Status: Working on it

A Solar Eclipse Only Happens With a New Moon

Kiss and Tell

Chapter 14

The next day, I told Bella how I was able to blush and feel heat.

" That is so weird, could it be possible hes turning you back into a a human?" she asked.

" Who knows, hes gain so many powers, maybe he is" I said. Sadly a part of me felt happy to be turning into a human but then another part of me was sad of being a vampire no more.

Bella smirked at me, " What?" I asked. She raised her eyebrows at me.
" You blushed at Jacob" I groaned and hit her with a pillow.

" I know I know I did, Jacob kept saying it too!".

" Soo, what do you think of Jacob?" she asked.

" I- I I dunno" I replied and begin to pick at a lose string on the blanket.

" Come, you can tell me! please please!" she begged.

" Well...I do feel funny when I'm around him and I think hes kinda cute" I said and blushed.

" You like Jacob" she said.

" I never said that!' I said pointing a figure at her.

" Bella, get this through your head I am a VAMPIRE he is a WEREWOLF, we are enemies!" I said slowly.

" Puh-les, no one believes that stuff anymore around here, the werewolves saved us Cullen's, us VAMPIRES, besides I think he likes you" she said and winked.

" No, he doesn't" I said.

" Yeah right Alexa, everyday he meets you at the beach, He always takes your side, you two don't argue anymore, he comes here WAY more often and he always smiled at you, case closed" Bella said.

" I still think your wrong" and with that I got up.

" Are you going to meet Jacob at the beach" said Bella.

I stopped walking, took a breath then kept going.

Jacob was already sitting there at the beach. He looked up and smiled at me, I smiled back but then dropped it, Bella's words coming back- he always smiles at you.

I sat down, but put some distance between us. " I feel more like a human everyday" I said as I shivered from the cold.

Jacob came closer and put his arm around me and I leaned into the his side, I was to cold to complain.

A few moments past and I felt myself looking up at Jacob, who was watching the waves.

I stared at his lips, and how soft they looked. Jacob looked at me and I blushed at being caught staring but I didn't look away, I couldn't show I'm a cowered, weird right. I looked from his eyes to his lips.

Maybe Bella is right, it wouldn't be a big deal if I just..... I shivered a bit, not from the cold through.

I leaned in a bit and so did Jacob, Jacob held his breath and well I had no choice but to hold mine. When our lips meet a spark went off. I gently kissed him. Our lips moved together and fit so perfectly, like they where meant for each other. I was afraid of hurting Jacob, but I wanted more. I leaned up more to deepen it.

I realized what was happening and slowly stopped. I leaned back from Jacob and saw in his eyes he wanted more. I blushed a bit and looked away.

I felt my whole body heat up. We sat there just staring into the sun. My lips where tingling. I touched my lips, but put my hand down quickly hoping Jacob didn't see.

I smiled a bit remembering what just happened a few minutes ago. From the corner off my eyes I saw Jacob staring at me.

Have I hurt his feelings by stopping? I don't want to hurt his feelings. I looked towards him and smiled.

" Well, I think I should be going back..Bella must be wondering were I am" I said and slowly got up. Jacob got up as well.

I dusted off the sand from my pants, waved to Jake and slowly turned and started walking away.

Jacob grabbed my hand, pulled me back and our lips meet again. I smiled into the kiss.

I ran my hands through Jacobs hair and he cupped my face. We both pulled away and smiled at each other.

I waved and began to walk away I looked back twice to see Jacob still standing there watching me leave.

I believe I now have feelings for Jacob Black..the werewolf.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tada here it is. The kiss. Is that everyone has been waiting for? I adored writing this chapter. After I wrote it I had a dream about this scene. Weird right? Well anyway. Once again I am sadly to say I am leaving..again. Vacation. But! and I say BUT I am bringing my laptop :D. Maybe like one update this week if I have time. Commets <3