Status: Should I continue this?

Concentration Issues


Marcus knocked on the door, shifting from foot to foot. He was anxious to see Jess after that little incident today. The minute it took for Lily to answer the door seemed like a lifetime. Normally, he was very patient, but today, he was worried about his boyfriend.

“Oh, hi, sweetie! I wasn’t expecting you,” the plump mother of 3 answered pleasantly.

“Afternoon,” he said, forcing a smile.

Spotting his anxious smile, Lily’s eyebrows drew together. “Everything alright, hon?” she asked, stepping out of the doorway to let him inside.

“Yeah, yeah, everything’s okay. Well, mostly; there was somewhat of an altercation this morning. I just wanted to make sure Jess was alright,” he explained, trying not to worry Lily too much. He stepped inside gratefully and started kicking off his shoes.

“Oh, my! Jesse didn’t mention a thing, the devil. What happened?” she said, her hand now nervously fiddling with her cross necklace.

Marcus smiled at her in hopes of easing her worries. “Just some idiots bothering us. It really wasn’t that bad. I just want to make sure it isn’t bothering Jess.”

Lily beamed at him and touched his shoulder gently. “Oh, you’re so good to my boy. I’m glad he has someone like you. He’s just in his room. Go on up, okay?”

He laughed lightly. “Thanks. I’m just happy to be with him,” he replied honestly. He smiled at her again before heading down the hallway towards the stairs.

He found Jess’ door open and looked inside. Jess was sitting cross legged on his bed, leaning over an open binder. His brown hair was swung into his face, shielding his eyes from Marcus’ view. The rhythmic tapping of the eraser end of the pencil against the paper and the slightly annoyed set to those pink lips made Marcus smile.

“Hi,” he said softly. When Jess looked over at him and smiled his toothy grin, he couldn’t help grinning back.

“I didn’t think you were coming over tonight,” Jess said, sounding quite happy.

“I didn’t think I was either, but my mom didn’t have to work tonight. Besides, I wanted to know if you were okay,” Marcus said, stepping closer to the bed.

Jess’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

Marcus bit his lip softly before quickly releasing it. “Because of what happened this morning. I’m sorry; I never should have kissed you with so many people around,” he said, feeling guilty as hell.

“Hey, never apologize for kissing me,” Jess said as sternly as he could manage. The hyper boy could never quite manage to be serious. “Besides, idiots like them don’t bother me. They’re a waste of space. Now, come here.” Jess opened his arms and tilted his chin up, smiling. It was clear to Marcus he wanted a kiss. Marcus grinned and walked towards the bed, where he leaned down and felt his lips collide with Jess’. He felt thin arms wrap around his shoulders, pulling him closer, and smiled into the sweet kiss.

“So, what’re you doing?” he asked when they parted, looking down at the binder. He saw math equations and pursed his lips to hide a smile.

“Ugh,” Jess groaned, falling backwards dramatically. His head hit the baseboard of his bed though, ruining the effect. “Ow,” he mumbled, pouting and lightly rubbing the back of his head. Marcus thought he looked so cute and laughed quietly, making Jess aim his pout at his boyfriend. Marcus leaned over again and kissed Jess until he was sure a smile would appear when he looked again. Sure enough, as they parted, Jess sent him a dopey smile, a hint of lust in his brown eyes.

“What was I saying?” he questioned, before laughing at his own absentmindedness.

“I assume something about math,” Marcus said, pushing Jess’ shoulder lightly so he would sit up. When he did, Marcus sat down behind him, wrapping his arms around Jesse’s waist.

“Oh, right. I hate math,” he complained, leaning back against his boyfriend, only to feel a shoulder press into him. He twisted his body so he could see Marcus was twisted so he could wrap his arms around Jess, with his legs over the side of the bed. “Your shoulder is uncomfortable. Can you move so I can lean against you?” he asked, looking into Marcus’ hazel eyes.

Suddenly, he smiled. “Actually, I have a better idea,” he said, moving quicker than Marcus could stop him. He was still getting used to Jess’ speed and agility. He blinked to find Jess in his lap and found lips attached to his quickly after. He wrapped his arms around Jesse’s slim waist eagerly, slipping his tongue out to explore. Soon, Jess was pressing against him, their kiss taking on a new urgency.

“I missed you,” Jess mumbled against his lips, capturing them again before he could reply. He held him tighter and hoped the emotion in their kisses would show he had missed Jess too. Lately, they could only see each other at Marcus’ house while he had to babysit. His younger siblings didn’t leave much time to be alone together, needing constant attention.

Time disappeared as they lost themselves to each other.

“Ahem,” Lily said, smiling at the boys. They were wrapped up in each other, kissing like they would never see each other again. They didn’t seem to hear her. “Okay, boys, playtime’s over. C’mon now,” she said, louder this time.

Two teenage boys looked over at her with dazed expressions. If she didn’t know they wouldn’t have had the time since Marcus had come, she would have thought they were high. They must have just been high off each other. The thought made her grin. “Earth to Jesse and Marcus, can you hear me?” she said, laughing.

“Mom! Why did you need to interrupt? Can’t you see we were having a ‘moment’?” Jess said, sending her an annoyed look.

She just laughed some more. “Right, and that ‘moment’ ,” she added the same emphasis her son had, “had absolutely nothing to do with avoiding your homework?” she asked, raising her eyebrow.

“No, it didn’t. I just missed being able to kiss my boyfriend,” he said matter-of-factly, looking over at Marcus. They exchanged sweet smiles. Jess reached up and tucked a lock of Marcus’ hair behind his ear tenderly. Lily smiled at the obvious affection between the two.

“Okay then. But, you can kiss him after you finish your homework. Now get to it, alright?” She pointed her index finger at Jess, showing she was serious. She knew how hard it was for him to concentrate, but he needed to get some homework done. She turned and left the boys alone. She knew how responsible Marcus was about school work, so she trusted Jess would have it done by the end of the night, one way or another; even if there were some distractions along the way. She chuckled quietly to herself and rushed downstairs so she wouldn’t miss the start of her soaps.

Meanwhile, Jess rolled his eyes and leaned in to kiss Marcus again. He frowned when Marcus pulled away from him, looking at him seriously. “Oh, c’mon! Just kiss me,” he said, moving his hands to the back of Marcus’ head and pressing their lips together. Marcus relaxed into the kiss and let it continue for a moment before he pulled back.

“Your mom is right. You need to get your homework done,” he mumbled grudgingly. He almost wished they could just ignore his homework. But, Jess ignored it himself without any help from Marcus more often than not.

“Marcus! Are you serious? We haven’t seen each other in, in...I don’t even know how long! And you’re going to make me do homework?” he complained angrily.

Marcus smiled apologetically. “We saw each other two days ago, sweetness.”

Jess made a noise closely resembling a growl. “That’s not what I mean and you know it! Please, Marcus! I’m so fucking horny!”

A short burst of laughter escaped Marcus’ lips. “Oh, so I’m only a sex machine, huh? Gee, thank you so much!” he said sarcastically, although clearly joking.

Jess smiled, moving a piece of blonde hair away from Marcus’ forehead. “You know you’re more than that. I care about you more than anything. But, a boy has needs!” He used the moment to grind down on Marcus’ lap. While lust captured his lover’s expression, he smirked and raised an eyebrow. He leaned closer and lowered his voice to a whisper. “I know you have needs too, my love. We could...” His voice trailed off mysteriously, allowing Marcus to fill in the blank.

He was surprised by the fierceness of Marcus’ kiss, as well as aroused by it. He moved closer, pressing his body against Marcus, while kissing back enthusiastically.

As suddenly as the kiss started, it stopped.

He pouted as he found Marcus’ strong hands on his hips, lifting him off his lap. He allowed his body to be moved so he was once again facing his math book, but he clearly wasn’t happy about it. He felt the other boy moving behind him, placing his legs on either side of Jess’ body.

“Work first, then play,” Marcus whispered in his ear.

Jess moved back slightly, so he was closer to Marcus and leaned against him. He felt his lover’s dick pressing against his butt. “Easy for you to say, you don’t have a hard dick near your ass,” he grumbled.

“Hah, easy for you to say, when you don’t have a sexy little butt near your dick,” Marcus mumbled back.

Jess sighed dramatically. “You see, this situation clearly isn’t working out for either of us, so I vote we forget homework,” Jess said, adding a note of seduction to his voice.

It was all Marcus could do not to groan into Jess’ shoulder. “I wish we could, babe, I really do. But! You need to do your homework. It’s important.”

Jess slumped against him. “Fine. I won’t argue anymore, alright?” he mumbled unhappily.

“Thank you. Now, c’mon, you were in the middle of a question.”

Jess sighed and picked up his pencil, once again rereading the equation.
♠ ♠ ♠
Number one =)
Two more.