Status: Inprogress

Secrets Revealed

Part 3

Part 3

Ryan sat glaring at her for several minuets. Elysia felt like time stood still as she waited for Ryan's reaction to the news he was a father, and had been for over a year. She really wished he'd say something; yell, scream, anything! Just stop sitting there with the pissed off look etched on his face. "Ryan, please say something, anything!"

"You want me to say something, are you sure? Because once I get started, I'm not sure I'll be able to stop!" He said, glaring at Elysia. By now, his blood pressure was through the roof, and you could see it on his beet red face.

"I know you're pissed, I can tell by the fact your face is beat red, so say something, get it off your chest."

"Well, I hope you're ready to listen because this is going to take awhile, so guys, start playing the game without me. I may or may not join you when I'm done," Ryan says. The glare Ryan was still giving her was a death glare; if looks could kill, she'd be dead right now. "Follow me. G, do me a favor, keep an eye on the baby," Ryan says, talking to Claude Giroux.

"Will do, but what do I do if she wakes up before you come back out?"

Heading toward his bedroom with Elysia following close behind, Ryan says "Then and ONLY then come get us."


Ryan closed the door to the bedroom once Elysia was in. "Sit down on the bed, and don't you dare open your mouth the entire time I'm talking unless I tell you to, otherwise, just listen! Got it?!" Elysia just nods, figuring opening her mouth would be one of her worst bets yet. Pacing back and forth in front of her, Ryan starts off with "I can't believe you did this, how the hell could you?! I loved you, wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, and then you went and just decided we didn't belong together because you were pregnant with OUR CHILD, and didn't want her until you held her for the first time. Well, at least you got to hold her, she's fucking fifteen months old and I'm just now finding out about her. I'm sure I missed just about ALL of her firsts; first bath, first tooth, first word, first step, first EVERYTHING!"

Ryan took a breath before continuing. "Did you think I wouldn't want her, that I'd be a bad father? I have so many questions that need to be answered, and don't think a DNA test is out of the question, I want one, but just looking at her the only reason I want one is to be one hundred percent sure; she looks just like me from what I saw, but there's still that slight chance, and I'm not going to take it; I can't risk taking it, so now, are you ready to answer my questions?"

Elysia nods, "I'll answer whatever you want me to as best I can. What do you want to know?"

Ryan stars at the wall in front of him, trying to collect his thoughts. "Well, lets start off simple. What's her name?"

"Janessa Ryan Jordan."

"You named her after me, but she's got your last name? Nice touch for not telling me, and why doesn't her last name surprise me? When's her birthday?"

"Her last name is easily changeable, if you want to change it once you have the DNA results we can. Her birthday is October 10, 2008."

"Oh it's getting changed as soon as I'm absolutely positive she's mine. What did she stats at birth?"

"She weighed seven pounds, five ounces, and she was 20 1/2 inches long. I've been told she's tall for her age, which she has to get from you because I'm obviously not tall."

Ryan couldn't help the tiny chuckle that slipped past his lips at her last statement. "Well, I guess I can ask this question, means she was sleeping when you got here - what color are her eyes?"

Hearing the chuckle, Elysia couldn't help but smile. Maybe she was cracking his shell just a little. "Same shade of green as yours; she's a spitting image of you."

"Now the questions are gonna get harder - why did you push me away; why didn't you want us to be a family?" Ryan asks, swallowing the lump that had risen in his throat.

"I don't know, Ryan. I was young, dumb, and scared, that's all I can think of. I honestly wasn't sure I was ready to be a mother, and I had no idea how you'd react. We were twenty-one when she was concieved. Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me you were ready to be a father at just twenty-one?" Ryan snapped his head toward her.

"I WAS A FATHER AT TWENTY-ONE, YOU JUST FAILED TO INFORM ME OF THAT FACT!" Elysia jumped due to Ryan's raised voice. Having gotten her attention, he re-lowers her voice. "See, this is what I don't understand. You chose to keep her, and you didn't come tell me. Yes, I'd have been pissed off; just as I am now, but I'd have at least gotten to see and hold her as an infant. You're selfish act to keep her from me for over a year took that chance away from me, now I'll never get to hold her for the first time AS AN INFANT, see her first smile, feed her a bottle, watch her take her first step; none of that, all because you were selfish! You made sure you pushed me far away so that we would break up, then you went and delivered her. See, keeping her from would have been semi-okay had you actually given her up like you had planed because then I'd have no idea about her, and you wouldn't have the guild of looking into her eyes and seeing me everyday, but you didn't; you didn't give her up, you kept her, and chose not to tell me. WHY?! WHY did you keep her without telling me?"

"I didn't know how you'd react to finding out I'd been pregnant when we broke up and I went back up to Canada. I thought you'd resent me and there for resent her, and I didn't want her to be resented. I just want her to have loving parents. I know I was selfish, I know I took a lot away from you by not telling you about her, but please don't take that out on her. If you want to hate me, go ahead and hate me, but be a father to her. Please, Ryan, I'm begging you not to take my mistakes out on our daughter."

"I'm not going to take them out on her, and I don't hate you. I couldn't hate you, even if I tried!" Ryan says, just above a whisper.

Elysia looked at him as if he were crazy. "I made sure we broke up and I kept our child a secret from you, and you don't hate me? Ryan, what drugs did they have you on when you re-injured your back?"

"I wasn't on any drugs. I told you earlier, I loved you when we broke up and I never stopped. Those feelings don't just go away. Maybe over time, but in this specific case, not even time did me any good. Why do you think I don't have a girlfriend now? I tried moving on, I tried going out with other girls, and I failed miserably every single time! I kept comparing them to you, kept trying to find the girl that did everything you did, and even if I did, their personality was the complete opposite of yours. Yes, I'm pissed at you, but no, I can't resent or hate you," Ryan says, looking back toward Elysia, staring her in the eyes so she knew just how serious he was.

They both must have gotten lose in the others gaze because before they knew it Ryan's face mere inches from Elysia's and before either of them could clear their heads long enough to stop it, Ryan's lips were touching hers. After a good three minuets, Elysia finally realized what was happening and pushed Ryan away. "What are we doing? One minuet we're fighting, the next we're making out on your bed while our daughter is in the other room with complete strangers - well, to her anyway. We can't do this. I've gotta go check on her." Elysia says, jumping off the bed. As she went to walk away, Ryan grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Not so fast. We need to do a DNA Test. Yes, I believe she's mine, but I just want to be completely sure."

"I'll set it up. Do you still have my cell phone number?" She asks.

"I have no idea, did your number change?"

"Nope, still the same."

"Then I still have it. Do you still have mine?"

"If it didn't change, then yes."

"No, never changed."

"Well, now that, that's settled, I gotta get back out to her before she wakes up and starts screaming. Just like you, she doesn't take very easily to strangers; she's extremely shy," Elysia says with a half smile.

"They won't be strangers for too much longer, but yeah, lets go," Ryan says, heading back toward the living room with Elysia, completely ready to get into his daughters life if she comes back to be his. If truth be told, though, he had absolutely no doubt she was his.