
It's not Stupid. It's a Sport. And it takes TALENT.

Dancing. It was like letting out all the stress, all the pain from your life flow through your body. A routine can express your feelings, it can tell a story. The way your body moves or the way it doesn’t move can give it detail. Dancing is everything.

“Jesse, you’re getting distracted again!”

I snapped out of my daze at the sound of Ethan’s voice, falling on my ass. I glowered up at him and he just grinned, holding out his hand. I took it, letting him drag my entire weight up on my feet.

“Come on, you’re killin’ me!”

I stuck my tongue out at him and scowled, only with a playful manner.

His expression went serious, but his joking attitude was still in his eyes.“Don’t do that. The consequences will be severe.”

I rolled my eyes, taking his hands as I walked us back to the center of the room. I nodded at my little sister, Ellie to start the music again. We began our routine all over and this time I worked really hard on not getting distracted with my thoughts.

When I’m dancing, I completely lose any consciousness of what’s around me. My mind is lost in another world. Ethan calls it La La Land. But I just call it daydreaming.

Our shoes squeaked on the wooden floor and our bodies rubbed together at certain points. Pretty soon we were soaked head to toe in sweat and our movements were getting sloppy with exhaustion.

Two ours later we decided on a break for lunch and took a quick shower in the studios shower room. Jumping into a quick change of gym shorts and a T-shirt, Ethan and I took Ellie out to McDonald’s so she could chicken nuggets and a new Avatar toy. I swear, I spoil that girl, but I can’t really help it. Her big blue eyes and blond curly hair make it hard to resist.

As I sat with Ellie so she could eat, Ethan took the car to get us some Subway. We were going to eat at the studio since we wanted to get as much time in to practice today as possible. The rest of the week I had to work and Ethan had school. I’d already graduated and was going college next year for dancing. Ethan was in his Senior year and at the top of his class. He too would be going to college for dancing.

Ethan... well, Ethan was Ethan. He was really tan and naturally dark complected. His skin was smooth and his hair was stylishly messy and black. His eyes were a dark, chocolate brown. I was his exact opposite. Fair complected with white blond hair and icy blue eyes. They were almost turquoise they’re so blue. My body is short and wiry while his is tall and muscular. I have a few curves and he is all masculine. He even smells like a man. Then again, I don’t wear anything other than deodorant.

As for personality. Ethan was controlling, a beast (in many ways) and a player. But in a good way. He’s good in the heart and real sweet. He just loves to tease.

I’m not so beasty, I’m too feminine. Most of the time, I feel like a mother with a penis. Ellie and I live on our own, had ever since our parents died two years ago. They left us a huge amount of money, so it wasn’t that hard. It was just the grief we had to battle. And for a twelve year old, she did a real good job at it.

Ethan and I had known each other since diapers and went through everything together. We had our first kiss when we were eight, started dating when were fourteen, and came out as a couple when we were in high school. Even though I was one year ahead of Ethan, we still had a few classes together and he came over practically every day anyway. The first time we made love was on our anniversary just last week. It’s all I’ve been able to think about when I wasn’t dancing. It had been so magical.

Ethan came up behind me and kissed my cheek, walking to the other side of the booth and sat next to Ellie. He gave me a quick wink and looked down at Ellie and smiled.

“Our foods in the car,” he said, reaching across the table to take one of my hands. I held his firmly, my other hand under my chin.

“You almost done, El?” I asked her sweetly and she nodded.

Five minutes later we were driving back to the studio. Ethan and I progressed really well during the next six hours. In fact, I’m pretty sure we’d have it down in time for the dance off in two weeks.

At 6:30, Ethan drove us home. I made Ellie a quick sandwich and sent her upstairs to her room with it. I’m sure she fell asleep because she didn’t come back down.

Ethan and I cuddled on the couch, watching TV and enjoying each other’s company. Once a commercial came on, Ethan looked down at me and repositioned our bodies so that I was straddling his lap.

His fingers weaved in and out of my fine, blond hair, a small smile tugging at his lips. Our eyes met and our foreheads pressed together.

“I’ve been wanting to talk to you... about last week.”

My defenses and insecurities immediately perked up at the mention of last week. Did he regret it? Was he upset? Did he want to break up?

Oh, crap. Crap, crap, crap.

“It was amazing and I want to do it again.”


“I just... I don’t know if you want to. We’ve been really busy and I didn’t know if you were in any pain or -”

I stopped him with a short and sweet kiss. “Of course I want to do it again,” I looked at him like he was completely crazy. “But you’re right. We have been busy and the day after I was a little sore. But because it was you, I wouldn’t have cared.”

He grinned and instantly smothered me in a kiss. I smiled into it, placing my hands on either side of his face. What came after was even better than the first time.
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Okay new story. I'm really excited about this one. And here is the first chapter looking into the first couple. I'm not sure how many couples there will be. But each one specializes in different types of dance. Hope you enjoyed!

P.S. Not all the couples are gay! LOL. :D