‹ Prequel: The Connection

Growing Up


The baby's loud piercing cry echoed through the house at two that morning. Liss opened her eyes to see her son crying in his bassinet and her husband nowhere in sight. She let out a small yawn and pulled herself to her feet walking over to Logan's crying form. She picked him up into her arms, coddling the small infant to quiet his cries.

"Shh, baby. Mama's got you," She whispered to her son as she pulled out her breast feeding pillow and got situated on the bed. After a few minuets of feeding, Logan was fast asleep again in his mother's arms. Liss placed the sleeping baby back into his bassinet and went to search for her husband in the dark house. She carefully walked through the house careful not to wake her sleeping children. She peeked into Laila's pink room to see her hugging her stuffed unicorn tightly to her chest, sound asleep. Liss continued down the hall to the stairwell, carefully assessing each step. She turned into the living room and let out a small gasp capturing her husbands attention.
He was sitting on the couch, his laptop on his lap and his glasses perched on the tip of his nose, typing away.

"Hey baby, why are you up?" Zacky smiled looking at her.

"Logan needed a feeding, and you weren't next to me," She answered stepping closer to him, and taking a seat beside him on the couch, tucking her feet beneath her. She peeked at the screen to see him working on some new Vengenz.com designs.

"'Why are you up?' Is the better question." She said running her fingertips through his black hair.

"Couldn't sleep," He shrugged focusing his attention on the screen.

"Oh, baby," Liss sighed placing her lips on his cheek, "Is it the nightmares again?" She gravely asked nuzzling his cheek with her nose. He shrugged again confirming her assumptions.

"How long have they been going on?" She whispered gently massaging his neck with her fingers.

"A month or so," He replied in a low voice.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She questioned pulling away from his face, willing him to look at her.

"The last thing I needed was you worrying about me," He stated typing away on his computer.

"Baby," Liss sternly said closing his laptop and placing it on the coffee table. "Look at me." She instructed and he turned his body to face her. She straddled his lap placing her hands on his shoulders preventing him from avoiding her gaze. "I'm you're wife, you have to tell me when things are bothering you, especially nightmares that have been going on for five years."

Zacky sighed placing his hands on Liss' hips. " I'm fine, really. I didn't need to add anymore stress to you and the baby," He reasoned kissing her forehead.

"I'll schedule an appointment for you with Dr.Nassu back in Manhattan okay? So you can visit him next week, since we're flying out tomorrow." Zacky nodded reluctantly making Liss smile and kiss his plump lips. "You have such perfect lips." She mused making Zacky roll his eyes.
"No I'm serious, Baker. You put Angelina Jolie to shame." She giggled kissing his lips again.

"You're seriously weird," He laughed making her frown and pinch his gut. "Come on, i got some things i can do with these lips that Angelina Jolie could only dream that Brent would do to her."

"Brad. Its Angelina and Brad." Liss laughed, "And you have to keep your lips to yourself for seven more weeks." She said sticking her tongue out and climbing off his lap and heading back upstairs for some much needed sleep. Zacky groaned letting his head fall back against the couch.
It was going to be a long seven weeks.


"I don't give a shit right now, you should've called!" Leyna screeched as her husband rolled his eyes at her.

"We went out after the game, I told you was going out. I don't get what the problem is!" Sean shouted back across the bedroom as he slipped his shirt off.

"The problem is that I called you and you didn't pick up, then I find out its because you were out drinking with your hockey buddies, while I'm at home waiting for you!" Leyna scoffed crossing her arms over her chest facing her husband who continued to change out of his suit.

"Ley, I told you i was gonna get a few drinks with the team, you said that was fine. I'm home now." Sean explained pulling an undershirt over his head, "Come on, calm the hell down."

"One, you said you would be home by seven, I sent the kids to your mom's, I set up a romantic dinner to have a night in with you without the girls, and you go drinking!" Leyna threw up her arms in frustration, "Two, don't tell me what to do."

"Leyna!" Sean shouted after his wife as she left the room, "Come here!"

"No! I try to do something nice for you, for the millionth time, and you stood me up! Again! This is bullshit." She grabbed her keys from the kitchen counter and headed out to her car.

"Leyna what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Sean exclaimed standing in the doorway in his boxers and undershirt.

Leyna drove and drove for miles until she came to the only person she thought could help her. Stepping up to the door of the large house she gave a slight knock hoping she wouldn't wake anyone up. The door was opened a few seconds later and Leyna sighed a sigh of relief.

"Hey," She timidly said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hey Ley, what's up?" Matt asked scratching his head. "Come in."

"Thanks," She said stepping into him home.

"Whats goin' on?" He asked sitting on the couch with her.

"I got into a bit of a fight with Sean," She explained letting out a deep breath, "Liss left for New York, so I couldn't think of anyone else I could talk to."

"Wanna tell me what happened?" Matt asked opening his arms to give her a hug.

"Is Val home?" She asked before moving.

"No, she and Michelle took the kids to their parents house for the weekend." He explained and she smiled slipping into his comforting arms, that had always been there for her when they were younger. In his arms all her trouble faded, and she was nineteen again, and completely in love with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the short chapter, but i needed to get something out. The feedback is a bit lacking but i would love to hear what you ladies thought of this one. A bit of revealing info with Zacky's nightmares and Leyna running to Matt.

Comment :)