Meanwhile in Chicago...


The past few days have been hell. I mean, I am on vacation, I am supposed to be enjoying the sights of Chicago. But no, I have been sitting in my hotel room eating my weight in Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and ignoring the outside world, depressed over a guy I shouldn’t give two shits about.

Damn you Brent Seabrook.

Only phone call and messages I was answering was Lizzie’s. I was even ignoring my poor mother, god bless her. Patrick would leave me messages telling me that if I needed him to hurt Brent, he was in.

Dear Patrick, I thought, you would get your ass handed to you.
Even the asshole had the gull to try to contact me.

Katey, I’m sorry. I just... fuck.


Look, you need to answer your phone so we can talk about what happened.

Nothing happened dick. It was all a game to you.

He even tried sending flowers and other gifts, I told the delivery boys to take them back from where they came from and to tell the sender to shove them up his ass.

Everything he said to me was a lie. He was like every other guy I have ever met, saying sweet nothings just to get
into a girl’s pants. It didn’t matter to them if they had a girlfriend or not.

Lizzie has even tried to get me to go shopping with her, that’s when she wasn’t skating or hanging all over her manwhore, I mean boyfriend.

Man, I thought, I have turned bitter.

She knew it was bad when I turned down a shopping spree that she would gladly pay for. Shit, I don’t think I have even moved from this couch in the past couple days.

Seems to me that the only men in my life I can trust are Ben and Jerry, as the occasion Jack and Jim.

Even romantic comedies were making me all upset, and I couldn’t watch ‘The Hangover’ if my life depended on it.

God I hate you Brent Seabrook.

How did a guy so easily work his way into my head only after two days? I have put walls up due to past relationships so that guys cannot easily weasel their way in, but by god, Brent found a loophole.

Maybe it was how he made me feel like it didn’t matter what I wore, I was still gorgeous. Or the way he told me that he would pick me over Lizzie anyday.


After looking at myself in the mirror and remember what his girlfriend, Hanna or something like that, looked like, I laughed. She and Lizzie had the looks that drew guys like that in. I on the other hand, was a plain Jane, nothing special about me. Yeah, I can throw on a nice dress, makeup, and do my hair and turn some heads, but everyone knows that if I was in the room with Lizzie or even Hanna, they would pick them over me any day.

But I don’t need a man to be happy.

I have made it 24 years without needing a guy, so why start now?

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair and turned off some movie I wasn’t even watching and looked at my phone.

Text from: Lizzie 

off to my skating comp with Patrick. If you need anything call him. LOVE YOU
Also, GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING! You will feel better promise :D

I had to laugh at my best friend. She always tried to cheer me up. I love spending time with her that isn’t over the internet. Damn, I am gonna miss her when I go back home.


Shit, I looked at the date on my phone. I had only requested off a little over a week, and I really need to be getting back to the good ole ‘Burgh.

I sighed and pushed myself off the couch. Well, I thought, no time like the present to pack and book a flight back home.

After I called the airlines and got a flight back home booked for a couple days from now, my phone rang.

Lizzie calling.

I answer, “Hello?”

“Katey get your ass here please. I’m freaking out. I can’t deal with this. I don’t like this whole girlfriend thing. I don’t like how people are staring at me. I know they are thinking terrible things about me. I can---”

I stopped packing, “Lizzie calm down! You are gonna be okay. I’ll be there in a few hours okay? You best be paying for that cab.”

“I’ll pay you back don’t worry.” She said. “Thank you Katey. We’ll get Brent back don’t worry I have been planning.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whenever you plan you always seem to be a genius...”

“‘Cos I’m Polish.”

I laugh. “Okay shut up Polack and go figure skate.”


“Bye Lizzie.” I said as I hung up. I looked down at my choice of clothing.

Sweats and a ratty old tee. Perfect.

I stood outside trying to hail a cab for a good 20 minutes before I could finally get one.

Probably was my attire. They think I am a bum.

I laugh to myself as the driver asked my destination and I tell him.

An hour or so later, we roll up to the ice rink and I get out only to realize that the competition was probably over with how many people were already leaving.

Great. Another thing to add to an already wonderful day.

I walk in and see my friend and Kane in a hug. She turned around and saw me, her eyes went wide.
She ran to me and screamed “I’M MOVING TO THE GOLD COAST BITCHES!”

“Oh Jesus.” Patrick said rolling his eyes.

I shoot him a confused look. “What?”

“I’m gonna move out of my house and to the Gold Coast. I want to live closer to the city.”

“Oh fun.” I said, happy for my friend. 

She nodded. “Fo Sho.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed “So about this plan…”

Her eyes lit up again and she clapped her hands. “Oh yeah! I will explain it when we get back to your hotel. Patrick is gonna leave us there so we can have a little heart to heart.”

Patrick laughed. “Oh I am? Why am I not invited?”

I rolled my eyes. “Cause you don’t have a vagina? Well wait…”

Lizzie smacked my arm. “Be nice.”
Both me and Patrick laugh. “Fine. I will leave you girls to your own little chat. Besides, I think they could be quite scary especially with you two.”

I go with Lizzie so she can change into her street clothes. She pulled me aside and looked at my concerned.
“Katey, are you okay?”

I gave a fake smile and shrugged. “Yeah I guess. I left my hotel room didn’t I?”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s not what I mean.”

I shrugged. “Yeah I am. I mean, I don’t even know why I was fretting about him in the first place. It was one kiss.”
She hugged me. “It will get better. I promise.”

I sat in the back of Patrick’s car on the way home, listening to them talking about Lizzie’s new condo.

I wish I could have what she has, a caring boyfriend, a new condo, and something she loves doing.

Next thing I knew, I was begin shaken by Patrick outside my hotel.

“Did I fall asleep?” I yawned as I stretched.

He laughed. “Yeah even before we left the parking lot. Sleep much?”

I rolled my eyes and hit him. “Not as of lately.”

I get out of the car and Lizzie drags me inside the hotel and yells back to Patrick she would see him later.
As we walk up the stairs to my suite, I look down the hallway, and what I saw made me stop.

Lizzie looked at me. “What is it?”

“Why the fuck is he sitting outside my door?”

Damn you Brent Seabrook.