‹ Prequel: The Connection

Growing Up


“Matt! Can you please get the door?” Val screamed in the kitchen as she hastily put together a salad. She heard a loud giggle from upstairs and shook her head when she saw Matt parading down the stairs, Owen straddling his shoulders, and their premature newborn girl Delia held tightly to his chest.

“We’re getting it, hold your horses.” Matt laughed heading towards the door. “Why are they knocking anyway, nobody we know knocks.”

“Horses! Hold ‘em!” Owen yelled from his fathers shoulders as the pounding on the door continued.

Flinging open the door Matt revealed a struggling Leanna who was trying to balance three casseroles in her hand, her iPhone tucked inbetween her lips.

“Iddle ‘elp ‘ere!” She mumbled and Owen leaned over and plucked the phone from her mouth.

“Little help here!” She repeated making Matt laugh and maneuver his daughter into one arm, while taking a casserole into the other. “Thanks,” She sighed heading to the kitchen to see Val.

“Where Dunc?” Owen asked leaning over his father’s head, looking into a pair of eyes similar to his own.

“I don’t know, ask Aunty Lee.” Matt said handing off the casserole in his hand to his wife.

“Lee! Where Dunc?” Owen asked.

“He’s in your front lawn, with Gibby.” Leanna explained taking the plastic off of the green bean casserole she prepared.

“Ibby! Ibby!” Owen exclaimed kicking his feet excitedly almost hitting his sister in the head, as he tried to get off his father.

“Owen! Watch it!” Matt exclaimed letting Owen off his shoulder to go find Duncan and their dog Gibby in the front yard.

“How you doin’ Lee?” Matt asked kissing Leanna’s cheek while taking a peek at all the food cluttering the table.

“I'm alright, how are you proud Papa?” She asked smiling at the sleeping infant in his large tattooed arms.

“I'm on top of the world.” Matt grinned his eyes glimmering as he looked at his young daughter. “I'm just glad she’s finally home and healthy.”

“Fuckers!” Someone suddenly yelled upon entering the house, “I'm here!”

“Christ! Shut the hell up! There are kids here!” Matt called out to his friend.

“Oh Em Gee,” Johnny sighed catching sight of the bundle of pick in Matt’s arms, “She is like, so presh,” He added with a girlish flop of the wrist.

“Fag,” Matt muttered passing his daughter into Johnny’s arms.

“Hey there girlfran,” Johnny greeted the little girl who was just waking up. “Hey Lee,” He said greeting the woman staring at him oddly.

“Hi Johnny,” She chuckled, “Where’s Lace?”

“Getting the baby out of the car.” He explained taking a seat at the table as Lacey came in with their six-month-old son Jacob sound asleep in his carrier.

“Hey gang,” Lacey said hugging each person in the room, then placing the baby carrier on the countertop. “How can I help?

“Baker! Stop! I can do it myself!” Liss' voice sounded through the house making the others laugh.

“Well, the Bakers are here.” Val stated tossing the salad. “Mattie could you help take these out to the patio?” She asked motioning to the bowls of food. Nodding, Matt helped carry out the food, while Zacky and Liss made their way into the kitchen.

“Don’t,” Liss’ warning voice came as they entered the room. “I'm fine.”

“What’s going on with you two?” Leanna asked giving Liss a hug.

“He thinks I need to be carried everywhere, when I am perfectly fine walking.” Liss said jabbing her thumb over her shoulder motioning to her husband.

“That’s because you wear three inch heels all the time, and you’re eight months pregnant.” Zacky said crossing his arms over his chest. “Hey Christ.” He nodded to the bassist with the little girl in his arms.

“Hey Z,” Johnny answered back giving Zacky a firm handshake.

“Alright everyone, food’s ready!” Val announced walking back into her kitchen, “Hey Liss!” She squealed upon seeing her pregnant friend.

“Valary,” Liss smiled hugging her friend, “Feed me.”

“Come on,” She laughed pulling her friend towards the porch. “Someone call the kids in!” She called over her shoulder.

“I'm on it.” Zacky sighed walking to the front yard where the younger group was playing with the dog.

“Come on guys, dinner.” He called standing on the front steps. Looking up, Laila, Duncan, and Owen all sprinted back into the house enthusiastically, and out to the porch; Laila and Duncan: hand in hand. Rolling his eyes, he turned to venture back inside as well when two cars simultaneously pulled up into the Sanders’ driveway.

Leyna, Sean and their two little girls hopped out of their Lincoln Navigator and greeted him at the door.

“Oh good at least we aren’t the last to arrive,” Leyna said after she hugged Zacky as Michelle and Brian came up the walkway with their eight month old, Eli.

“Everyone is in the backyard.” Zacky explained giving Brian a man hug. “Hey ‘Chell how are you?”

“I'm fine, thanks Zacky.” She smiled as little Eli played with her earring.


“Momma, I don’t like peas.” Laila stated as her mother fixed her plate.

“Laila, they are good for you.” Liss stressed handing the plate to her daughter.

“Doesn’t mean I have to like them.” Her daughter pouted as the plate was set before her.

“Watch that mouth young lady.” Zacky warned from his place next to his wife. Letting out a sigh and a roll of the eyes, Laila ate her dinner. “I don’t need that sassy attitude either.” Zacky added.

“I apologize daddy.” Laila whispered picking at her peas, making Zacky smile.

“Liss, I don’t mean to ask you this in front of Zacky, but who the hell is Laila’s father?” Johnny asked across from the table with a chuckle.

“What the hell do you mean Christ!?” Zacky exclaimed dropping his fork. Raising his hands up in defense Johnny gave out a laugh.

“Just saying, no kid that is five talks like that, and is your offspring.” Johnny said shoving a forkful of mashed potatoes in his mouth.

“Fuck you!” Zacky exclaimed throwing a breadstick at Johnny, hitting him right in the cheek.

“Language!” Liss said pinching Zacky’s beer gut, “Johnny, Laila is most definitely Zacky’s child, even though she takes completely after her mother.” Liss sat down with a smile, after filling her plate, looking at Zacky’s displeased face. Kissing him lightly on the cheek she got back to her dinner (two full plates of food), since she, of course, was eating for two.
♠ ♠ ♠
so this one is actually over 1,000 words. so there.

haha i cannot believe how many subscribers and readers i have already, and its only been one chapter! you guys seriously are the best! i love you guys so much! especially the commenters. i love you guys the most haha. even if you comment telling me that this is a dirty rotten pile of poo, i still love you with the bottom of my heart, since you took the time to read and come to the conclusion that it is a sour peice of writing.

anyway. sorry for the rant.
i also apoligize that this chapter is mostly dialogue. haha i just love writing dialogue.

you all are seriously cute, so please comment :)