Status: done

Leaving It All Behind


Cars whizzed past in the cool November air. In my mind, I knew it was now or never. The streets grew silent as I made my way over to the window sill. It felt as if all time had frozen to allow me this one sweet taste of independence. His face burned against the back of my eye lids causing my confidence to sway, but I held back the tears and continued on. No longer was I going to let my father control my life. For once, I was going to let go, let myself be myself instead of who they said I should be. I still had my morals and my limits, but the one word that made me smile was the word “my”. They were mine to set and mine live by, no one else’s. Finally, I was free, but of course, freedom is only bittersweet.
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My first drabble ^-^
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