Status: Comment For An Update. (:

Adventure Land

Chapter Three

“Wake up, Wake up!” Jimmy yelled, bouncing on my bed.

“How the fuck did you get in here?” I asked, rolling over.

“Kayden let us in, he said that he’s been trying to get you up for an hour.” I froze.

“Us? Who else is in here?!” I said, covering my head with the blanket. Having Jimmy in here is bad enough.

“Short Shit, Brian, Zacky and Matt.” Great! Matt is in here too.

“Go away!” I groaned, trying to kick Jimmy off of my bed.

“Not until you get up! We’re going to the mall and I want to see you try on something smexy!” I sat up and smacked him.

“The fuck was that for?!” I smirked.

“No reason.” He got off the bed and backed away slowly, hiding behind Matt.

“Hiding behind him isn’t going to save you. My ninja skills are too powerful.” I laughed evilly got up, walking down the stairs.

I need skittles. Oh, and some red Amp…

“Did you like your wakeup call?” Kayden asked. I growled.

“You growl too much,” he said, laughing.

“Fuck you! You know not to talk to me before I have my skittles and red Amp in the morning.” I grabbed a bag of skittles and a amp from the fridge, sitting at the breakfast table and opening them.

“Oh Andy! Where are you, my little fruit loop?” Jimmy yelled, walking into the kitchen.

“There you are! We’re going to the mall, you wanna come?” He asked, grabbing some skittles.

“Sure! I’m ready to rock and roll!” I said, jumping up and running to my room, striping off my shirt.

I opened my door and forgot that all the guys were in there. I shrugged and walked in, putting on another shirt and changing into a pair of worn jean shorts.

I turned around and they all had their jaw dropped, except Matt. He was just staring at me, his hand twitching a bit.

“What? Ya’ll act like you’ve never seen a girl in her bra and panties before.” I brushed my hair and tossed it up into a messy bun and applying a layer of mascara onto my barely noticeable lashes.

“Ready to go, guys?” I asked.

They all nodded, standing up and leaving, except Matt. Shocker.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting next to him on my bed.

“I broke up with Cassandra.” He said, obviously a bit upset.

“Why?” I asked, scooting closer to him.

“No one likes her and I don’t like the way she treats my friends. Especially you.” I was shocked, really.

“I’m really sorry, Matt…” I said, hugging him.

“It’s okay Andy. Ready to go to the mall?” He asked, standing up. I nodded and got up too.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I said, walking out my bedroom. He chuckled and followed.

“Let’s go!” Jimmy said, running out the door.

“He has more than one pack of Skittles, didn’t he?” I asked, laughing.

“Four.” I gasped. That was my whole stash.

“He’s buying me a new stash of Skittles, Crazy Cores this time.” Matt laughed, taking my hand and leading me to his Tahoe.

“You get the front seat, the guys take the back.” I nodded and hopped in, buckling myself.

“Mall time, oh yeah!” Brian said, jumping in.

“Why must you jump? Seriously,” Zacky said, getting in after him.

“Because he’s an idiot, that’s why,” Johnny said, getting in after Zacky.

“I thought I was the idiot!” Jimmy said, running and then jumping into the truck, I laughed.

“You are, Jimmy. Trust me,” Matt said, getting into the driver’s side. I laughed even more at his comment.

“That’s mean, Matt.” He smirked and pulled away from the curb and towards the mall.

“Mall!” Jimmy yelled as we arrived to our destination.

He jumped out of the truck before it made a complete stop, making Matt curse under his breath.

I giggled and got out of the truck too, linking arms with Jimmy.

“Let’s raid the mall, bitches!” I yelled, making an old couple glare at me and a mom cover her son’s ears and glare.

“Not even here for five minutes and you already have people pissed at us, great job,” Johnny said, laughing.

“Yeah it usually takes Jimmy about an hour,” Brian said, smirking.

“Whatever…” Jimmy mumbled before leading me into the mall.

“Where to first?” he asked, looking around.

“Mattress store!” I yelled, dragging him into the store.

I let go of him and got on a mattress, jumping.

“You’re totally gonna get us kicked out… awesome!” Jimmy said, jumping on the bed with me.

“Do you guys want to get kicked out of the mall?” Matt asked, walking into the store.

“Yes!” Jimmy and I both said, giggling.

“What am I going to do with you two…” He mumbled, walking over and sitting on a bed.

“You’re going to love me forever, that’s what you are going to do,” I said and he looked up and me, smiling.

“I have no problem with that.” I blushed and tried to hide it with my hair.

“Uh…Jimmy is right here you know and he can hear everything. Oh and Jimmy needs skittles…” Jimmy said, talking in third person.

“Jimmy why the fuck are you talking in third person?” I asked, laughing.

“Jimmy don’t know… SHORT SHIT!” he screamed, running out of the store, leaving me alone with Matt.

“He don’t know short shit?” I asked, bouncing off the bed, going over and standing by Matt.

“I think he saw Johnny…I think,” he said, getting up and looking out the store.

“Coming?” he asked, holding his hand out for me to take. I smiled and took it.

“My god you are so tall…” I said, wide-eye, starring at him.

“Is that a bad thing?” he asked, smirking.

“Nope. I like tall guys,” I said, smiling up at him.

He smirked. “So where to now?” he asked, I had to ponder on that one for a minute.

I squealed when I saw Build A Bear Workshop.

I pulled Matt into the store and he started laughing.

“Pick one out and I’ll buy it for you,” he said, smiling. I looked at him yet again, with a pair of wide eyes.

“Are you serious?” I asked, he nodded.

“Clothes too,” I smiled.

“You don’t need to buy it clothes, Matt.” He took me over to the line of Stuffies.

“Pick one. And yes I do,” he said, smirking. I sighed and picked out a Andean Bear and holding it up.

“This one,” I said, smiling. He chuckled and nodded.

I walked over and filled it with cotton, putting just the right amount.

“Alright, go pick out your clothes for the thing,” he said, holding the bear.

I was picking out some boy clothes when a name for him came to mind.

“Matthew Jr.” I turned around and saw him with an eye brow raised.

“What?” he asked clearly confused.

“That’s his name.” He chuckled and looked at the bear.

“He does look like one, doesn’t he?” he asked, coming over to help me pick out cloths.

“Mhm, just like his Daddy,” I said, biting my lip.

“I think he looks more like his Mommy,” he said, kissing my cheek. I felt my face burn up and I sighed, content with all the outfits we picked out.

Matt paid for Matthew Jr and his clothes and we walked out of the store. What he did next shocked me. He took my hand and smiled down at me.

“Teddy! What’s his name? He looks oddly like Matt,” Jimmy said, taking my bear. I pouted.

“His name is Matthew, now give me my child!” I yelled, taking back Matthew.

“Well then..didn’t know you like each other like that.” I smirked.

“I didn’t know that you were a child kiddernapper.” I laughed at my new word.

“Kiddernapper?” Matt asked, chuckling.

“Yes!” he playfully rolled his eyes and smiled.

“Nice new word.” I smiled. I’ve been doing that a lot today.

“Why thank you!” I said and we continued to walk about the mall.

“We gotta get outta here, like now!” Brian yelled, running towards the exit, the rest of the guys hot on his trail.

“Alright, let’s roll.” Matt took my hand and we started making a run for the exit, heading to the Tahoe.

“The fuck did ya’ll do this time?” Matt asked as we got into the truck.

“And why wasn’t I invited?!” Jimmy yelled, getting in as well.

“Because you were too busy doing god knows what. And what we did is none of your concern.” I laughed.

“Where’s Matthew?” I asked, looking around.

“He’s right next to you, Genious,” said Zacky.

“No, my bear, my child, where the fuck is he!” I yelled, leaning over the seat.

Matt put his hand on my ass to steady me, I blushed.

“Jimmy gimmie Matthew.” He pouted.

“But he’s so cute!” I glared at him.

“I don’t fucking care, give me my child or you are no longer allowed to eat my skittles.” He giggled.

“Here you go!” he said, throwing him at me.

I caught him and looked him over, not seeing anything wrong with him. Except now, he was wearing a pair of converse, khaki shorts, a T-Shirt with a skull and a bandanna with a backwards baseball cap on.

I laughed and looked back at Jimmy who smiled at me innocently.

I love my friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bleh kinda suckish, sorry. :P
Thank you all for the wonderful comments!