Status: Working on it

A Solar Eclipse Only Happens With a New Moon


Chapter 10

I was sitting in the forest. Why? I have no clue. After the whole crying episode I needed some time to clear my head.

I smelled the air, I was near the beach so I was able to smell the water and for some reason it smelled nice.

Andrew is messing with me, hes getting stronger and stronger everyday. He is gaining new powers and if we don't stop him soon hes gonna kill innocent people.

I heard some people yelling. Not in a help me way but like fun. I got up and followed the noise. I smelled the were wolfs. Of course there having fun. I scanned and 6 of them and recognized Jacob. I smiled and walked towards them.

Jake turned around and smiled when he saw me. " I knew I heard fun going on" I said and winked.

" What are you guys doing?" I said titling my head. Oh my god and I flirting with Jacob?

" Its cliff diving would you like to try?" said Jacob extending his hand.

I smiled and took it as he lead me towards the others. His hands were nice and warm.

" Its a leech!" said Jared.

" Its a dog!" I said back.

He smiled " Touche"

" You have never cliff dived before?" asked Jacob.

" Nope" I said popping the p.

" Well try it!" said Embery and he jumped off and into the water.

" Usually someone would worrying about dieing, but that is one thing I can take off my list.

" Okay I will" I said. I was wearing a bikini under my clothes, just jean shorts and a tang top.

I slipped them off along with my flip flops. Alice would not be proud of my choice in clothing.

I felt Jacob staring at me.

I looked down at the water and as I was about to jump Paul growled "Jacob, come on! shes a leech!".

I turned around. " What wrong with me being a leech?" I asked.

Sam gave him a look and he mumbled a " nothing" and walked away.

" Someone needs a nap" I said.

" I heard you" he yelled.

" I was hoping you would!" I yelled back.

" Okay I'm going to jump!" I said.

Jared came up beside me. " Then do it already" he said and started making chicken noises.

I raised a eyebrow then pushed him off the cliff and then I jumped in after him.

I came up and looked up. Jacob was smiling down at me.

Just as I looked at Jared he splashed me with a big wave.

" You pushed me!" he whined.

" Aww you gonna cry" I said. He crossed his arms and pouted. Jacob jumped into the water to.

Right when he resurfaced me and Jared splashed him at the same time.

" Hey right in the eyes!" he said.

I laughed. We all started swimming back to the shore. Jared went back up with the others but me and Jacob sat on the beach.

" That, I never felt so human in my entire life" I said. Jacob smiled. I smiled back.

" I don't like this" I whined. His frown dropped. " Like what?" He asked.

" Us being so..civiled, it was fun arguing!" I said and laughed. Jacob laughed along with me.

" Sometimes, I wish I can be Human, you know actually get to live a teenage life, but instead I was stuck at 15 forever" I said.

" Haha I'm older" said Jacob as he stuck out his tongue.

' Shut up" I said laughing and pushed him.

He sat back up and dusted the sand off himself. I looked into his soft brown eyes. I almost got lost.

I realized what was happening and I looked away. I stretched my arms in the air like nothing had happened.

" I should go now, Bella might be worried about me" I said to Jake. I stood up, waved good-bye and got my clothes and went home. hmm this is getting interesting.
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Chapter 10 :D. Well this is the last update until I come home Wednesday D:. I will sure to update 2 chapters just for you guys. <3