Status: Working on it

A Solar Eclipse Only Happens With a New Moon

Uncle Charlie

Chapter 4
Nessie woke up in the morning. “I want to hunt! Can Alexa take me hunting?" she asked.

“Sure" said Edward. I smiled as she grabbed my hand. We jumped over the river and I helped Nessie hunt.

Emmett came towards us. “Charlie is almost here" he said. We broke out into a run.
We got into the house and everyone just does normal things. Bella was putting contacts in her eyes. Alice was sitting at the computer; Jasper was besides her reading a book. Emmett was watching TV with his arm around Rosalie's waist.
Esme was in the dining room flipping through a book, Carlisle was looking at something.

Edward was also watching TV and Bella was sitting on the couch and playing with Nessie in her arms.
I took a seat beside Bella and crossed my legs.

“Now Nessie, Alexa is Carlisle Niece for now, we can't tell him that it’s my cousin Alexa ok?" Bella said to her.

Nessie rolled her eyes. “I know momma" she said. I laughed.

The doorbell rang and no one made any movement to go get it beside Esme.

“Hello Charlie" said Esme cheerfully.

“Hello Esme" he said.
I head their footsteps echoing. Charlie came in the room. Uncle Charlie, he looks good, a little bit different but 5 years can do that. His eyes meet mine and I smiled at him.

“Hi dad" said Bella and she hugged him. Charlie picked up Nessie.

“Hi Nessie" he said.

“Hi grandpa!" she said and wrapped her little arms around him.
He looked towards me. “This is my Niece who will be staying with us for a little bit" said Carlisle.

“I’m Alexa" I said and held out my hand towards him.

"Charlie" he said and shook my hand. I noticed his eyes seem to be looking into me trying to figure out who I really am.

“You look so familiar" he said.

“I guess I have one of those faces" I said. He smiled and sat down on the couch and put Renesme on his lap.

“Alexa is really fun!" said Nessie.

“So, where did you come from?" asked Charlie.

“Umm California" I replied.

“Must be warm there"

“Warmer then Forks, that’s for sure" He laughed.

“Bella is the same way hate the cold". Bella laughed a light laugh.
Charlie seems to be just as smart as he always is, I am pretty sure he is starting to put the pieces together.

“Would you like some coffee?" asked Esme.

“Sure why not" said Charlie.

“Anyone else?"

“I’ll have one" said Carlisle. I smiled everyone is so used to acting…"human"
I quickly uncrossed my legs, a normal human would. I smelled the air. Werewolf. I almost groaned.

The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it" I said and headed towards the door. I opened it and sure enough Jacob was there. I groaned. “Not you again"
He glared at me. “I just saw Charlie’s car and wanted to make sure you wouldn't do anything"

I glared at him and crossed my arms. “I wouldn't hurt my own uncle, but you on the other hand I can easily freeze time and hurt you" I said to him.
I turned my back and walked back in with Jacob following.

“Jakes here" I said and plopped back down beside Bella.

“Hi Jakey!" said Nessie waving at him.

“Hi Nessie' he said back.

“Charlie my dad wants to know if you can come by later and watch the game?" said Jacob, obviously making a reason to come.

“Of course I'll come" he replied.

After a little while Charlie stood up. ‘I think I should be heading out" he said.

“OK, I'll walk you out" said Bella. “It was nice meeting you...Alexa" he said then left the room.
Alice came and sat beside me. “I think, he kind of thought it was me" I said.

“I was reading his mind and your face appeared quite a lot" said Edward. I groaned.

“Just what I need him finding out it is me".

Jacob laughed. “At least I didn't try and eat him, huh Jake" I said giving him the evil eye.
Everyone else looked confused. “Just don't accuse Jake without knowing the facts" I said.

“Don’t call me Jake, I never said you could"

‘I don't like being told what to do!" I said.

“Hey, both of you should calm down" said Edward

“I can't wait to see Alexa take a snap at Jake” Emmett said with humour in his eyes. Rosalie slapped him upside the head.

“I have to go anyway" said Jacob and he left.

I crossed my arms. "Stupid mutt." Edward tried to hold in a laugh,
Stupid werewolf is starting to get on my nerves.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is Chapter 4. Hahah you can just see the tension between Jake and Alexa. You think if Charlie will figure it out? I like comments. :D. If anyone likes making banners, I would be glady to have them, also if you happen to make a really really good one, maybe I will make it the new layout <3