which reached just below her mid-thigh. Underneath her skirt was a silver pistol which was hidden very well.

The woman walked to the room implied on the map she had received from Zeus. “Maximus Sanders,” the woman whispered to herself, licking off some of the gloss off her lip. Just whispering the name sounded like discord in her ears. Medusa could already foretell that she would not like her client. But she sighed to herself as she stopped in front of a fancy cherry wood door. There were designs engraved on the door with gold, somewhat screaming aloud that this was the mafia boss’s office. Taking in a deep breath, Medusa knocked lightly on the door.

“Knock. Knock.”

“Come in,” Maximus called out eagerly as he waited anxiously for the famous Medusa, to enter. Maximus gasped as he stared at a young female wearing a black fur coat. She didn’t even look like she was in her mid twenties yet. Maximus’s emerald eyes examined up and down the features of the goddess in front of him. “Lucky me,” he thought quietly to himself as he felt his cock twitch with anticipation. Currently, all he could think of were the dirty things he could do to the woman in front of him. She was indeed beautiful.

“I’m sorry for my delay. I was admiring this building,” Medusa cooed softly, creating a goofy smile to appear on Maximus’s face. In truth, Medusa was not even close to interested with the Sanders’ mafia building. She had seen better than just glass rotating doors, polished tile, and tropical plant pots.

“Ah... I’m glad you like it. It took a fortune to build this place,” Maximus bragged as he stood up from his seat. He was thankful that his jet black suit pants hid his slight arousal. “Perhaps we should sit on that couch over there,” Maximus suggested as he pointed to the one-to-one couch. Secretly, he was hoping to catch a glimpse of Medusa’s panties while they sat and discussed Medusa’s mission.

“No thank you, sir. I prefer standing,” Medusa stated, chuckling as she noticed the disappointed look on her client’s face. Medusa snorted to herself. It seemed like all the supposedly “great” mafia men were perverted as well. It gave Medusa another reason to hate men. To her, all they thought of was how to undress a female and how to plunge their manhood into a vagina.

“Well, then... Ah... where are my manners. Medusa, my name is Maximus Sanders, but just call me Maximus,” Maximus Sanders stated with a Cheshire cat smile. “Nice to meet you, Maximus. As you probably know, my name is Medusa. Zeus has informed me that you needed an elite assassin, so here I am to do my job,” Medusa faked a smile as she shook Maximus’s hand. For today, Medusa was glad she had worn her black leather gloves. She did not want to touch the man’s hand with her bare skin.

“Ah... well I’m glad you took the offer,” Maximus grinned as he clasped his hands together. Medusa nodded, loathing the awkward silence in the air. “Well... I suppose I should explain your mission,” Maximus suggested as he noticed that Medusa was not much of a talker.

“Yes, that would be very helpful,” Medusa agreed. Maximus furrowed his eyebrows slightly as he stared at Medusa’s inscrutable facade. He could not see excitment nor apathy from her. Sighing to himself, Maximus continued, “I want you to kill my son, Matthew Sanders.”

Medusa pressed her lips together into a tight line as Maximus’s voice echoed inside her head. Had she misheard him? Was it possible for a infamous mafia leader to order his son dead?

“I-i beg your pardon,” Medusa stuttered as she stared at Maximus Sanders’s emerald green eyes.

“I want you to kill my son, Matthew Sanders,” Maximus repeated again with wicked smile on his face.

“May I ask you reason,” Medusa asked curiously.

Maximus chuckled as he answered, “Hmm... Medusa, have you ever heard of the Avenged Sevenfold?” Medusa shook her head. Minor names and groups had never piqued her interest before.

“Well, this Avenged Sevenfold is a mini mafia group my son created in the Sanders clan. At first I didn’t exactly mind their existence. I mean who would expect those seventeen year old, hormonal boys to turn into one of my compunctions in life? I didn’t think my son would find about the truth of his mother’s death. In fact, goddamn that woman. If I hadn’t married her in the first place, I wouldn’t have had that spawn of the devil. Besides, I admitted that I had ordered my men to kill her, but it was for a reasonable cause. That damn women wouldn’t sign the divorce papers. So with the snap of my fingers I had her dead,” Maximus rambled, as his anger bubbled inside him.

Medusa stood, checking the clock as she droned out Maximus. She could already figure out his life story. Maximus Sanders was just another charlatan. He wasn’t someone to admire or respect. He was a pompous dupe: a perfect example of a man bitch. Medusa tapped her feet lightly on the floor, impatiently waiting for the “douche” to finish his boring life story.

“Maximus, today, I don’t exactly have time. Would you just give me the picture of your son, and we’ll chat later,” Medusa interrupted as Maximus went on about his recent mistress.

“Ah... yes, sure,” Maximus grinned as he opened his drawers in search for his son’s latest picture. As he rummaged through his files, Medusa stiffened as she heard the faint sound of a gun shot. “I better leave this building in five minutes,” she thought to herself. She had a strong premonition that the gun shot was not from an ally but from a foe.

“Here you go,” Maximus stated as he handed Medusa the photo of his twenty-year old son. The picture had been taken when Maximus and Matthew Sanders had visited Italy during the summer. Medusa stared at the man with gelled back, black hair wearing a pair of shaded aviators. Matthew Sanders, just the picture of him, reminded Medusa of the ominous feeling she felt when she saw the large, bold red “danger” sign. The image of him would forever remain in her head.

“Well, then, goodbye, Mr. Maximus Sanders,” Medusa stated as she gripped the picture through her leather gloves and walked toward the door. “Wait... when will he be dead,” Maximus asked as he watched Medusa open the cherry wood door.

Medusa turned back to stare at Maximus Sanders for the last time. After today, she probably wouldn’t see him nor hear of him anymore. “I don’t work for dead men, Maximus. Take care,” Medusa stated as she walked out of the room, leaving Maximus Sanders dazed and confused.
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Second chapter is up! I hope everyone reading this story likes it! Thanks to the many people who subscribed this story! And a double thanks for the ones who commented. I really enjoy comments and with more comments, I am willing to try update this story everyday... so please comment!

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