Another High School Love Story? Oh Please

Chapter 2

The class that I had after lunch was English. I wasn’t too fond of the class because our teacher was making us read Hamlet. I know that we’re seniors and we have to be challenged, but I think reading Hamlet was a little too much.

He was in this class, the most popular guy in the senior class and the whole school. I spent most of the class watching him. The way the classroom was set up was that the desks faced the board in front of the class, and there were five rows of desks going across. In each row, there were about six desks.

Our particular class was small, so not every seat was filled. I sat more to the back of the class. It wasn’t that I was a bad student or anything, it was just an assigned seat. I was able to watch him because he sat diagonally in front of me.

As I was doodling in my notebook, my eyes were suddenly drawn to the door. There he stood in all his glory. His tall lean frame of 6’ 2” stood in the doorway as he was talking to his best friend Peter. I couldn’t help but stare as he crossed his arms over his chest and the muscles that he had in his tan arms showed just underneath the sleeve of his t-shirt.

When he turned to walk into the classroom, it felt like my heart literally stopped as his bright blue eyes quickly roved over the classroom. My seat was perfect, because I had a perfect glimpse of his ass as he went to sit down. I just wanted to take my fingers and run them through his dark brown hair, but that would just be weird. And plus I was too shy to actually do anything.

While he leaned over to put his books under his desk, I took my chance. “Hi Dean,” I said really fast and I could already feel my face starting to burn up. Yes, his name was Dean. Dean Murphy to be exact.

“Uh, hi?” he said while raising an eyebrow at me.

“So how are you?” I asked in a lame attempt to keep the conversation going.

“Good, I guess,” he said slowly before quickly turning back around in his seat. He leaned to the side and started talking to Kurt, another one of his friends.

I could feel my insides going all crazy. I couldn’t believe that I had actually spoken to Dean. Granted, it was only a few words, but still I talked to him.

Looking back down at my desk, I started doodling once again. I paused when I heard Dean and Kurt snickering at something. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kurt quickly look over in my direction before looking back at Dean and snickering again. My chest tightened in pain; obviously they were laughing at me, so I just tried to push the feeling away. It didn’t work out too well.

Yes, Dean was one of those guys who always made fun of my friends and me, but yet for some reason I couldn’t help but have a crush on him. It was so cliché, the nerdy girl having a huge crush on the most popular guy in school and then the guy totally ignores their existence except to make fun of them. But yet like they say, you can’t help who your heart wants. Trust me, if I could I would.

My life is so cliché, it’s horrible. The number one reason like I said before, is that I am a total nerd. I’m on the school’s academic team, I perform in a lot of the school’s drama productions, I get basically straight A’s and I’m a member of the fantasy book club. If that doesn’t scream out nerd, then I don’t know what does.

I wouldn’t say that I was bad looking. In fact, I’ve had people tell me that I was actually quite pretty, in the girl-next-door kind of way I guess. Even the popular girls would compliment me on my looks. Yes, the popular girls at my school were nice, even the cheerleaders. That is another stereotype gone awry.

My figure was… well one would say that I had a bit of meat on my bones. But it wasn’t so much that I would be considered fat. I did exercise though. I rode my bike five days out of the week, but the weight just wouldn’t come off. The hair on my head was plain; it was just brown and straight while coming down to my shoulders.

Usually I paid attention during all of my classes, but that day I didn’t. Instead, I spent it thinking about things. About how I could possibly gain Dean’s attention, how I could make him fall for someone like me. He usually only goes for the girls who are the hottest in the school or are popular, which I definitely was not.

What I thought was funny though, was that almost all of the girls in our grade had dated him at least once, and now they want nothing to do with him. Well, I shouldn’t say nothing, because a lot of the popular girls were still friends with him. It’s just that girls didn’t want him in the sense of having a boyfriend.

And so, Dean was single and had been for quite a while. Even girls from other schools didn’t want to date him. I don’t know why, but that’s just how it was.

One would think that someone like him wouldn’t want to be single for so long, to actually want some kind of action. But yet when one person shows an interest in him, he pays them no attention since they are not up to his standards.

Class flew by much sooner than I expected, and I found myself getting up and walking out the door towards my locker. I felt like a robot, just going through the motions and not feeling anything. I couldn’t even form a smile when I saw Simon at his locker next to mine.

“Hi,” I muttered without looking at him as I opened up my locker and threw my books that I didn’t need in while getting out the ones I needed for my next class.

“Kails? What’s wrong?” Simon asked while placing a hand on my shoulder.

“Oh you know, just the usual. Dean and his friend making fun of me just like any other day,” I said with a fake smile while slamming my locker door. I hung my head down while leaning against my locker. “Simon, what’s wrong with me?”

“There is nothing wrong with you Kailey. You’re great just the way you are. But Dean, he only sees what’s on the outside. Basically the only way to get his attention would be to dress up like someone you’re not,” he said while letting out a snort.

“Simon, you’re a genius!” I exclaimed while throwing my arms around him and while placing a small peck on his cheek.

“Wait, what?”

“The way to get Dean’s attention! I have to dress in a way that will make him want me! You’re the best!” I said while giving him another hug before walking away to my next class.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Kailey!” I heard him call after me.

I just waved my hand at him. So what if he thought that it wasn’t a good idea? I couldn’t wait until the next day, when I could put my plan into motion. Dean was going to fall for me, and he was going to fall hard.
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I'm sorry for making you wait so long, I thought I had more of this posted on here than the 1st chapter... my bad O.o

Anyways, I don't know how far this will go because I am in the process of recovering from heartbreak, and I just can't seem to write anything... like nothing has come out of me inthe past 3 weeks :(

But, I think some comments might help to be a little encouragement? Thankies!!