Status: Working on it

A Solar Eclipse Only Happens With a New Moon

Do I go?

Chapter 16

I yawned and opened my eyes. I sat up abruptly. I was asleep. I was asleep!

I slammed my hand on the bed but connected with someone. I turned to Jake who sat up and looked around.

" Oops sorry" I said.

" What happened?" he said. I groaned.

" I fell asleep" I said.

Jacob's eyes opened wide." You fell asleep, that's crazy" he said."Does this mean your turning into human?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders,

" Who knows" I said.

" I hate this Andrew" Jake said and clenched his fist.

" You and me both" I mumbled.

He wrapped his arms around me. " I don't like being human" I said.

" Why?"

' Cause I easily blush" I said.

Jake laughed " That's alright with me" he said.

" Jake!" someone said and we turned are heads to see Seth. " When did that tree get there! I swore it wasn't there before!". Jake and Seth laughed.

" Sam is looking for you where all at Emily's, she got food!" Seth said and licked his lips.

" How did you know I was here?" he asked.

" Everyone knows Jake" Seth said.

" Okay then, guess you gotta go" I said trying to hide the sadness.

" Alexa why don't you come!" said Seth.

" I don't know..won't they get mad? especially Paul?" I asked feeling slightly scared, I am turning in a human for crying out loud.

"I'll take care of Paul" said Jacob standing up and grabbing my hand.

I smiled and jumped out the window. We ran and raced to Emily's house to see who was faster I won and did a little victory dance as I faced the door I felt very nervous. We walked in and I hide my self slightly behind Jacob.

Everybody stopped what they were doing and stared at us, mostly me. How is a vampire suppose to be in a room with a bunch of werewolves.
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It has been a while. Is anyone even reading? I doubt it :/ But still I will keep updating I will probably put two more chapters or so up tonight.