Status: Working on it

A Solar Eclipse Only Happens With a New Moon

A New Danger.

Chapter 3.

Finally the werewolf’s left, but Jacob insisted on staying. If he would leave I could tell the Cullen’s what I need to tell them.
We were all seated around in the living room; Jacob has been here for like 3 hours.

"Jacob could you like leave" I asked. He gave a shocked look, since I haven’t talk to him the whole time.

"What why?" he said, and crossed his huge arms over his chest, which was still shirtless.

"Because I need to tell the Cullen’s something, and not have you listening in" I said.

"No I don't need to go" he said and glared at me.

"Please? Can you please go?" I begged. I don't like begging but this guy won't leave. He looked into my eyes and he saw something in them but then shook his head. "Fine" and he left.

"What’s wrong?" asked Carlisle.

"Well... there was another reason for coming here, I wouldn't of come if I knew there was more of you or even Bella for that matter". They looked at me confused.

"Well I had lived with a family of vampires and I had to leave them because I ran into another vampire his name is Andrew, and he kept telling me he can sense my power and he had this power to see into people’s minds. He said it’s very difficult but he just had to see into mine, and he wanted me to join with him to, I don't know kill humans and join his coven and I said no of course and he went away". I looked at everyone and they urged me to continue.

"Well after he kept appearing to me and asking me to join and then finally he said if I don't he will kill me and take my power something like that, so I froze time and I ran I went over my limit and ran, I had time frozen for maybe 10 minutes, I almost passed out but I kept running and running I was feeling weak but then finally I made it hear, he won't be able to smell my scent up to the place I unfroze time, and I came here hoping Carlisle could keep me safe, but when I learned there was more of you and Bella and a child for that matter here I tried to regret it but I can't just leave...but I could, I could run I don't want to cause any harm" I finished saying.

"Wait he said he could take your power?" asked Carlisle.

"Yes I don't know how, but he said he could, and I couldn't risk hurting my family back home because they were so kind to me and before when I was holding my head, that was him trying to find me, and sooner or later he might find me, and then I've cause you harm, and I'm sorry I should leave" I looked at them all.

"Please don't leave" Bella begged.

"We could help you, we could crush him easily" said Emmett with a smirk on his face.

"Thanks but no offence Emmett but, he is pretty powerful".

"We have dealt with way worse than this and we have other vampire we know and we have werewolves" Said Alice

"Yup! Jacob and his friends could help us to!” Said, Renesmee. I smiled.

"Well it’s getting late, we should put Renesme to bed" said Bella.

"Wait? I don't think that’s a good idea, I mean like that guy is still out there and I just don't think it’s right".

"She has a point, she could sleep in my old room" said Edward. "No daddy! I don't want to sleep yet please can I stay up longer please?" she begged.

"Nessie, I really think you should go to sleep now" Edward said. He seems so fatherly.

"Momma can't I stay and play with Alexa longer?" she begged. Bella looked at Edward, and I knew that look. I held up my fingers and counted down, 5 4 3 2 1

"Maybe we could let her stay up longer" said Bella. Edward sighed.

"I knew she was going to give in" I said smirking and Bella stuck her tongue out at me.

"How did you know?" asked Alice.

"She has Bella’s eyes, and she got the same look our mothers would get when we asked for anything, no one can say no to Bella’s eyes.

"That’s true I did get a lot..."Bella stated. Everyone laughed.

“Bella I still can't believe all of this, you meeting vampire then werewolf now you have a child and you’re a vampire, does Charlie know?" I asked.

“Well...Charlie knows about Werewolf’s because of Jake, I think he has his suspicions about us though, we told him Nessie was Edwards’s niece".

“I really want to see Uncle Charlie" I said sighing.

“He comes to visit a lot!" said Nessie.

“Yeah he’s planning on visiting tomorrow" said Alice.

“Nessie it’s late enough you should sleep" said Edward


"No buts" said Edward then he and Bella brought Nessie upstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is Chapter 3 :D. Whoa, three chapters in one day. I saw all the readers I had and the comments made me a little happy, so I thought I should give a treat from the comments. Thanks again guys and I promise maybe tomorrow, I will update again. <3