Status: Short Story

Take Me Away

Take Me Away

As she walks with her head hanging low in the middle of the night. Poring down rain everybody else runs she just walks slowly with her arms wrapped around her. Her socks and Chucks were wet. Her leather pants have water running down them her chains jingle on her pants as she walks. She wraps her 69Eyes hoodie around her tighter but that didn't help her shirt from getting wet. Her favorite shirt, Her Criss Angel shirt. Her HIM messenger bag over her shoulder carrying folds and binders. Her AVENGED SEVENFOLD back pack carries her drawings and small paints. She sighs, her duffel bag has her clothes in it and an extra pair of shoes in it and other supplies she needs. Then she thinks to herself what has she done to deserve this pain, this loneliness, what was it?

The memory all to fresh in her mind. He swore he'll love her forever but he didn't. She remembers walking into the house full of moans and screams of another woman's voice. She walks into the bedroom and find hem with HER! Some blonde bimbo BITCH! So here she is trying to find some place to go, but where? She wonders the streets. Then it hits her "I will go to the cemetery, I'm always welcome there."

She walks to the darkened Graveyard and goes through the old iron gates. She feels a welcome. She wonders around the graves then she finds the one she wants. She puts her bags next to the headstone and sits down. She gets lost in her thoughts. Then out of no where she hears a voice of a man from across the graveyard. He was singing in the most beautiful voice she have ever heard in her life. She quietly sings along with him then out of nowhere arms wrap around her. She is not scared, but startle a bit. She feels comforter from this mans arms, like all her pain is gone. The mans Beautiful voice still sings the song. The song sounded familiar to he. She heard it somewhere before but can't remember where. Still she sings the beautiful words with him. In perfect harmony. Then she suddenly remembers where she heard all and seen all before. It was in her DREAMS.

This man, this beautiful human had the most beautiful chocolate dark brown eyes. Full pink lips that oh! So temped her to kiss him. Beautiful layered choppy black hair that fitted lovely on his head. He had a very strong jaw bone. Beautiful arms lined with Awesome tattoos. He was a very tall man but all amazing at the same time. Then the singing stopped then she heard his voice ask "what happened, Babe?" she replied "He Cheated." he held me closer and tighter to him. Then she asked "why are you holding me?"

He replied "I hold you every night, Darling." she quietly smiled to herself. She looks into his beautiful brown eyes and asked him "take me away." He replied "My Pleasure, Love." and He took Her Away.


So yea first short story

so just go ahead and tell me how bad it sucked ass!

comments welcome :)

~xSixx's Hell Catx~