The Music Teacher

Brian's Part 1

Once we pulled up outside Bri’s house me and him got out the car and Frankie started up again to drive off, he said he had some work shit to sort out and wanted to get it done a.s.a.p. he also wanted to let us have alone time, he may not like the idea of us having sex but I’m pretty sure it is going to happen again today, I would say it’s going to happen a lot. What can I say? The man is amazing in bed.

“Ok I take it your staying here then Ru?”

I looked at my brother letting out a little giggle,

“Yeah I’d say so, unless Bri here doesn’t want me here?”

I looked across at him,

“You really think your leaving me already woman!”

“Ok I get it you two I’m going now.”

Poor Frankie, I think my brother needs to get himself laid,

“Frankie, why don’t you go round to Bob’s he needs some and so do you, go help each other out a little.”

I said before winking in my brothers direction before clambering into the house, as soon as I shut the door my back was slammed up against it,

“I was nearly ass raped in that cell you know,”

“Awwww, honey, did a nasty man hurt you? Tell me where and I shall kiss it better.”

He pointed at his bottom lip pouting it out so I pecked his lips but nipped on it as I pulled away,


“Brian you did not just say owwweee?”

He looked and me as I burst out laughing, he’s a grown man and he said owwweee, it’s funny as fuck who wouldn’t laugh?? As I fell to the ground with laughter I heard a low growl,

“It’s not funny!”

“Bri, it’s funny as fuck, owwweee!”

I began to scarper away as I heard him chasing me, getting to my feet I ran up the stairs, my little legs carrying me as fast as they could, I got to his bedroom slamming the door just before he got there and jumping under the bed.

“Hey, don’t hide from me.”

I kept quiet as to keep him from knowing my hiding place, if i remember correctly the window was left open, I saw his footsteps move to the window,

♠ ♠ ♠
Blah, this is crappy sorry guys.

I've had so much college work to catch up on and uni auditions so not much time to write this.


I will promise to have at least one update a week from now on.

I will write ahead if I have to in my little book.

I feel so bad for making you wait and it being crappy

sorry again