Status: Comment For An Update. (:

Adventure Land

Chapter Two

“This is it. You ready?” Kayden asked as we were standing in front of Huntington High. I nodded slowly and hiked my back pack up my should a little more before I bowed my head and started following Kayden into the school.

I was hoping that I would see Jimmy; he became my best friend after band practice yesterday when he showed me his stash of skittles and shared them with me.

I bumped into someone and dropped my books, falling with them.

“Andy! Are you okay?! I’m so sorry. Wait….ANDY!” Jimmy said, picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder after picking up my book bag.

“Hold up Jimbo! Put me down,” I said, laughing. The only thing he did was laugh like a mad man and kept running, where, I have no clue.

“Matt! Look what I found wondering around,” he said, dropping me on my ass.

“Hey! Watch the merchandise,” I said, laughing.

“No cookies today, Andy?” Johnny asked, smirking. I pouted.

“Nope, my Momma said that I can’t has cookie until I get from school.” A thought came to mind and my face lit up.

“But I has skittles in my back pack!” I said, ripping my bag open and looked for my big bag of skittles. I found them and ripped them open too, stuffing a hand full in my mouth.

“I have no idea what is with you and Jimmy with skittles, really I don’t…” Matt said, helping me up and hugging me.

“Hi Mattie Cakes! Glad to see you on this fine, fine day.” He chuckled and smiled his cute dimple smile.

“Well I wouldn’t miss a chance at seeing you for the world…” I blushed.

“Matthew! Walk me to class.” I looked over and saw a fake blonde pull on Matt’s arm. I gave her the stink eye and she just growled.

“James! Zackary! Jonathan! Brian! Walk me to class,” I said, mocking the bitch.

“Like now, Matthew,” she said, pulling on his arm more.

“Like now, guys.” They all laughed and I linked arms with Jimmy and Brian. Johnny linked arms on the other side of Jimmy and Zacky linked arms on the other side of Brian.

“Tootles,” I said, before we all skipped off into the school. Like, we literally skipped.

“We’re off to see the Wizard! The wonderful Wizard of Oz! Because, because, because, because….! Because of all the wonderful things he does!” Jimmy and I sung while the others laughed.

“So…you gonna tell me who she was?” I asked, stopping in front of my new locker.

“Cassandra Sampson, she’s a slut and Matt’s current girlfriend.” My heart sank at the last little piece of information that I had received.

“Matt’s girlfriend aye? Well, we’ll just see about that. Oh! Has anyone seen Kayden?” I asked while putting my things in my locker.

“When I kidnapped you, he made friends with the football team. I think he’s going to try out today after school.” I smiled. My brother always was good with making friends right off the bat.

I closed my locker and pulled out my schedule that I got mailed to before I moved here.

“Okay my posse, look over my schedule and see what classes I have with you, my home dogs. If I have any.” I said, laughing.

“You have every class with me!” Jimmy said, jumping up and down.

“Aren’t you seventeen though?” I asked and he nodded.

“Yup! But I failed…cause I’m awesome.” A song popped in my head.

“No you’re not dude, don’t lie.” I started rapping and Jimmy’s face lit up, apparently knowing the song.

“You know that song too?!” he said, picking me up.

“Yes…now let me go!” he put me down and I saw Cassandra and Matt walk by.

Matt looked like a different person with that chick around, like she sucks all of the life out of him. Fucking bitch, I should rearrange her face.

Woe, where did the violence come from? There go the voices in my head again! Sooner or later they are going to tell me to kill you…

“Mattie Cakes! I need your help with something,” I yelled out, smirking.

“What the hell are you doing? Do you want your face rearranged?” Johnny asked, with a scared look on his face.

“Hmm, that sounds like fun!” I said, skipping off to where Matt was.

I poked him several times before he turned around with a pissed expression.

“What do you want, Andrea?” he asked, using my full name. I gasped.

“Really, Matthew? That hurts, really.” I put a hand over my heart and batted my eye lashes.

He turned back around towards Cassandra and her friends. Mr. Bi Polar is starting to piss me off.

“Matthew Charles Sanders!” He tensed.

“Look, obviously he doesn’t want to talk to you. So back the fuck off and leave us alone, kay? Whatever crush you’ve developed during the time that you have known him, needs to disappear. Like, now.” I turned have way around before turning back quickly and punching her. She cried out in pain and it looked like Matt wanted to laugh.

“I really don’t think that hurt. Considering that you’re a bleach blonde, plastic, Barbie wanna be.” I turned away and walked back over to the guys who just looked shocked.

I picked up my bag of skittles, book bag, and schedule.

“Gonna show me where room B, Chemistry is? Or do I need to find it myself?” Jimmy laughed and linked arms with me before we skipped off to class.

“You’re not going to do anything about it, Matthew?!” I heard Cassandra yell, I laughed.

“Here we are, room B! Prepare to take a visit to the wonderful world of Chemistry…” Jimmy trailed off, sighing as he made his way into the class.

“Ah Andrea McKay, please take a seat next to…James Sullivan, please.” I smiled and sat down after grabbing a text book.

As I sat there, Jimmy started drooling as he stared off into space. I giggled softly and pulled out a piece of paper, writing a message on it and sliding it to Jimmy.

Why are you drooling? he smiled and wrote something before giving it back to me.

I was thinking about how hot you’d look in a bikini. I gasped.

Oh really now? Well, you might want to keep your thoughts to yourself mister!

Or what?

The bell rang before I got the chance to right back. I got up and we walked out of the classroom, heading to what I assumed was Gym.

“Or what?! Tell me, you’re killing me here.” I giggled and put my Chemistry book in my book bag.

“Or I’ll get Kayden on you.” He gasped and I ran off to Gym, Jimmy hot on my tail.


I walked out of school, happy with how my first day went. Tonight I would be hanging at the beach with the guys and their girlfriends, having a bon fire. Unfortunately, that meant that Barbie would be there. Oh well! I’ll be sexier than eva and make Mattie cakes fall for me…hopefully.

“Just a spoon full of Jimmy makes the whole world go down!” I laughed as I heard Jimmy come up behind me, picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder.

“Why must you always do that?” I asked, poking his back.

“Because I love you! That’s why, my awesome buddie!” I laughed and he flopped me into the front seat of his car.

He turned the car on and Hollywood Whore by Papa Roach started playing. I started laughing and Jimmy looked at me like I was crazy.

“What the…” I laughed even more when I saw her walk by.

I rolled down the window and turned the song up more.

“Hollywood Whore, passed out on the floor, can’t take it no more, I’m sorry but the party’s over! The talk of the town, cause she’s goin’ down! I’m sorry but the party’s over!” I sung, pointing at Cassandra.

Matt smirked and climbed into his car, winking at me. I felt myself blush as Jimmy pulled out of the parking lot of the school, heading to the beach.

“You have your bikini with you, right?” he asked, pulling up to the beach. I nodded and got out of the car.

“I have it on under my clothes.” He nodded and got out too, heading to where the other guys where.

“Andy! Glad you could make it. I thought that maybe Jim here would end up killing you with his awesome driving skills,” Zacky said, giving me a hug.

“He’s a better driver then me. Trust me,” they all stared at me in horror before I heard a loud screech coming from the water.

“What the HELL is that noise?!” I asked, covering my ears.

“That would be Cassandra,” Johnny said, laughing.

“Fuck. Matt should put a damn muzzel on her or something.” Brian spit his drink out and started laughing.

“Dude! I told him to do that once and threw one at him.” he said.

“And how did that go for ya?” I asked, laughing

“Not so good…he punched me.” I fell to the ground laughing.

“Hey! It’s not funny! Why don’t you go over there and tell him to put one on her and see what happens.” He threw one at me and I just looked at him odd.

“What? I planned on throwing it at him later anyways.” I rolled my eyes and started walking towards Matt and Cassandra.

“Oh Mattie! Be a doll and put this on your whore, she needs it.” I threw the muzzle and him and he turned around, picking it up.

“Did Brian tell you to do this?” he asked, in a scary voice.

“You don’t scare me, Buttercup. Now do us all a favor and SHUT THE BARBIE UP!” I screamed, walking away.

“He’s totally going to be pissed at you later, hope you know that.” I rolled my eyes and the piece of information that Zacky gave me.

“I honestly don’t care.” He laughed and patted his lap, telling me to sit.

I sat down on his lap, leaning into his chest. I yawned softly and looked around at my new friends.

You have Jimmy, who is officially my best fucking friend, Johnny who is just a loveable little gnome, Brian who is the most trustworthy of them all, Zacky who is like a teddy, and then there’s Matt. He’s not letting me in, so I don’t really know what to think of him just yet.

My thoughts on these guys are sure going to change, since I’ve only known them for a couple days now. But I’m sure I’ll love them more and more each day.
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