Status: Been reported for the first time; on Temporary Hiatus until problem can be resolved.

No One Sleeps When I'm Awake


She read over the headline for the third time, her mind blocking out the smaller print. She looked to Sweetie pie, or perhaps she should be calling him Michael, in shock. He merely shook his head in disappointment.

“Will she ever wake up?” She asked quietly, though in her tone there was already hopelessness.

“I’m not sure. The last time I saw her was about three years ago. She was totally comatose. The only way they’re keeping her alive is by respirator. But I figure if I bring you….”

Her eyes widened in understanding. “Is it your fault I’m here?”

He shook his head. “No, no, no. I searched for quite some time, but lucky fate has finally brought you to me. I figure bringing you will be what she needs.”

Leaving was an idea that struck fear in her. What if she couldn’t help her? What if she destroyed her? How could she even trust in her own ability if she didn’t even know how to work it herself?

“I don’t know…how could I even just up and leave these guys….how could you?”

“I’ve been prepared to do that for some time. And you, you’ve barely even known them.” As true as those words may has been, she had already known that within the first week, these men would do a lot for her. She didn’t want to leave.

She shook her head. “You don’t understand.”

“I love them too, but what makes you think you’ll do better for them here than out there?”

There was no answer for that question, at least not one that was simplistic. He sighed and grabbed hold of the oars of the boat, bringing them toward the shore.

As far as she was concerned, she wanted nothing to do with this. And if he used her real name, she would have to kill him. She was suffering from an internal battle, but whether she liked it or not, there were choices she had to make.

They walked back in silence, and she listened to crackling grain crunching beneath her feet. It was so hot and stuffy today. The heavy air weighed on her lungs.

As soon as they entered the home, Michael knew something was off. He checked the angle of the sun. It was about three in the afternoon. “They should be back by now.”

She shrugged. “Yeah, maybe they just grabbed us a couple extra beers or something. I know I’m thirsty.”

“I don’t think that this is normal.” He walked into the kitchen, checking the area closely. “Watch the door for them.”

She went to the front door. “Don’t worry your pretty head about it. I’m sure it’s fine.” She pushed the flowers out of the way and suddenly she could hear what sounded like a struggle in the kitchen. The echo of clattering plates and grunting made her walk into toward the area, foolishly unarmed. She took slow steps and peered slightly. Michael’s body was awkwardly slumped over the table, his glasses knocked clear off his face. In haste, she went for his body, but didn’t touch it.

A bullet shot clear past her vision, burning a hole through the living room wall. She barely caught her breath before a raspy voice called lowly to her. “Don’t move.”

Her head turned upward, trying to match a body with the voice. Unfortunately, it had been someone that was unfamiliar. His green eyes wavered over the edge of sanity, and if he hadn’t had such a rough five o’ clock shadow, she would have considered him attractive. But with the barrel of his gun suddenly pressed against her temple, she decided that there were more important things to think about.

Like how to not end up dead.

Darling's voice could be heard down the hallway. “Toots, Sweetie, we’re home!! Honey figured you needed more gloves so he took about six packs. We didn’t stop him, the cleaner this place gets the better!”

Green Eyes pulled her up by the hair, his rough voice whispering harsh into her ear. “Get up. We’re heading toward the living room. Make any noise, I’ll kill you.”

She walked in short controlled steps, and she leaned against the doorframe, leaving her assailant out of view. Loverboy was the first to stop her. “Hey, what’s going on? Where’s Sweets? We got lunch.”

The cold steel pressing against her back forced a response from her. “He’s sleeping.”
Honey frowned at her. “You sick, Toots? You are sweating like a farmer in Kansas.” He walked closer, but stopped short. She nearly sighed in relief, and raised her hand in protest. “I’m good.”

Baby walked in after them. “Hey, did you guys see the Range Rover parked down the block. It’s fucked up man. Tail lights out….”

“Hey!” Green Eyes pushed me forward, revealing himself. He smirked at the shocked looks on their faces. “Thanks for reminding me about that tail light, I’ll have to get around it.”

“Angel, what are you doing here, you rat bastard?!” Doll asked, his face red with anger.

“Just in town, is all. Decided to let myself in. Didn’t know you had guests staying.”

Darling looked as though he was a deer caught in the head lights.

Angel laughed evilly. “Aww, don’t look so surprised to see me, Darling. I told you I’d be back to claim what’s mine. And that’s….you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok new chapter!

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