‹ Prequel: The Connection

Growing Up


“What time are your parents flying in?” Zacky groggily asked the morning before Liss’ due date.

“Mom said their plane should be landing around three this afternoon,” Liss’ replied, still lazily lying in bed, watching her husband get dressed. “Are you going to the studio now?” Liss yawned.

“Not for a couple hours,” Zacky explained pulling on a pair of sweats, “I though I could get a start on breakfast seeing as our daughter will be up soon, though.”

“Help me up, I wanna take a shower,” Liss said stretching out her arms. Zacky helped her out of their large bed, and helped her get into the shower. Soon he was in the kitchen mixing a batter for chocolate chip pancakes, the favorite breakfast of both his girls.

“Daddy?” He heard his daughter’s angelic voice descending the stairs.

“In the kitchen princess!” He called out setting the batter down.

“Hi Daddy,” Laila yawned stretching out her arms to him so he could lift her up. Picking her up into his arms, he kissed her cheek softly and set her on the counter.

“Tired baby?” He asked pouring the batter into the hot skillet. Laila nodded rubbing her eyes with her fists.

“Is Grandma comin’ today?” Laila said handing her father the spatuala he was looking for.

“Yeah, you’re gonna see Grandma and Grandpa today,” Zacky confirmed flipping the pancake.

“Good, I haven’t seen them in forever.” Laila sighed dramatically.

“Laila, we were in Manhattan a week ago, so you saw them then.” Zacky said laughing at his precious girl.

“Oh, can I go to Dunc’s house today?” Laila asked hopefully, her legs swinging with excitement.

“Not today,” Zacky grumbled deflating her joy, “You are going spend the day you’re your grandparents while Mommy and Daddy clean the house.”

“Okay,” Laila sighed, “Are the cakes ready yet?”

“Almost,” Zacky said when he suddenly heard his name being called from upstairs. “Lai, Mommy needs me, can you go watch Disney for a bit?” Laila nodded as Zacky helped her off the counter and she ran to watch cartoons. Taking the skillet off of the stove for a moment Zacky sprinted upstairs to see what was wrong with his wife.

“Liss?” Zacky panicked as he entered the bathroom, the water still running. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?” He asked opening the shower.

“No, everything is fine, its just…” Liss trailed off looking at Zacky as he ogled her wet body. “Don’t look at me like that, I'm fat.”

“No you’re not!”

“Yes I am! I cant even reach….down there.” She whispered the last part, when Zacky noticed the razor in her hand.

“Ohhh..” He smiled, “You need help?” Liss nodded handing the razor to him.

“I don’t want to be a mess tomorrow when everyone is starring at my crotch for a bazillion hours,” Liss explained, “So make it pretty.”

“Calm down,” Zacky said getting to business.

“Is it pretty?” Liss asked moments later. Zacky shrugged and said, “That’s the best I can do.”

“Well is it okay?” Liss pressed wanting to know.

“Do you want a picture?” Zacky asked making Liss nod her head. Pulling out his blackberry, he snapped a few shots handing the phone to her. “Don’t get my phone wet.”

“Okay, that looks good.” Liss nodded handing the phone back to him, “Thanks baby. Oh and delete those pictures, I don’t need you showing Brian my chucky.” Zacky laughed, promptly deleting the photos and helping Liss out of the shower, and into a warm towel.

“I love you,” She smiled at him as he helped her put on her panties. “Did you make pancakes?” She inquired. Nodding, Zacky slipped the sundress over his wife’s body, kissing her lips softly.

“Let’s get Princess and eat.” Zacky smiled taking his wife’s hand in his.


“Grandma!” Laila screamed as her grandparents entered the house with her father who had brought them from the airport.

“My baby!” Liss’ mother dramatically sighed as Laila flies into her arms and her Grandmother kissed all over her face. Laila squeals as her Grandmother squeezes her tightly in her arms and spins her around.

“I brought presents!” She exclaimed laughing at the way Laila’s face lit up. “Say hi to Grandpa first.”

“Hi Grandpa!” Laila squealed as he steps into the house.

“Hi my little Lailasha.” He smiled hugging her, using the nickname he made up, that she adored.

Presents were then pulled out, for a joyful Laila. Barbies galore and pretty dresses to boot.

“Mom you didn’t have to get her anything.” Liss said hugging her mother.

“When I have ever not gotten her anything?” Her mother smiled laying her hands on her daughter's stomach. “I got baby boy some stuff too, I cant wait to meet him.” She said with teary eyes.

“Mom, don’t make me cry.” Liss said fanning herself. “Hi Daddy.” She smiled at her father hugging him endearingly.

“Okay well we are going to take our grandbaby and we’ll be back here for dinner around six.” Liss' mother stated taking the little girl into her arms.

“Bye Lai,” Liss said kissing her daughter’s cheek.

“Bye Mommy,” Laila smiled excitedly as she was buckled into her grandparent’s rental car.

“Be good for Grandma and Grandpa!” Zacky hollered out the door as the car drove away. “Come on Mommy; let’s go get our stuff together for tomorrow.” Zacky said speaking of their room that had to be cleaned, Liss’ baby bag that needed to be packed, and the baby’s nursery, which needed to be cleaned up.


After dinner with Liss’ parents, they headed home to their condominium in Huntington, while Laila was put to bed.

“Let’s go sit on the patio,” Zacky offered pulling his wife off the couch.

“Why?” Liss groaned complaining about her aching feet.

“Because, our baby is going to be born tomorrow, and it’s going to be a while until we can just relax and sit on the patio.” Zacky explained as they stepped outside into the warm California night. “Come dance with me.” Zacky said and Liss stepped into his strong arms, resting her head on his shoulder and her hands on her baby bump.

“So have we agreed on Logan?” Liss whispered into Zacky’s neck.

“Yes we have agreed on Logan.” Zacky chuckled, “Logan James Baker, huh?”

“I love it.” Liss smiled rubbing her stomach, as she and Zacky swayed in the silence of the night.

“We have added another “L” to the group.” Zacky informed his tired wife.

“I guess we have,” Liss giggled, “That’s just how we roll.”

“You are so lame.”

“You’re pudgy.”

“Again with that?” Zacky asked looking into her eyes, seeing how sleepy they were. “Come on, bedtime my baby mama.”

“I can’t wait to have my baby.” Liss sighed as Zacky tucked her into bed. He pulled off his shirt laughing at the way Liss stared at him undress. Climbing into bed beside her, he pulled her body into his, and he could not help but feel the same way. They were both beyond excited to meet their son.

Tomorrow would be an interesting day.
♠ ♠ ♠
1,187 words.

so the part about the shower- Tori Spelling actually did that with her husband and it cracked me up so i had to put it in here, since Zacky and Liss would do something like that.

The next chapter will be Liss giving birth. So stay tuned, because after that, its going to get a little dramatic, and i haven't really done dramatic with this story. So eep!

Please comment my lovely readers! I have gotten a tremendous amount of feedback, and you guys seriously make me wicked happy :)