The Music Teacher

Here To Stay

After zipping up my skirt I watched as Bri buckled back up his 3rd belt, god knows why he needed all three but that’s him not me. What we had just done felt so good, having him again just felt right,


“I know, your going back to him, I get it.”

I felt tears in the corner of my eyes, he was mad with me,

“I’m sorry ok!”

I walked over to the toilet putting the seat down so I could sit on it, I curled my legs up into my chest and let the tears come streaming down my face,

“Ruth, honey I’m sorry, I don’t mean to get mad with you, I just don’t want to lose you.”

He wrapped his arms around me before taking my chin into his hand and bringing his lips closer into mine and again our lips met in a heated kiss, every emotion just spewed out into that one kiss, it lasting longer before we both pulled away. And I walked to the door,

“I love you Bri.”

I said before walking out and back down the stairs to try and find Zacky, trying the kitchen first and when he wasn’t there I picked up a shot glass and the bottle of JD and began to pour myself shots, knocking back one after the other before the bottle was gone, I stumbled up and walked out into the living room, I still couldn’t see him so I managed to find my way up the stairs, maybe he had gone to the bathroom or gone to lay in a bed or something. Opening the bathroom door I found nothing so I moved onto the next room, I could hear moans so I only opened the door slightly, what I saw I could have done without, Zacky was laid on his back and Robyn was giving him some relief down stairs, I ran, well more like stumbled back down the stairs telling myself not to cry, I fell into those familiar arms,
“Ruth what’s wrong?”

I looked up at him before grabbing him and pulling him into a kiss, fuck Zacky! I didn’t need him anymore.

“Bri, take me home.”


“I mean yours dummy.”

“What about Zacky?”

“What about him? I don’t need him anymore, he quite obviously doesn’t need me so what are we waiting for. Please say you’ll take me back?”

“Hell yeah I will, You can’t keep me away from you that long.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Blah, i'm not too well, it feels like some big man is beating up my tummy. :(

I love my readers more than anything in the world right now, you are all so kind.

Any comments or suggestions as to ways of omproving??
