The Music Teacher

Only Time Will Tell.

As we stepped out of the car and closed the door I could see another car race into the lot, I recognised the plate, it was Jimmy,

“Ru Wait up!”

He yelled out of his window after parking up, he raced towards me just as I hit the floor, tears raining down my face I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me and bring me back up to standing.

“He’s gunna be ok Ru, he’s Zack man he’ll be fine.”

The moment his name came from Jimmy’s lips I whimpered and leant into him,


“No Buts! He’s going to make it, you listen to me he’s going to be fine.”

Jimmy started walking towards to the doors, and placed his arm round me to go with him but Bri stood back, I turned and looked at him,

“Go ahead sweetie, go be with him, he needs you.”

“You’ll,……. You’ll be in there soon though, I can’t go in there if you don’t come with me Brian I won’t be able to last, I did this to him, it’s all my fault.”

I wailed out clinging onto Jimmy before Bri walked towards me taking me out of Jimmy’s arms and into his own, he held me tightly whispering in my ear. Once I was calm enough he took his sleeve and wiped my tear stained face. I kissed his cheat lightly before walking back to Jimmy and walking through the doors with him. He walked to the nurses area and asked for Zack, she said two floors up and room 314, we made our way to the lift and pressed the right buttons, I gripped onto his hand and he squeezed back when the doors opened. Once we were down the right corridor Mrs Baker, she came towards us, I could hear her sobs, she took me into her arms as we held onto each other, she’s like the mother I never had so caring, she didn’t deserve this.

“How is he?”

“Sleeping, they can’t tell when he’s going to wake.”

“Can I…..will they let me see him?”

“Sure sweetie, but he left you this.”

She went I into her bag and pulled out a folded piece of paper handing it to me as I walked into the room. I placed the paper in my back pocket not wanting to read it, I just wanted to sit there with him, hold his hand, be there for him.

I should have been there, I should have stopped him.

“Zacky, please, if you can hear me, wake up, please, for me, for your mum, for your friends.”

I held onto his hand and placed a small kiss on his knuckles.

“Please Zack.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So thats the ending.

Bit of a cliff hanger but to let you all know if you missed the note, I will be sequalling this. I feel the need to so i shall do.

Thanks for all the comments and readers on this as well as the stars it got, it puts a big smile on my face. I hope you'l all stay and read on the next one.
