Strangers are Friends (lovers?) You Haven't Met Yet

Explanations and Surprises

I wake up suddenly and can’t remember anything. I’m sitting on an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room. It’s dark, so I’m unable to see anything appropriately. How did I get here? I don’t remember going anywhere.

“Think, think goddammit!” I whisper to myself.

The only thing that comes to mind is looking for Corey, the cemetery, and the man! Of course, I bet that man kidnapped me. However, I don’t remember coming here, so he must’ve knocked me out. Yeah, that has to be it. I would have remembered otherwise.

I get out of the bed and wonder around the room aimlessly. There’s a dresser on the side of the bed. I marvel through the drawers until I find something interesting. It’s a book and a necklace. The book is black and looks old and tattered. I peer through the pages but nothings written on it. I place the book back inside the dresser and gaze at the necklace. It’s a black heart with bat wings on it; it’s connected to a silver chain. It’s gorgeous and I debate on putting it around my neck or not, when someone enters the room.

I gasp and fumble with putting the necklace away. I manage to place it back in the drawer but it’s too late they already notice me looking at it. I notice it’s a guy that scared me. He is somewhat old and has a tux on. He’s also, I realize, a lot taller than I am.

“Who are you?” He doesn’t seem to mind my question. He just smiles and leaves a sandwich and a glass of water on the table by the door and leaves the room.

“Well that was creepy”. I walk over to the table and look at the sandwich. I’m pretty hungry, but I can’t help but think they put something in it. I decide against the sandwich for right now.

From the door, I can hear voices. They sound like their arguing.

“I wonder…” I put my hand on the door handle and attempt to open the door. It didn’t budge. Go figure, well at least I know they’re smart enough to know I’ll run away at any chance. I laugh to myself.

I look around the room for something to pry the door open but it’s useless. I don’t see a single thing that could help me in this situation. I see a dresser with that gorgeous necklace, placed perfectly in the top drawer…oh get over it, it’s not yours! I don’t think a necklace can help in any situation you weirdo. Why can’t people keep crowbars in rooms? Wait! A chair could work. I could throw it at the door and hope to god it opens. That makes way too much noise though.

I give up on the idea and go sit back on the bed. It’s been a couple minutes that pass, when I hear my stomach growl with hunger. I look at the sandwich once more.

“What the hell, why not?” I ask myself.

I get off the bed and grab the sandwich and glass of water. I place it on the dresser table beside the bed and eat some of the sandwich. It’s delicious. I finish of the sandwich and wait casually for something to happen.

~♥~Time Lapse~♥~

I hear faint footsteps coming from behind the door. I freak out, I really don’t know why, and get under the covers to pretend like I’m asleep. My door opens and I can hear someone breathing. I hear the door shut and figure they left. However, I hear footsteps coming toward the bed and clench my eyes shut. “I know you’re awake,” the mysterious voice tells me. I try to act normal and make it seem like I just woke up. I turn toward the mystery guy, I’m unable to see his face perfectly because of the darkness, but I can make out the paleness of his face and the dark locks hanging to his shoulders.

“Who are you?” I ask him casually as possible.

“What you don’t know who I am?” He asks with fake surprise.

“Should I know you?” He laughed maliciously at me.

“I’m confused.” I tell him. He only smiled and headed for the door. Before he shut the door he said

“The names Gerard, Gerard Way.”
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okay so I'm terribly glad that I got this chapter done!!
and I hope you like it and I'm hoping it explains things better now.
and comment if you like