The Music Teacher

Happy One Month Honey (Part One)

I woke up in a pair of large muscled arms, I turned slightly so that I could see him, it was a month today since he asked me to his. Saying yes was the best thing for me to do, we knew each other inside and out, I knew all his secrets he knew all mine, even the fact that little miss slut here has slept with just about all of her friends except Val, Bob and Mikey, calling myself a bike in the process to which I got the response,

“Can I have a ride?”

Like the man had to ask!

“Happy one month honey,”

“Happy one month to you too sexy.”

He smirked at my choice of words, shame we had to get up and get to school, ruins everything, meh he’ll have to make do with what I have planned for tonight.

“Come on, get up.”

“Nooooooooo, come back.”

“Stop wining and get out of bed, if you don’t you wont be able to join me in the shower.”

And with that he rushed from the bed, sweeping me up in the air to the bathroom,


“Hell yeah! Anniversary shower sex!”

I laughed at him while taking off my cami and shorts whilst he got rid of his boxers pretty quickly before grabbing me again pulling me into the already turned on shower, but the water was still kinda cold,

“Babe you want to do this or not, that waters pretty cold, I don’t want you to go all soft on me.”

He smirked at me shoving me again the wall away from the water attacking my lips, exploring my skin with his hands, I moaned in anticipation, he was growing again my thigh.

This should be good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feel crappy!

Urgh not impressed but hey.

I shall write some sex for next.

Tell me it's going good yeah?