Status: Comment For An Update. (:

Adventure Land

Chapter One

“Cookies! I want my fuckin’ cookies!” I yelled, running into the kitchen of our newly bought home.

I just recently moved to Huntington Beach, California with my Mom, Dad, Older brother, Kayden and my little brother, Harlow.

“Calm down, Andy!” My nickname for Andrea. “I thought you weren’t supposed to have cookies before dinner?” Kayden asked, chuckling as he saw me struggling with getting the bag of chocolate chip cookies out of the cabinet, he got up and got them for me. Damn being short.

“I can if I want! I’m 16 fucking years old,” I said, sticking my chocolate chip covered tongue out.

“16, not 18 may I mind you,” he said, I growled.

“Oh so you’re Mr. oh hey I’m 18, lemme eat all dem damn cookies!” I said, stuffing more cookies in my mouth.

“Nope, but I can give you permission to have them.” I dropped my cookie.

“Can I has them all oh mighty powerful Kayden?!” I asked, getting on my knees.

“You’re stupid. But yes, you can has them.” I giggled and got up, grabbing my bag full of cookies and walking out front where my Mother and Little Brother were.

“Kayden gave Andy cookies! Take cover!” My little brother, Harlow said, dropping to the ground and covering his head.

I playfully rolled my eyes and walked over to my mother, who was talking with the neighbors.

“Oh, Andy! Glad you’re out here, this is Mrs. Sanders,” my mom said, introducing me.

“Glad to meet you!” I said, shaking her hand with my free one.

“Same here. What’s this about taking cover?” Mrs. Sanders asked, laughing.

“Andy isn’t supposed to have a bag full of cookies, right Andrea?” I cringed as my mother said my full name.

“Kayden said I could…” I trail off, biting another cookie.

“Since when do you listen to Kayden?” she asked.

“Since he said I could have all the cookies I wanted! Muahaha!” I ran off, hearing my Mother and Mrs. Sanders laughing.

I was running up the front porch when I ran into my Father, who was laughing at my cookie covered face.

“Having fun?” He asked. I nodded rapidly and took off again inside, and up to the guest room to look out front.

I opened the balcony door and walked out, looking down at the scene before me.

Mom was talking to Mrs. Sanders, Harlow was playing with some boy, Dad was talking to who I assumed, was Mr. Sanders, and Kayden was talking to a boy that looked about his age, maybe a year younger.

Whoever that guy was, he sure as hell was hot. I wonder if he likes cookies….

“Andy! Get down here, you need to meet someone!” Kayden yelled, seeing me.

My damn ninja skills failed me again… time for training, I guess.

“What if I don’t want too?” I asked, taking another bite of my cookie.

“See those things you’re eating?” he asked, smirking. I nodded slowly.

“No more if you don’t come down here.” I ran out the guest room and down stairs before you could say Butterscotch slowly.

“You can’t take my cookies! They’re the only things that love me,” I said, falling to my knees. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately…

“Get up, retard.” I got up and pouted, nibbling on my cookie.

“She’d get along great with my friend, Jimmy,” The guy said. My knees almost gave out at how sexy his voice was.

“Who’s Jimmy? I’d love to meet him! Does he like cookies?” I asked, wide eyed.

“He’s a cookie freak,” he said, smiling a cute dimple smile that made me weak.

“Anyways, Matt, this is my silly sister, Andrea.” I growled.

“Andy,” I extended my hand and he took it, pulling me into a hug, I blushed.

He let go and Kayden started laughing.

“Every kiss begins with K,” I sung, walking away.

“Shut up!” he said. I giggled and walked over to my Dad so I could meet Mr. Sanders.

“Hi Hi!” I said, linking arms with my Dad.

“Hey there, Sweetie! This is Mr. Sanders,” My Dad said. I shook Mr. Sander’s hand.

“Nice too meet you! I’m Andy,” I said, smiling.

“Same to you,” he said, chuckling.

“I thought your Mother said no cookie’s before dinner,” Dad said, smirking.

“Kayden said I could. Bye!” I yelled before dropping my cookies and doing a car wheel.

I picked back up my cookies and smoothed my Owl City shirt.

I heard my brother and Matt talking so I hid behind the bushes, hoping that my ninja skills wouldn’t fail me again.

“Your sister is adorable,” Matt said. I blushed.

“Don’t get any idea’s man,” Kayden said.

“I’m not that bad, come on.” I giggled softly.

“Really dude? From the stories I’ve heard in the past 30 minutes, you’re pretty horrible.”

“I am not, but it’s whatever man.” I shot up and threw a cookie at Kayden.

“Faggatron!” I yelled, running away.

I heard Matt laughing and Kayden running after me.

I turned my head and saw both Matt and Kayden running after me, oh joy.

I saw the pool and dropped my cookies, diving in. I didn’t really care that I had my clothes on, it’s not like they don’t get washed in water…right?

“You seriously just jumped into the pool…with your clothes on.” I nodded rapidly and started floating around.

“Matt! We have band rehearsal, let’s go!” I heard someone yell.

“Pool! Person! CANNON BALL!” I looked up and saw a tall figure jump into the pool.

He surfaced and gave me a goofy grin that I gladly returned.

“Hi! I’m Andy!” I yelled hugging the tall, lanky person.

“I’m Jimmy! You give hugs… I like you.” I giggled and let go, getting out of the water.

“So you’ve met Jimmy. This is Brian, Johnny and Zacky.” I looked at them and waved at them.

“So you’re the one we can hear blocks away,” The pudgy one that I now know as Zacky, said.

“Yeah, I has a big mouth.” They all laughed at me and Matt sighed.

“Looks like we better get a move on to practice,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Where at?” I asked, picking back up my cookies.

“My garage, wanna come?” He asked, I nodded rapidly and bolted across the street where I saw Mrs. Sanders.

“I win! More cookies please!” I said, holding my now empty cookie bag open.

“No more cookies, Andrea,” I heard my brother say, I growled.

“You are now on the top of my “To Eat” list.” He laughed and walked into the garage.

“You can’t eat me,” he said, flopping onto the couch that was in there.

“Watch me. I can imagine that you’re a nice big cookie, and eat you.” He cringed and sighed, tossing me another bag full of cookies.

“I love you!” I said, jumping on him and opening the bag. He laughed.

“Alright, we’re gonna start with the Beast And The Harlot,” Matt said, plugging in his mike.

I almost fell off of my brother’s lap when he started singing.

He had a rough, raspy voice. But it was also sweet, had that tone that you good fall asleep too. Well I could.

When he finished, he starred at me weirdly. I didn’t know that my jaw had dropped until Kay reached around and shut it for me.

“Oops,” I said, blushing.

“So I’m guessing you liked it?” he asked, chuckling. I nodded and got up.

“I don’t want any more cookies,” I said, throwing the bag away. My brother gasped.

“I want….SKITTLES!” I yelled running back to the house and grabbing my bag of skittles before running back out and to Matt’s garage.

“That was quick,” Zacky said, laughing.

“Yes…I was using my ninja skills,” I said, flopping onto the couch next to Brian.

“So do you like it here so far?” Brian asked, I nodded.

“For only being here for about a day or so, it’s been pretty good. I love the sun. it was always cloudy in Forks,” he looked at me wide eyed.

“Forks? Like from the Twilight Saga?” I laughed.

“Ew, not that icky thing. A bunch of tourist come there now looking for vampires. Silly humans, don’t they know that vampires don’t exist?” I asked, winking at him. He gulped and got up, hiding behind Jimmy.

I had only been here for a day and I was already starting to like it here more than I ever did back home. I felt like I belong somewhere, let’s just hope the feeling stays the same when I get to school tomorrow.
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Kay so i wanted to try somthing different, read if you will.
I want feedback on this one people, i really want your thoughts.

It's just a story that i'll be writeing in my free time, summary sucks, i know.
But you all know that i'm not so good at them anyways. :P

Comment and Subscribe, i'll love you forever!

with love, Tori.