Status: Working on it

A Solar Eclipse Only Happens With a New Moon

Meet the Wolfs.

Chapter 2

A few days have passed and I never left my room, the burning continued but I ignored it. Carlisle said he had a family as well, but they were gone hunting and I would meet them in a few days.

I heard Carlisle rush upstairs, he has a smell to him, and so I got up and followed the smell. "Carlisle what’s wrong?" I asked him.
“Alexa, clear your mind and don’t breathe, I was being careless and didn’t realize I got some blood on me” He said and threw his coat off and put it in the wash.

"Oh I already did" I said to him.

"And you’re not out of control?" he asked. I looked at him confused and walked closer. There was blood on his coat before he put it in the wash." That’s amazing how you were able to stay in control." he said.

We stood there in awkward silence. “Alexa, How old are you? Seventeen? Eighteen? I assume” he said.

I opened my eyes wide and laughed “I'm only 15, but I get that a lot" I said to him.

"Really 15 you know you’re going to be that forever right? But good thing you look older then you really are" he said.

"Oh, forever huh, well I’ll be in my room" I said and left and sat on my bed.
Fifteen forever. I played with my brunette hair it reminded me of Bella’s hair. I will never die now. I couldn't do this, I just can't, I found paper and wrote Carlisle a note saying that I'm leaving, then I went out the window and left and just ran, I ran anywhere and then I had to hunt, which was very difficult at first but then I got used to it.

It has been a while and a lot has happened. I have ran into other vampires but stayed clear of their path. I meet a family and I lived with them for a while but they hunted human and I couldn't handle it so I left.

One day I ran into a family and they were nice. Then this other vampire saw me and he said he could sense my power. I did gain a power during the change, I got this ability to freeze time but if I go over more than a few minutes it starts to hurt but I have to be near them to freeze them and if I freeze a human they don't feel anything different it’s like nothing happens, but when I do it near vampires there body freezes but their minds are alert and they can see what happens.

So this vampire wanted my power and told me to join him and I refused so he said if I don't he will kill me so I froze time and ran and ran I am really fast. I was reaching my limit but i couldn't just unfreeze him not till I get out of his range and I ran.
I heard Carlisle talking about moving to a town called forks so that’s where I am headed now. Finally my head started hurting and I unfroze time, he won't be able to find me at least for now.

Finally after 3 days I found myself in forks, I ran through a beach and as I went I smelt a weird smell, like werewolf or something but I continued on,.
I smelt the air and I smelled vampire. I ran and then stopped were the smell was strongest; I was in front of a house, Carlisle house. I smelt more than 1vampire in there must be his family he was talking about, and they haven’t noticed me yet.

I carful walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. Surely he will recognize me it’s only been 5 years. Vampires do have a good memory.

The door opened and there was Carlisle standing right there. "Carlisle" I whispered.

"Alexa?" he asked. I smiled and I hugged him. "I'm so glad your back" he said. He let me in and I could smell the vampires.

"I'm so sorry for leaving long ago" I said to him, "It was all too new to me and I panicked but I made it good, no humans, only animals and I've run in to other vampires but I had to leave them and I'm sorry I realize there’s other people here and..." I trailed off.

"It’s ok you can meet them" and he lead me to a room. I'm a shy person so I kind of hid behind him

"Everyone this is Alexa" he said and I stood beside him

"Hello" I said. I scanned them. There are eight, of them.

"Alexa here was bitten by James when she was 15 and I helped her through her transformation, she was here, remember the girl I told you about this is her." He said.

"But I ran away before you guys could meet me” I said.

"You guys know James?" I asked with a look of horror in my eyes.

"Don’t worry we killed him" said a boy, he looked muscular and strong and had short hair. I looked at him and said "That’s great to here" I smiled.

"Very weird I can't read your mind" said another one; he had bronze colour hair that sticks up a certain way. . I opened my eyes wide.

“You have a gift to?" I asked in amazement.

'You have one?" asked Carlisle. I nodded

"It could be why he can't read my mind, I freeze time" I said.

"I'm Alice, and I see the future, I saw you coming but then you changed your mind and then I guess you froze time and I couldn't see" said a pixie like girl.

"That’s Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, Alice, Jasper and Edward. Alice can see the future and Jasper can control people’s feelings" said Carlisle as he pointed them out.

“You know me and this is my wife Bella and our daughter Renesme" said Edward. I looked at the girl Bella and I froze. "Um Bella do you have a mother name René?" I asked slowly.

"Uhh yes" she replied with a look of confusion all over her face.

"Is, your maiden name, Swan?' I questioned.

"Yes do I know you?" she asked.

"Bella it’s you! It’s me Alexa, remember I ran into the forest and never came back I went missing" I whispered.

"Mamma who is that?" asked Renesme. Bella handed Renesme to Edward and she stood up. I walked towards her and she touched my face. "You were gone for 5 years “she whispered.

"I know I'm sorry" I said back and I hugged her.

"I thought you were gone forever" she said. “so did I, but that was when James found me and he attacked me but because he heard your voice and my mother’s voice he ran, but I was too weak to move, or talk and that was when Carlisle came" I smiled at her.

"I've missed you so much" she said.

"I've missed you to". I looked at her and said "I can't believe you’re a vampire" and I spun her around.

"How did this happen?" I asked in disbelief.

She told me her story, and I held Renesmee and she would touch my face and show me from when she was born to the Volituri and to now. "You’re so adorable!" I said to Renesme", She giggled and placed her hand on my face and showed me a flower. "It’s pretty" I said to her. "Just like you!" she relied. I smiled at her, she reminds me so much of Bella

"How does this time freeze work?" asked Carlisle.

“Ok umm you Rosalie when I say drop I want you to drop that mirror over there “I directed.
"umm ok" she said unsure.

I nodded and she let go of it. I jumped up and I froze time. I went towards the frozen mirror and I grabbed it I turned around and I sat back down and then I unfroze it.
I grabbed my head as everyone looked around with wide eyes. "Your eyes! They went blue" said Edward.

"yea, they do that I don't know why, but if i do the freeze thing for too long it hurts my head, sometimes I pass out" I handed Rosalie the mirror back.

I jumped up and said "Bella come here" she stood up and I grabbed her hand. I froze the time and only Bella and me where able to move. "This is so cool" she said. I unfroze and everyone was able to move.

"It’s so weird, we can see everything and think and move our eyes but we can't move" said Jasper.

"Me try?" asked Renesme. I looked at Bella and then to Edward, "sure" said Edward and she smiled.

I picked her up I froze the time and she smiled wide. "Look mommy and daddy can't move" she giggled. I spun her around and she laughed and said "this is fun" I grabbed onto my head and quickly unfroze time.

"Ok that is enough for one day" I said. I tickled Renesme and she laughed. Out of nowhere these 2 big guys burst through the back door,.

"Who are you" they yelled. I got scared and froze time.

"eww you guys are werewolf’s" their minds where still active and they can see me. I walked towards Bella and one of the guys opened his eyes wide, I grabbed Bella’s hand and she unfroze, "Bella who are they?" I asked.

"No their friends" she said.

"Bella he was about to attack me if i unfreeze him it will continue" Bella dragged me and Nessie to the other side of the room, I started getting dizzy, "ok you can unfreeze now" she said. I unfroze everyone.

"What the hell!" yelled the big guy “That was so cool" said the smaller one. I turned and looked out the window and saw more werewolves’ coming.

"There is more!" I yelled.

"Jacob stop" yelled Bella. Edward jumped up and stood in front of us he opened the door and yelled "guys stop!”

All the Cullen’s had come to the backdoor and we all exited to the backyard, where there was a forest. "Bella, your friends with werewolf’s" I said and narrowed my eyes.

"yes long story" she said. I laughed, just like her to meet up with a werewolf. A bunch of them unfazed and a boy came closer he looked like the eldest of them all.

"There’s a vampire we don't know here" he said.

"Sam call everyone off she’s with us she’s not dangerous" said Edward. The guy Bella called Jacob walked out. He walked towards me and said "give me Nessie" in a stern voice.

"Jacob I'm with Alexa" she said and she swatted him away. It was so cute from a little kid I just had to laugh. "Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Alexa, I'm Bella's cousin, her real cousin not just a vampire cousin, I was turned a long time ago" I said to him. He had a look of shock all over his face. "So don't go all werewolf crazy on me or I could hurt you bad" and then I laughed.

"What was that thing you did back there?" asked Jacob. "That’s called time freezing, you scared me so I froze time to get away from you" I said.

"Well don't do it again, it’s creepy" he said.

"What if I want to do it again, maybe I will" I said with a smirk, no one tells me what to do. Bella laughed "you’re still the same old Alexa"

"Yea and you’re the same old Bella except your married, have a kid and a vampire" I said. Emmett laughed.

"Why are you here?" asked Jacob rudely.

"What I can't visit my loving cousin?" I said.

"Not to be rude but why are you here, I thought you were dead, and you didn't know I was here" Bella said with a small smile. I stuck my tongue out at her

"What I can't visit my dear old pal Carlisle" I said.

"I'll tell you why I'm here when we don't have an audience".

"Alexa make everyone freeze again" said Renesme. I lifted her in the air and said "again, you want me to do it again, silly Nessie I don't think anyone else wants me to do it again" I said and spun around with her.

"Be careful" said Jacob. I glared at him. I was about to say something but my head. I quickly handed Nessie to Edward and held my head. "What’s wrong?" asked Edward. I blinked a couple times to try and clear my head.

"Weird I think I just heard your thought for a few seconds" said Edward. I shook my head and started walking away from the house, but then I stopped.

"Alex, what’s wrong" said Bella as she came near me. I held up my finger telling her to stop. I held on to my head. Then I let go. "it’s nothing" I said. And, walked back towards everyone.

I'll explain everything later.
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Here is Chapter 2. The beginning sounds so weird to me. I wrote this a few months ago and my writing has changed from then. I hope it is good to everyone else.