The Music Teacher

As Tears Go By

That fucker, I pushed him out into the living room

“Zacky what the fuck? You’re her best friend.”

“I didn’t know she was going to do it, I didn’t, I may have wanted to but..
“But what? You thought you would make her want it, force her to give you it? Get out Zacky, just go to school, tell everyone she’s ill.”

“But Frank….”

“No Zacky just go before myself or Brian does something we could regret.”

I watched as he walked out the door, I could hear my little sister crying so I walked into her room where she was being cradled by Brian,

“Honey he’s gone.”


She removed herself from his arms and walked over to me,

“Pease don’t be mad with him.”

“Ok, Ok, hang on which one?”


“Even Zacky?”

She looked towards Bri,

“You too, don’t be mad, please, be mad at me not him, he didn’t force me, he didn’t rape me, I did it myself.”

He walked up to us,

“I can’t blame you, I’m falling for you.”

I looked at Bri, he really did speak sincerely, I think he genuinely does like her the way he looks at her is just,

“Bri, I’m sorry I flipped out at you.”

“Frank, dude it’s ok, you have a right to be mad.”

“So you were ranting and raving about my sister for these past two weeks then? Oh god she was your date,”

“Yes Frank I was, I ran from you.”

I laughed slightly,

“Seriously though, hurt her and although I’m small you will get it. Gotta look out for my baby sister.”

I walked over grabbing her ruffling her hair in the process,

“Get off me! Bri help!”


She fake gasped with shock,

“Some boyfriend you are!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Forgot to mention, unless it's says someone elses pov then its mine.

And meh little chapters at the mo.

Thanks for those comments and the subscirbers and the stars.

I give everyone love and cake and skittles.