‹ Prequel: The Connection

Growing Up

Stylish Whale

“Mmm, perfect. Right there Zacky…Oh yeah,” Liss moaned as Zacky’s hand scratched her huge pregnant stomach. Sighing Zacky dropped his hand from her middle and changed the channel on the TV. “No, babe, itch.” Liss instructed taking his hand, and placing it back on her stomach.

“Babe, I’ve been itching you for the past twenty minuets, my arm is cramping up.” Zacky complained continuing to itch his wife.

“You know my tummy has been itchy lately, I can’t help it.” She reasoned taking a scoop of ice cream into her mouth. Zacky chuckled and leaned over to kiss his wife on the cheek as she shoveled the chocolaty iced treat into her mouth. “I love you.” She said kissing his cheek as well.

“I love you more.” Zacky smiled rubbing his nose against hers.

“Mmm…I don’t think so…” Liss giggled as his hand rubbed circles on her stomach.

“Ew, attention please!” Laila said popping out from behind the couch.

“What’s up Lai?” Zacky asked peering at his daughter.

“I wanna call Dunc,” She stated lifting her arm up to give the house phone to her parents.

Rolling his eyes Zacky took the phone from her hands dialing Leanna’s phone. “You are too young to be calling boys,” Zacky groaned as the phone rang.

“It’s just Dunc, Daddy.” Laila stated placing her little hands on her little hips. “He’s not a boy.” She added taking a seat next to her mother. “Hi baby, I love you.” She said to Liss’ stomach kissing it carefully, making her mother smile.

“Hey Lee, it’s me.” Zacky said into the phone, “Juliet would like to speak to Romeo.” He added with a smile. “Here Lai,” He said giving her the phone.

“Dunc? Hi, it’s Laila. Just hangin’ out, what are you doing? No, I don’t like ‘piderman.”

Liss laughed at her daughter’s conversation as Zacky looked on at Laila with predatory eyes.

“She’s five and she has a boyfriend.” She whispered into Liss’ ear. “That’s not right.”

“Zacky you were my first boyfriend when I was five.” Liss laughed running her hand through his hair.

“Yeah but you broke up with me and moved away.” He pouted.

“I moved like seven blocks.” She reasoned throwing her legs on his lap, as he maneuvered his magic fingers over her sore muscles.

“Yeah but I didn’t see you until like third grade at Jimmy’s birthday.”

At the mention of Jimmy’s name Liss’ eyes immediately fell. She played with the band of her wedding ring, concentrating on the pressure of Zacky’s hands against her legs, anything to take her mind off her deceased friend. “I miss him every day.” She said running her fingers over the tattoo on her wrist: foREVer, it read.

“I do too,” Zacky said mimicking her actions.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later Dunc. I love you too. No, I don’t like cherry candies. Bye.” Hanging up Laila handed the phone to her mother and hopped off the couch. “Can I swim?” She asked, referring to the pool in the yard.

“Why don’t you wait until Lilliana gets here,” Liss said running her hand through her daughter’s curls.

“Kay,” Laila shrugged kissing her mother’s tummy once again before heading off to play in her room.

“What time’s Leyna getting here?” Zacky asked lifting Liss’ top to reveal her large baby bump.

“Like twelve-ish.” Liss said sighing as Zacky ran his calloused fingers over her skin.

“Is it alright if I head over to Brian’s for a bit?” Zacky asked placing a kiss on her bellybutton.

“Of course, keep your cell on.”

“I will, maybe I should tell ‘Chell to head on over here.” Zacky suggested.

“No, honey she is still dealing with her loss, do you think it’s a good idea for her to hang out with a pregnant woman and a woman that just had her baby? I mean she hasn’t been the same since her miscarriage.”

“Yeah, okay, okay. You’re right.” Zacky said standing from the couch, kissing Liss’ lips lightly. “Anything you want me to pick up on the way home?”

“Coconut Patties?” Liss smiled at her husband lacing their fingers together.

“Coconut Patties it is.” Zacky chuckled, “Bye little man.” He added kissing his wife’s stomach again before grabbing his keys and heading to Brian’s.


“Yo Preggo!” Leyna exclaimed maneuvering her way inside Liss’ and Zacky’s home with Lilliana on her right arm and the baby carrier in her left. “Oh how the tables have turned.”

“Shut up,” Liss smiled at her best friend from the couch. “Lilly, Laila’s waiting for you to go in the pool.” Liss said to the little girl who grinned happily, and skipped away to find her best friend.

“How are you?” Leyna asked hugging her friend after she placed the baby’s carrier on the couch.

“I'm a whale.” Liss sighed.

“Yeah you are a whale, but when I was pregnant I was a fat whale.” Leyna explained. “You are a fat, stylish whale.”

“I sure as hell am,” Liss said fixing her Gucci top, making both of them laugh.

“Come on, let me see her.” Liss said looking into Adrienne’s carrier. Leyna carefully unbuckled the sleeping baby, handing her over to her godmother. “She is like a Sean Jr.” Liss giggled, “She has his… everything.”

“I know, it’s not fair.” Leyna sighed plopping next to Liss on the couch. “You carry them for nine months, deal with the cravings, back pain, sore boobs, breaking out, aching feet, and they look like their father!”

“Good point.” Liss agreed laying the baby across her chest.

“You going to Matt’s barbecue tonight?” Leyna asked.

“Yeah, are you?” Liss asked looking over at her friend with curios eyes.

“Surprisingly yes.” Leyna nodded “Things between us are good. Our past is just water under the bridge.”

Liss nodded her head and shifted her attention back to her goddaughter. After a few more moments of silence, Lilliana and Laila emerged from upstairs in their bathing suits announcing that they were reading to swim. Grabbing the towels and sunscreen, the mothers headed outside to watch their little girls swim in the special kiddy pool Zacky put in next to the bigger pool.

“So how much longer until we have a boy running around here?” Leyna asked, reclining with her daughter in her arms, a thin blanket covering her from the sun.

“Four weeks,” Liss groaned placing her hand on her stomach, “And it can’t come fast enough.”
♠ ♠ ♠
yay sequel.
its a bit of a slow start, but the story will basically revovle around the family aspect of avenged and how their children grow up, and how they themselves grow up and change as well. I hope you all love it. because i love it.

the banner makes me cry.

PPS.i dont know whats going on with the layout. people say it keeps cropping heads.
idk. someone fix it :)
because im computer is flat out stupid

comment dolls :)